

  • Thanks ladies! Will do! :-D
  • Thank you so much!! :D I feel like I look leaner and fitter... honestly my clothes feel looser and snugger day by day lol. One day looser another day tighter! Probably in my head! lol. Anyhow, thanks for the note!!
  • I should add that I'm eating 1500 calories and slow carb (steel cut oats) high protein and veggies. I feel like the weight should be sliding off and it's not.
  • Thanks Primal Runner! I'm still in stage :smile: I'm loving it and feeling stronger although it looks like I may have gained weight?! But I feel good. I'm really after loosing inches! Doing NROL4W 3 days a week with intervals after on the stairmaster or running and a TRX class and a warrior boot camp. How long did it take…
  • Thanks so much Wibutterfly :-D I just wondered when people were posting 90lb for squats if they were included the base bar :-D Thanks!
  • Ladies? New to this and loving it. I'm curious, when you post how much weight you're lifting are you counting the weight of the Olympic bar? :smile: I'm trying to gauge if I"m lifting engough weight. I feel what I'm doing, but sometime I think I could try more although I don't want to risk having bad form! For deadlifts…