Stage 1



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Done. Done AND DONE! (Except for AMRAPs, but meh, let's pretend mkay?) I *may* do before and after pics and measurements after my off week.

    June 24th - August 6th
    Squat: Smith Machine (I DIDN'T KNOW!) 65# -> Power Cage 105#
    Push-Ups: Smith Level 8 -> Smith Level 5 or Floor
    Seated Row: 50# -> 75#
    Step-Ups (All on 18" platform): 20#DBs -> 25#DBs or 50#BB
    2 Roller Plank to Pike (I subbed this for jack-knifes as I needed more of a challenge): 10 -> 18

    Deadlift: 45# -> 75#

    Ohyea!! You're stats are aesome!! I'm trying to get to 20 on shoulder presses too, but dang it's freaking HARD!!!! I am 18# right now, and on the third set I struggle. That last press is so awesome! LOL Congrats on finishing Stage 1
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15#DBs -> 20#DBs
    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: 20# -> 60#
    Lunge: 20#DBs -> 65#BB
    Decline (45 degree)Teaser (again challenge abs sub): 10 -> 18

    I am SUPER happy with my squat & shoulder press increases! I see changes in my abs, shoulders, arm and a tiny bit in my legs. So stoked for stage 2!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    So today I did 8B, and I'm technically done with Stage 1, except for AMRAPS. I've decided that I'm going to at least repeat the 3 set groups. I just feel like I need to stick for a few more workouts, and actually in the book, the author says if you're a real beginner, you can repeat the sets. So, there you go. I may still do measurements tomorrow, but probably will wait until I really finish.
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    So I finished stage 1 today. I don't have my stats here (I am at work), but I did have good improvements. I did the AMRAP today and combined both the workouts into one session. The thing that let me down on more reps than I completed was my joints. I have RA and too many reps kills my elbows.

    Looking forward to stage 2 as I don't think there has been much improvement in my appearance.

  • mercury8826
    I suppose I should be posting here a bit more since this is where all the peeps are who're in the same stage as me. ^^;; I'm in my "4th" week, but I'm doing the extra long Stage 1 where I'm adding an A and B workout before I increase my weights. =o
    starting the program today, but i'm torn about cardio and whether to add it in or not. i am also a bit anxious because i have never lifted heavy before (ok, i've never really lifted before...)

    scale-wise, i'm about ten pounds above where i'd like to be, but i don't know if doing cardio on off days is really worth it or not.

    so, poll: who's doing cardio in stage 1/how much/what are you doing?

    I usually do a smidgen of cardio to warm-up and cool down on lifting days, and I've been doing 45mins on the Elliptical machine on off days. It just helps my days feel so much better when I do something in the morning. I also do Zumba with a friend about twice a week. =o I'd say, Cardio is ok if you don't over do it (since your muscles need the rest) but its not necessary.
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    Just going to jump in here....I started on July 31st. I have to say that I am really loving the lifting and feel as though I am seeing some results especially in my arms.

    I have a couple of newbie questions...if someone could help out. Do you count the weight of the bar in with your total weight? For example I will be doing Workout 4 Stage A this afternoon soooo is my weight that I am lifting 50 or 95 lbs? I am hoping for the 95 :)

    Starting Stats 7/31 (Just starting workout 4 of stage A today)
    Height: 5'5.5"
    Weight: 184 lbs

    Starting weights:
    Squats: BW
    Push-ups: wall push-ups
    Row: 30lbs
    Step-ups: 5's
    Jackknife: wow...these are super hard for me....sloppy 8ish

    Deadlift: 30 lbs
    Dumbbell should press: 10's
    Pull-down:40 lbs
    Lunges: 10's
    Swiss Crunch: easy 8
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    MrsB I count the weight of the bar. I dont have the 45lb Olympian bar(yet) only a 5' 13lb bar. My last set of deadlifts I added 55lbs to the bar and counted the extra 13..shooo I worked hard to lift it so im counting IT!!
    btw we are doing 4a together. Im on a tues, thur,sat schedule
  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    MrsB I count the weight of the bar. I dont have the 45lb Olympian bar(yet) only a 5' 13lb bar. My last set of deadlifts I added 55lbs to the bar and counted the extra 13..shooo I worked hard to lift it so im counting IT!!
    btw we are doing 4a together. Im on a tues, thur,sat schedule

    Me too! We can cheer each other on :wink:
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    Everyone progress is SO hugely impressive!! I've only completed Stage 1 workouts A & B and feel so puny compared to everyone else :blushing: but we all start somewhere....just did B today and it was really hard!! :tongue: Much harder than I expected...I did the deadlifts with 20 lb dumbbells cause I have an appt on Saturday with a trainer @ my gym to really learn how to properly deadlift. It was super-hard @ 20lbs so now I'm scared to do the much heavier barbell...Yikes! :embarassed:
    I'm with you on that!!! I did body weight and dumbbells for my workout A. Going to do Workout B tonight. I have access to some barbells, but am concerned about starting them at this stage. But can't wait to. :drinker:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yes count the bar! OMG yes yes yes!!

    Don't feel puny! You will be so amazed how quickly you move up. Here's a tip! Don't be as concerned about weight as about form. Take your time, go slow, hit that form correctly and as perfectly as possible. That will do as much if not more towards getting strong than adding weights. And after you get the form right you'll move up in weight really fast.

    I just dropped back down to 10 pound weights on my step ups because I added another 4" step. I am stepping up on I think 14" (better measure it) and I realized I was using my trailing leg to push off from the floor instead of making my stepping leg do the full work. That's much more difficult at the higher step!!! Wow do I feel it now!

    I'm repeating workouts 7 and 8 because I was a real beginner when I started the program. I seriously had not done any lifting for more than 15 years, except for occassionally using some machines when I was pretending to workout. :ohwell: Like several of you said, I litterally started with body weight for most of the exercises. Deadlifts I could only use the barbell, and squats, lunges, step ups they were all body weight. Ah and you should have seen my prone jackknifes! Very funny! But I progressed pretty fast and I think you all will too! Go slow, get your form correct and add weights in small increments! I'm still only squatting 55, but I deadlift 95 now and I will add another 2.5 and hopefully 5 pounds this next workout. My shoulders are probably my weakest point - I can only press 18.5 pound dumbbells and just barely can finish my third set with those. Oh yea, pushups are a bear too. Make sure you keep your elbows at your side, like they promote in the book. I started there at 45 degrees and I'm on the floor now - not quite deep enough yet, but I'm getting there!

    Anyway, congrats all of you for starting! Good luck!!

    ETA In the book, Schuler says easy workouts (not lifting) on non-lifting days is actually good. It helps your muscles recover. Can't remember the page. He also said it was up to you, so if you're totally wiped out, then take a break. When I first started, the thought of doing anything on off days was too painful. I find I recover better and faster now that I'm a bit further along and I do a bit of riding and walking on off days.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I did a second stage 1 workout A last night (am calling it workout 1.1 as I have added in an extra workout A and B to get form sorted and figure out the weights) and felt great.

    I surprised myself by increasing the weight on the barbell already (only 2.5kg but still...) but the push-ups will be a way to go before I'm off an angle.

    I know my form isn't great but improving - I should've done a better warm up on the knees (usually I do 500m on the rowing machine) as I was hurting doing squats and that's not good.

    The other issue I have is - well, prone jacknifes. Everyone else talks about falling off and struggling, yet I don't seem to have a problem. Either I am amazing or doing something wrong. I think the picture in the book is misleading - I looked at a few vids on Youtube and basically the jackknifes should be planks with movement. I'm going to pump up my swiss ball tonight and practice that - keeping my body straight and holding between reps.

    Bet I fall off and struggle..... :laugh:

    am looking forward to workout 1.1B tomorrow - I may even try and fit one in at the weekend (I'm on a twice a week programme with a third if I can)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    4A kicked my butt last night. was able to add weight to all excercises and complete the push ups without reverting to an elbows out position..woo-hoo!
  • mercury8826
    Congrats Melissa!! That's always a nice feeling when you move up and you know you can handle it! c=

    I'm pretty jealous though, I can't do normal push-up because of a wrist injury that hasn't fully healed. My doctor has forbid me from push-ups since its only making it worse. =/ So, I talked about it with my dad, who's been lifting and working out for over two years now, and he suggested I combine three different lifting workouts that'll mostly equate to push-ups. This being Tricep extension, Peck Dec flies, and the dreaded plank. >___< Its not a Push-up, but its working something, ^^;;

    I have my pre-program measurements, but I still need to take my "before pictures"... and I haven't been seeing any change... =/ In fact.. I think I'm looking worse... >__< Any ideas?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm in Stage 5, but thought I'd pop in and see what's going on here. Looks like everyone is progessing well.

    Sue is absolutely correct about form. It is #1, the most important thing about lifting. It's better to be using lighter weights with proper form than pushing to get heavier with bad form and hurting yourself. You have lots of time to increase the weights. That being said, don't be afraid to push yourselves, that's how you improve, but not at the cost of your form.

    And YES, the bar is weighted, so it counts at weight. If you're lifting "just the bar" and it's a standard oly bar, then it weighs 45 lbs and it counts. Even if it's nonstandard and only weights 15 lbs, it still counts because you're lifting it.

    girlinahat - if the prone jackknives are not challenging enough, find videos of the pike move and do that one. Or you can do one-legged jackknives, which I haven't tried but it looks tough.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Soooo, those that have taken a break from lifting due to illness or was it going back? I have not lifted in a week due to vacation (which I was active and ate healthy) and my odd work schedule this week (5p-3a and kids are home during the day = no sleep).

    Just curious how you felt after a week off. Should I go in at the same weights and push through (which I think I will be ok doing...but that is me talking right now...not when I am actually in the weight room :)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Amanda I think that you'll be fine picking up where you left off at. you may even surprise yourself and move up. Keep us posted

    Thanks Mercury. I do feel great going up a weight, last night was 4B and I increased my deadlifts to 83lbs with good form, today I feel it in my quads,glutes and not my back :-) Im stoked!!

    Sorry about your wrist issues because the push up is really one of the best total body weight exercises. But your dads combination sounds comparable. especially the plank!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Soooo, those that have taken a break from lifting due to illness or was it going back? I have not lifted in a week due to vacation (which I was active and ate healthy) and my odd work schedule this week (5p-3a and kids are home during the day = no sleep).

    Just curious how you felt after a week off. Should I go in at the same weights and push through (which I think I will be ok doing...but that is me talking right now...not when I am actually in the weight room :)

    When the kids came east for vacation I took a full week off in the middle of Stage 1. I was so worried about losing what I'd done. It was a silly worry. My first workout back I lifted exactly the same as I had previously lifted. Granted, at that point it wasn't much weight but it was more than I'd started with. I was really concerned that I would need to start over and thankfully, that wasn't the case at all!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Thanks!! I will do my normal weights :) I have squats today...those are my face so I hope to move up a little.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member

    When the kids came east for vacation I took a full week off in the middle of Stage 1. I was so worried about losing what I'd done. It was a silly worry. My first workout back I lifted exactly the same as I had previously lifted. Granted, at that point it wasn't much weight but it was more than I'd started with. I was really concerned that I would need to start over and thankfully, that wasn't the case at all!

    That's good to hear! I'll probably have to take a break at least once a month because of my schedule starting in October.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Thanks!! I will do my normal weights :) I have squats today...those are my face so I hope to move up a little.

    Not today...tomorrow. I didn't get there today. Kids want to go in the morning so that is always helpful not to have to bribe them.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I rocked out A today! My last freaking A! I'm soooo looking forward to B on Monday so I can take measurements. I wanted to vomit after my workout today...I was so ready to be done. I have strived for good form and I make myself do something over if my form wasn't done well...I swear I did a million t-pushups because I kept falling over when I lifted my right arm up. I'd say my core balance isn't as strong on the left as right. I'm hoping with continued work it will get better.