Stage 1



  • danielle5243
    danielle5243 Posts: 30 Member
    HOLY HENRY!! That is some serious rowing chubbycowgirl (can i just say it's strange actually referring to someone as chubbycowgirl :wink: ) HAHA! I feel like a weakling!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    wow!!! those are impressive stats!!! You started higher than I did, I'm actually about where you started now and I just finished 4B today.

    Deadlifts at 60 today, and I'll up those by 10 next time
    Shoulder press at 30 - I have such weak shoulders but I noticed I'm getting some nice definition now
    Lat pull downs at 45

    My lunges were so much better today! I actually could do several at 35 lbs. My left ankle is still wobbly from a fracture and hyperextension that I did in February. I am really careful not to over extend it, but I also want to strength it and get better balance too, so I'm upping weights slowly and as soon as my form starts to fail I'm going back down to the last successful weights.

    Swissball crunches - I do 25 and I guess I'm going to add weights. I just don't feel like I"m getting anything from these.

    Next workout begins the 3 set cycles. I'm really nervous about that truthfully!
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    TheGsMama, I think the bar is definitely easier than trying to grip the huge DBs. I use it for the lunges too. It makes it easier to focus on form and really working the legs, like you said.

    Finished 8B this morning. However, I heard the news of the CO movie theater shooting in the middle of my workout and it was hard to concentrate after that. My prayers got out to the victims and their families. Makes me want to hug my babies close today.

    I'll give my stats for weights now, but I'll post my measurements/BW change later.

    Squats: 20lbs---->95lbs
    Push-ups: Knees---->Floor (although I can improve on form)
    Row: 60lbs---->100lbs
    Step-ups: 12lbs--->75lbs (on 13in step)
    Jackknife: Sloppy 8--->15 with good form

    Deadlift: 65lbs--->135lbs
    DBSP: 12.5lbs--->25lbs
    Lunges:BW--->65lbs barbell
    Swiss Crunch: BW x8 --->25 lbs plate with good form x15

    Looking forward to AMRAPS next week!

    Awesome work!! Those are super impressive numbers :)

    I finished 8B today and I was coming here to post my stats and realized I must have left my log sheets at the gym. Darn, I'll have to go back and get them later!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    You are all doing amazing! I just completed 4b last night and am still doing 45# oly bar deadlifts (which I can definitely increase weights, I'm purchasing weights tomorrow because all I have is 35# weights that are way to much in one shot to increase . I use two 10 lb barbells for lunges & bar weight for rows. I step up with just body weight onto the bench
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 474 Member
    Holy 5A workout! That was a big jump from 2 to 3 sets, and when it was over, I just laid on the went for a 15 minute cool down walk/run.

    I just measured today since I finished 4 full weeks of lifting. In that 4 weeks, I've lost at least 6 inches from my bust, waist hips, and thighs, 4 pounds, and 3% body fat according to online calculators. I'm lifting 3 x a week w/ sporadic cardio mixed in that I'm trying to increase to 30 minutes 3 x a week on non lifting days. I'm eating an average of 2000 calories a day even though I'm aiming for 1900 or so...darn binges.

    All in all, I'm loving this program. Its my first time lifting heavy, and I hope I can continue to do it at home because I don't see myself in the free weight section at the gym. I'm just too self concious.
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    Stage 1 Results:

    Starting weight: 173
    Current weight: 173
    Chest: 36 - 37 (WTF?)
    Waist: 30.5 - 31
    Abs: 34- 34
    Hips: 36 - 36
    Thigh: 21.75 - 22
    Arms: 12 - 12

    *well darn, I was hoping for some losses but looks like I gained inches and stayed the same weight. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone, I feel like I look better than I did before. I feel a LOT stronger, I should take some pics and post them.

    Squats: 20 lbs (on smith machine) to 125 lbs. (squat rack)
    Push-up: 15 reps at 45 degrees to FLOOR! (need to work on getting deeper)
    Seated Row: 42.5 lbs to 80 lbs
    Step-up: 10 lbs (step w/3 risers) to 25 lbs (50 lbs total, step w/5 risers)
    Prone Jackknife: 15 (slow, needed to stop) to 15 (perfect form, rest in plank after each one)

    Deadlift: 60 lbs to 125 lbs
    Shoulder Press: 7.5 lbs to 20 lbs
    Lat Pulldown: 50 lbs to 80 lbs (I switched gyms halfway through, my new gym doesn't have the proper bench to do lat pulldowns, think I could have gotten higher if I had something to keep my butt from coming up off the bench)
    Lunge: 10 lbs dumbells to 30 lbs dumbells (60 lbs total)
    Crunch: 15 (bodyweight) to 15 (25 lb weight extended over my head)
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I just finished Phase 1! What a great feeling to stick with something and create a new routine. Today I found the chalk in the weight room. That really helped. Cant wait to start phase 2.

    Squat 45lb - 105lb
    Push up started on high bench not on one step from the floor
    Seated Row 20lb - 67.5lb
    Step Up 30lb - 50lb
    Prone Jacknife much better form now
    Deadlift 45lb - 115lb
    Shoulder press 20 - 40
    Wide lat pull down 40 - 85lb
    Lunge 30 - 50
    Swiss ball crunch- now use weights and advanced moves
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I can't wait to post my results tonight! My last workout is tonight and then AMRAP's. Did you do amraps on the same day as your last workout or on two seperate workout days?
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I just finished Phase 1! What a great feeling to stick with something and create a new routine. Today I found the chalk in the weight room. That really helped. Cant wait to start phase 2.

    Squat 45lb - 105lb
    Push up started on high bench not on one step from the floor
    Seated Row 20lb - 67.5lb
    Step Up 30lb - 50lb
    Prone Jacknife much better form now
    Deadlift 45lb - 115lb
    Shoulder press 20 - 40
    Wide lat pull down 40 - 85lb
    Lunge 30 - 50
    Swiss ball crunch- now use weights and advanced moves

    I need to find the chalk. My hands are a mess!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    GLOVES!! OMG they help so much!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Holy 5A workout! That was a big jump from 2 to 3 sets, and when it was over, I just laid on the went for a 15 minute cool down walk/run.

    I just measured today since I finished 4 full weeks of lifting. In that 4 weeks, I've lost at least 6 inches from my bust, waist hips, and thighs, 4 pounds, and 3% body fat according to online calculators. I'm lifting 3 x a week w/ sporadic cardio mixed in that I'm trying to increase to 30 minutes 3 x a week on non lifting days. I'm eating an average of 2000 calories a day even though I'm aiming for 1900 or so...darn binges.

    All in all, I'm loving this program. Its my first time lifting heavy, and I hope I can continue to do it at home because I don't see myself in the free weight section at the gym. I'm just too self concious.

    That's the way I've been feeling about it too but Im gonna bite the bullet. I did 5A today too and I did squats with 2 dumbbells at my shoulders - 17/side and I find that it's difficult to maintain form and balance the dumbbells. I currently have a Planet Fitness membership, but they don't have a squat rack and don't like heavy lifters, so I'm investigating other gyms in the area. That $10/month is going to be hard to beat, but what good is it if I can'tlift the way I want.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I am doing the AMRAP's on a separate workout. I doing the first one tomorrow and the second one on Thursday. I am debating on the week on rest. I may start Phase 2 right away. I have a meeting in 2 weeks and have to stay at the hotel. That may need to be my rest week.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I can't wait to post my results tonight! My last workout is tonight and then AMRAP's. Did you do amraps on the same day as your last workout or on two seperate workout days?

    I am doing the AMRAP's on a separate workout. I doing the first one tomorrow and the second one on Thursday. I am debating on the week on rest. I may start Phase 2 right away. I have a meeting in 2 weeks and have to stay at the hotel. That may need to be my rest week.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!! Here are my results!

    Workout A

    Squats: 20 lb bar, 70 lbs on rack

    Push ups: regular to floor push ups, getting better at them-still working on getting lower

    Seated Row: 25 lbs, 55 lbs

    Step ups: 15 lbs weights in each hand stepping onto flat bench, 20 lbs each hand stepping onto flat bench

    Prone jackknives: perfected these w/ full plank between each one

    Workout B

    Deadlift: 45 lb bar only, 105 lbs total w/ bar

    Dumbbell shoulder press: 10 lbs each hand, 20 lbs each hand

    Wide grip lat pulldown: 45 lbs, 70 lbs

    Lunges: 30 lbs bar walking lunges, 50 lbs walking lunges

    Swiss ball crunch: no weight, 25 lb weighted crunches

    No weight change since I did a metabolism reset at the same time. But...totally have lost inches. 2 full inches from my chest. Was able to finally get a bra that was smaller around. And noticable smaller in face and upper body. More definition as well. I feel great!

    I am on TOM so I will try to post before and afters at the end of this week.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Stage 1 Results:

    Starting weight: 173
    Current weight: 173
    Chest: 36 - 37 (WTF?)
    Waist: 30.5 - 31
    Abs: 34- 34
    Hips: 36 - 36
    Thigh: 21.75 - 22
    Arms: 12 - 12

    *well darn, I was hoping for some losses but looks like I gained inches and stayed the same weight. I hope this doesn't discourage anyone, I feel like I look better than I did before. I feel a LOT stronger, I should take some pics and post them.

    Squats: 20 lbs (on smith machine) to 125 lbs. (squat rack)
    Push-up: 15 reps at 45 degrees to FLOOR! (need to work on getting deeper)
    Seated Row: 42.5 lbs to 80 lbs
    Step-up: 10 lbs (step w/3 risers) to 25 lbs (50 lbs total, step w/5 risers)
    Prone Jackknife: 15 (slow, needed to stop) to 15 (perfect form, rest in plank after each one)

    Deadlift: 60 lbs to 125 lbs
    Shoulder Press: 7.5 lbs to 20 lbs
    Lat Pulldown: 50 lbs to 80 lbs (I switched gyms halfway through, my new gym doesn't have the proper bench to do lat pulldowns, think I could have gotten higher if I had something to keep my butt from coming up off the bench)
    Lunge: 10 lbs dumbells to 30 lbs dumbells (60 lbs total)
    Crunch: 15 (bodyweight) to 15 (25 lb weight extended over my head)

    Awesome progress! I don't think I'll have much difference in measurements either, but I *look* smaller. Way to go!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I just finished Phase 1! What a great feeling to stick with something and create a new routine. Today I found the chalk in the weight room. That really helped. Cant wait to start phase 2.

    Squat 45lb - 105lb
    Push up started on high bench not on one step from the floor
    Seated Row 20lb - 67.5lb
    Step Up 30lb - 50lb
    Prone Jacknife much better form now
    Deadlift 45lb - 115lb
    Shoulder press 20 - 40
    Wide lat pull down 40 - 85lb
    Lunge 30 - 50
    Swiss ball crunch- now use weights and advanced moves

    Great results! Incredible to see how much stronger you are:)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I just finished Stage 1!!!! Here are my results!

    Workout A

    Squats: 20 lb bar, 70 lbs on rack

    Push ups: regular to floor push ups, getting better at them-still working on getting lower

    Seated Row: 25 lbs, 55 lbs

    Step ups: 15 lbs weights in each hand stepping onto flat bench, 20 lbs each hand stepping onto flat bench

    Prone jackknives: perfected these w/ full plank between each one

    Workout B

    Deadlift: 45 lb bar only, 105 lbs total w/ bar

    Dumbbell shoulder press: 10 lbs each hand, 20 lbs each hand

    Wide grip lat pulldown: 45 lbs, 70 lbs

    Lunges: 30 lbs bar walking lunges, 50 lbs walking lunges

    Swiss ball crunch: no weight, 25 lb weighted crunches

    No weight change since I did a metabolism reset at the same time. But...totally have lost inches. 2 full inches from my chest. Was able to finally get a bra that was smaller around. And noticable smaller in face and upper body. More definition as well. I feel great!

    I am on TOM so I will try to post before and afters at the end of this week.

    Excellent progress! Hope you can post pics. I am not brave enough for that yet, but love seeing everyone else!
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi all! I'm just jumping in here....I'm on week 2 of stage 1 and really enjoying it so far. I upped my weights on my deadlifts for workout B2 on Sunday night and I'm really sore in the hips/hamstrings/lower back. It's better today which is good because I was going to do workout A3 tonight.

    I have done some heavy (although not quite this heavy) lifting before but had taken most of the spring/early summer off from any strength training because I ran a marathon in June and running was taking over my life. LOL! I'm actually set to run another marathon in about 8.5 weeks but I'm not running it for a time....I'm going to pace my mom in her very first marathon and her finish time should be about an hour (or more) slower than my time so I'm just going to run it for fun (yes, I just used the phrase "run a marathon for fun" and I understand that makes me a little insane). So I'm really not doing any training for it, just getting in a long run here & there to make sure my legs are still prepared for the distance.

    Right now my plan is to do NROLFW 3x a week like the book calls for and I'm also doing HIIT in the form of running sprints 2x a week and getting 1 long, slow run on the weekends.

    Hope to get to know you all a little better as we work through stage 1.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Hi all! I'm just jumping in here....I'm on week 2 of stage 1 and really enjoying it so far. I upped my weights on my deadlifts for workout B2 on Sunday night and I'm really sore in the hips/hamstrings/lower back. It's better today which is good because I was going to do workout A3 tonight.

    I have done some heavy (although not quite this heavy) lifting before but had taken most of the spring/early summer off from any strength training because I ran a marathon in June and running was taking over my life. LOL! I'm actually set to run another marathon in about 8.5 weeks but I'm not running it for a time....I'm going to pace my mom in her very first marathon and her finish time should be about an hour (or more) slower than my time so I'm just going to run it for fun (yes, I just used the phrase "run a marathon for fun" and I understand that makes me a little insane). So I'm really not doing any training for it, just getting in a long run here & there to make sure my legs are still prepared for the distance.

    Right now my plan is to do NROLFW 3x a week like the book calls for and I'm also doing HIIT in the form of running sprints 2x a week and getting 1 long, slow run on the weekends.

    Hope to get to know you all a little better as we work through stage 1.

    Welcome aboard!!! Sounds like you are on the right track.