Stage 1



  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    I just started week 1 on Monday. I'm doing this at home and am using 12 lbs weights (12lb per hand) for each exercise. I'm working on form on my squats - really lowering to 90 degrees, not 45 degrees. I have a bum right knee (5 knee surgeries), so my weights may seem a bit light to some of you. I do have a total gym, so I'm using it for seated rows. I didn't realize that the prone jackknives were 8 reps, so I did 15.

    I stretch a lot - because of my knee issues. I have tight hips and hamstrings, so I stretch at least 4 times a week. My 10 year old daughter is having some issues so I have her stretching with me in hopes that it prevents knee issues for her.

    I lift M/W/F and do some sort of cardio on T/H. I enjoy yoga, but can only do 30 minutes before I'm bored. I'll often do a 20 minute yoga workout on my cardio days.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    OMG! Every time a do jackknives I thank the Goddess I am not in a gym where people can see my dismount! I can't imagine throwing a push up in there!

    I agree! The dismount is never pretty.
    Oh man I remember doing these the first few times. Hell I still Hide in the corner of the gym when I do them. On the last push back, bring one foot down quick. You can practice by holding a push up position on your living room floor with your feet up on something like the couch, coffee table or ottoman.

    Get ready to laugh, I fell off the ball. First time in 20 months. Not only did I fall off but I actually hurt myself (forehead smack)
    Otherwise I had a great workout...until the end.
    Squats 3x10@105
    Push-ups 3x10 Military
    Seated rows 3x10@75
    Steps up 3x10@50 with 6 risers.

    The difficulty of step ups can have more to do with height than weight. I use an aerobic step and add risers for difficulty.
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Is anyone else doing this without a squat rack? I don't have one available to me right now so I just use dumbbells for squats and deadlifts, etc. I find I can't lift way too heavy this way because I feel like the heavier weights are slipping right out of my hands. But when I look at all your numbers I'm like "dang I'm weak sauce".

    Currently I am doing my squats and deadlifts with 25 lb dumbbells in each hand (so 50lbs total)...which is like half of most of you guys or less so am I doing something wrong or is it just because it is so different when using dumbbells instead of the squat rack?

    Wanting to know if anyone else is in my pool or am I just swimming alone at the shallow end?
  • Ladies? New to this and loving it. I'm curious, when you post how much weight you're lifting are you counting the weight of the Olympic bar? :smile: I'm trying to gauge if I"m lifting engough weight. I feel what I'm doing, but sometime I think I could try more although I don't want to risk having bad form!

    For deadlifts right now, stage 1, workout 6, I'm lifting the 45lb barbell + 2 12.5lb (10+ mini 2.5 plate) plates :smile: So would I say I'm lifting 70 pounds?

    I'd love some thoughts and guidance on how much to lift or increase!

    Thanks champs!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Ladies? New to this and loving it. I'm curious, when you post how much weight you're lifting are you counting the weight of the Olympic bar? :smile: I'm trying to gauge if I"m lifting engough weight. I feel what I'm doing, but sometime I think I could try more although I don't want to risk having bad form!

    For deadlifts right now, stage 1, workout 6, I'm lifting the 45lb barbell + 2 12.5lb (10+ mini 2.5 plate) plates :smile: So would I say I'm lifting 70 pounds?

    I'd love some thoughts and guidance on how much to lift or increase!

    Thanks champs!

    Absolutely count that bar...that's 45 lbs right there!
  • Thanks Primal Runner! I'm still in stage :smile: I'm loving it and feeling stronger although it looks like I may have gained weight?! But I feel good. I'm really after loosing inches! Doing NROL4W 3 days a week with intervals after on the stairmaster or running and a TRX class and a warrior boot camp.

    How long did it take you to see results? :smile: I'm looking to tone and drop like 10lb. I'd love your thoughts as you seem experienced :-D
  • I should add that I'm eating 1500 calories and slow carb (steel cut oats) high protein and veggies. I feel like the weight should be sliding off and it's not.
  • anncan37
    anncan37 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to the group...just finished the Stage 1 working B1 today. Those lunges are HARD!!
    Is anyone else just starting?

    I have two questions...has anyone used, or is anyone using the eating plan from the book? have you, or are you doing HIIT during phase 1?
  • anncan37
    anncan37 Posts: 22 Member
    Just read the post above and see that I'm not alone in just starting...sorry, didn't read this far in I guess!
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Just back from the gym - Stage 1 Workout B1.

    I enjoyed this one more than Workout A. There wasn't an Olympic bar available so I had to use a fixed weight barbell, and the only one I could get was 10kg - I know I can deadlift more than that, so hopefully next time I'll have more choice.

    I used 5kg dumbells for the lunges and shoulder presses and lifted 25kg on the lat pulldown which I was happy with. And I didn't fall off the Swiss ball so all in all a successful session :)

    I was out of breath by the end, and felt I got a really good workout. Think I could really enjoy lifting :)
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I am really feeling those Shoulder Presses today!!! Ouch!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I should add that I'm eating 1500 calories and slow carb (steel cut oats) high protein and veggies. I feel like the weight should be sliding off and it's not.

    Measure yourself. I know I retain water like crazy when I lift heavy so I pay more attention to inches and the way clothes are fitting rather than the scale.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Thanks Primal Runner! I'm still in stage :smile: I'm loving it and feeling stronger although it looks like I may have gained weight?! But I feel good. I'm really after loosing inches! Doing NROL4W 3 days a week with intervals after on the stairmaster or running and a TRX class and a warrior boot camp.

    How long did it take you to see results? :smile: I'm looking to tone and drop like 10lb. I'd love your thoughts as you seem experienced :-D

    I've been lifting heavy for awhile, but just actually started NROL4W last week and, I have to say, it's kicking my butt. I'm in the process of bulking right now so I'm eating in a surplus. Just keep doing what you're doing and make sure you're constantly challenging yourself and you will definitely see results. Good luck!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi... I am just starting today. So when i go to the gym today, and do my first set of squats with the bar it weighs 45 lbs. by itself? Mind you i have never lifted one a day in my life before. I have done squats, and am comfortable in my form with just body-weight, I have done them holding 30 lbs. worth of dumbells (two 15 lbs.), but never the bar. So I should start with just the bar, and if I squeeze the 15 out easily add weights to the bar?
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hi... I am just starting today. So when i go to the gym today, and do my first set of squats with the bar it weighs 45 lbs. by itself? Mind you i have never lifted one a day in my life before. I have done squats, and am comfortable in my form with just body-weight, I have done them holding 30 lbs. worth of dumbells (two 15 lbs.), but never the bar. So I should start with just the bar, and if I squeeze the 15 out easily add weights to the bar?

    If you're using an Olympic bar, then it will weigh 45 lbs. If you are unsure, ask one of the trainers at the gym. Start with the bar for your first set. If it's too easy, add weight for the second set. If it's difficult, do just th bar again.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I did my first workout last night. I ended up using the 40 lb. bar bell comfortably. I think my next round with squats I will use the 45 lb. Olympic barbell without added weight and see how that goes. My gym does not have personal trainers available at all times(it is a family rec.), however they do have an attendant (sometimes) . I am a little sore today, but not so sore that I can not move so I am happy with my first workout. I will say that I found out really quickly I am weaker on my left leg with the step- ups. I will be sure to start with that side first next time, and then match my right to it. Overall pretty happy.

    ** I do have another question, and it maybe silly or pointless.... I usually have dinner within an hour of finishing my workout. Should I down my post- workout protein shake right after my workout, or is it OK to eat my dinner, and then have my Shake before bed (about 1 & 1/2 hours- 2 hours after dinner?
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Sup all....

    Back starting a new. Took too long of a break to just pick back up so decided to just start over again. I could have definitely done higher weight, but wanted to make sure form was still good and stuff, so I will raise weight next week. I am only doing twice a week, I refuse to give up running lol. So here are starting stats for S1W1:

    Squats: 45 lbs (bar)
    Push-ups: 15 normal
    Seated Rows: 45 lbs
    Step-ups: BW
    Jackknifes: 8 total
  • I should add that I'm eating 1500 calories and slow carb (steel cut oats) high protein and veggies. I feel like the weight should be sliding off and it's not.

    Measure yourself. I know I retain water like crazy when I lift heavy so I pay more attention to inches and the way clothes are fitting rather than the scale.

    Thank you so much!! :D I feel like I look leaner and fitter... honestly my clothes feel looser and snugger day by day lol. One day looser another day tighter! Probably in my head! lol. Anyhow, thanks for the note!!
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Tonight is Stage 1, Work Out B2. I'm going to try to increase my weights where possible--I know I can for the lunges and I'll add weight for the Swiss ball crunch. The others are going to be a little trickier.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Prone Jacknife has been mastered - its amazing how good a mood not falling of a Swiss Ball can put you in :)