Stage 1



  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    WOO HOO, have Stage 1 A4 tomorrow and my squat racks have arrived so now I can see just how much I can squat :happy:

    I'm jealous! I really have to make a decision about that. I know it's crazy but I"m so intimidated at the gym. I think I need to go over there at 5 am when it first opens up and have one of the trainers help me with the rack and seated row machine.

    yeah get a PT to run you through the free weight section and show you correct form, you pay your gym fees you have as much right to be in the free weights section as anyone else!! good luck

    Squat rack rules!!! was able to squat 40kg (88lb) :)
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Did my first workout today. I mixed up the order on the step ups and jackknives (getting on the ball the first time was interesting and I'm glad I was alone) but otherwise did okay. I feel good. When I was done I felt wobbly but not unable to do anything (this does not appeal to me) and I can tell my muscles will be sore tomorrow. A half hour after my workout I was ravenous.

    I'm looking forward to Thursday's workout but I'll need my husband to help me get the Olympic bar down. That thing is heavy and awkward. I'm not sure why he put it up so high.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Workout 3A complete. I decided to try out the squat rack instead of the smith machine for my squats today. It went just fine. I added the same amount of weight that I do on the smith. Not sure what the bar weight difference is... Anybody know? My right knee is pissed right now so I skipped my 10+ mins of HIIT that I usually do on the treadmill after these stage 1 workouts.

    I think I need some new gloves (using an old pair of biking gloves currently) and maybe some flatter shoes. My trainers are pretty couchy and feel like they aren't helping my stability.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Workout 3A complete. I decided to try out the squat rack instead of the smith machine for my squats today. It went just fine. I added the same amount of weight that I do on the smith. Not sure what the bar weight difference is... Anybody know? My right knee is pissed right now so I skipped my 10+ mins of HIIT that I usually do on the treadmill after these stage 1 workouts.

    I think I need some new gloves (using an old pair of biking gloves currently) and maybe some flatter shoes. My trainers are pretty couchy and feel like they aren't helping my stability.

    Hey G! The smith vs free squats are way different. Normally, if I can squat 150 on the smith, I'd be able to do *maybe* 110 free (in the squat rack). And that all depends on your balance. The smith bar weighs almost nothing compared to the olympic bar. High five for doing the same weight!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Good day everyone.

    I finished stage 1 6B yesterday and felt great. I never thought I would enjoy lifting weights but I really do.

    The only thing I am a litle discouraged on is: I am NOT seeing any difference in my body, clothes or the scale.

    Anyone else experience the same thing? Does it take longer for the changes to appear.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I got my lifting gloves today. Woot! I was getting red, ouchy hands from the BB and DB. We'll see if I like using them today. Does anyone else think it's fun when you're the only lady using the weights at the gym? Or you go to use one of the machines and have to double or triple the weights that the last person used? :)

    I have gloves, use 'em all the time, even if people laugh cuz my weights aren't heavy enough to need 'em. I'm accustomed to using them.

    I did 3B today, man I know I didn't stretch enough after my workout on Sunday!, MY right quad was so sore I couldn't do the full range of motion on the lunge. I've already stretched it out more today and it's feeling better, thankfully! That was really painful and very frustrating. I need to add more weight for my deadlifts, but it was ok, I went slow, and really concentrated on form. I increased on my lat pull downs, but not on the shoulder presses. I really struggle with those, I think because I broke my collarbone a few years ago and they didn't brace me while it was healing and the bone overlapped. I'm significantly weaker on that side and I tend to hunch up my shoulders generally, which I am really concentrating on NOT doing while I lift. So I'm content to stay at 25 for the moment until I lift without the struggle. Won't be long I know! I'm going to start holding weight when I do the swissball crunches, since I'm not feeling significant challenge without.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Good day everyone.

    I finished stage 1 6B yesterday and felt great. I never thought I would enjoy lifting weights but I really do.

    The only thing I am a litle discouraged on is: I am NOT seeing any difference in my body, clothes or the scale.

    Anyone else experience the same thing? Does it take longer for the changes to appear.


    Did you take pictures? I'm halfway done with Stage 3 and I STILL wear the same clothes and weigh 2 lbs MORE than I did when I started (I know, yikes!). I do have to say I was pretty bummed when I pulled out my scale for the first time since starting this past Saturday to see the gain. I snapped a picture in a bathing suit and compared it to a picture I took at the end of Stage 1 (it's on the daily chat thread) and there is quite a big difference. Plus, it was only like 5 weeks ago which is less time it takes to finish the first stage.

    Don't get discouraged. If you're following the program and the diet (well, some decent diet), which it sounds like you are, you're moving in the right direction. Now that I've got a decent idea of the workouts AFTER stage 1, I'd go back and suggest some HIIT or at least some cardio at the end of the Stage 1 workouts -- at least until the 3 sets kick in (which I know they have for you by now).
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good day everyone.

    I finished stage 1 6B yesterday and felt great. I never thought I would enjoy lifting weights but I really do.

    The only thing I am a litle discouraged on is: I am NOT seeing any difference in my body, clothes or the scale.

    Anyone else experience the same thing? Does it take longer for the changes to appear.


    I carry most of my fat in my hips, lower abdomen butt and thighs. Yes, I'm seeing a change there, partly due to lifting, and partly due to weight loss - I'm down 2 pant sizes, sometimes, and nearly all my pants and skirts are loose in the waist. But I've not had major changes to my chest or back, at least that I can see, and my tops all seem to fit the same.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    6B today deadlifted 108lbs!! Wooooooo! Woooooo! Totally awesome :smile: ummmm does lifting make anyone else :blushing: frisky? Shame I have no one to share with :laugh:

    Claudette - I've not lost much weight, I didn't have much to lose, particularly chest area. So not seen much change there, there is some in my stomach/hips but think I'll notice a change when I compare my photos. I have some little arm muscles coming :laugh:
  • Bluemountain22
    Bluemountain22 Posts: 191 Member
    4a today and was able to up most my exercises, did 90lb (40kg) on the squats which was something I never thought I could do comfortably after so many knee problems :)

    Bent over row went well as well, I've found with much better form I can do 30kg now.

    Unfortunately I'm plateauing right now weight wise, I've stayed the same for 3 weeks, so I'll be adding on more cardio to see if things begin to shift as interval training starts in 4 weeks. I'm thinking about also adding plank work at the end of my workouts as I'm rubbish at holding them.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    6B today deadlifted 108lbs!! Wooooooo! Woooooo! Totally awesome :smile: ummmm does lifting make anyone else :blushing: frisky? Shame I have no one to share with :laugh:

    Claudette - I've not lost much weight, I didn't have much to lose, particularly chest area. So not seen much change there, there is some in my stomach/hips but think I'll notice a change when I compare my photos. I have some little arm muscles coming :laugh:

    Yay, I get frisky too for weight lifting. Hahah. Especially DLs. FEEL THE POWER! Hehe. Squats raise confidence, but DL raise sexual prowess. Or something. Maybe I'm just crazy.

    Congratulations on the increase!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Just finished workout B. I couldn't get all the way down on the lunges, never mind holding weights, but I got down lower on the 2nd set than the 1st. Did ok on everything else. I didn't think I'd be able to lift the Olympic bar (had to have my husband get it down 'cause its awkward) but I managed. I'm thinking I could add a couple plates next week.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Great job fattybumbum on upping the weights!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    7A today, had an epic error when setting up for squats (cause I clearly can't add) I put on 50kg rather thn 30kg...... I got through my second set of 8 thinking this is bloody hard and my form is off, why can that be? Then I looked at my weights again :blushing: So yeah squat 110 lbs! Form could be much better though!
    Finally upped my step up weight (22lbs in each hand) hurt like hell but was good! Struggling to move up with good form on my seated rows, but had a great workout :smile:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    @FunBun so glad it isn't just me who feels the frisk after Deadlifting!
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I've been noticing that most people have higher weights for the deadlifts vs. squats and I'm starting to wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I'm lifting 95 lbs. for squats (including the weight of the bar) but only 65 lbs for deadlifts (including bar weight) and I'm actually not sure how much more I can up that next time, if felt pretty heavy.
    How are you all doing your deadlift? You're bending your knees right? I tend to baby my lower back so maybe that's why I haven't progressed as much. Anyway, any advice/info would be helpful thank you!!

    I have one more of each workout for stage 1, then the dreaded AMRAPs.

    I started the program doing more weight on deadlifts than on squats but eventually squats caught up. I could probably go heavier on squats than deadlifts now but have been increasing them the same.

    I think we are all stronger in different areas but it does help to learn what others are doing.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have been plateaued for a while now and I'm frustrated but I've decided I'm just going to work on getting strong. I have to up my weights, but I haven't lifted since Tuesday so I think I will hold steady and see how I feel. If it's ok then I'll up on the 2nd set of everything. I'm doing Stage 1 4A tomorrow.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Pooky, I've done the same thing with squats. I could barely lift the bar off the rack and realized I had like 30 lbs more than I should.

    We went on a mini vacation last week, so I'm avoiding the scale and tape measure for a few days. Pretty sure I'm holding on to at least 5lbs of bloat due to bad eating AND it being TOM.

    Apparently my body liked a bit of a break as I had a great workout this morning.

    6A(redo as I wasn't able to really complete it at the hotel gym Wednesday)
    Squats: 90lbs
    Push-ups: Still on the bench :/
    Rows: 90lbs
    Step-ups: 12 inch 30lbs each hand
    Jack Knifes: 12 reps really focusing on form.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Well today I will be doing 8A of stage 1 - I am looking forward to this stage wrapping up as I get bored easily and need to switch things up.

    I have noticed that in my squats and deadlifts I have doubled my initial weights, so happy about that.

    As for my deadlifts, I still think I may be doing those not 100% correct as my gym does not have an olympic bar - we only have a straight curl bar, works the same I guess, just shorter.

    Have a great day.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Today I will finish stage one... I don't see any difference but i will post pics prolly tomorrow and let you all judge...