

  • Lots and lots of things can keep you from losing weight. Just keep exercising, and try switching it up. Maybe even take a day or two off. If you have been doing the same workouts, your body could have gotten used to them, and you should ramp it up. I know when I was working out with a trainer, I kinda hit a wall in losing…
  • Hi Ava! I'm doing the same thing. Im 25, and just trying to really hone in on my eating. The calorie counting is what I really need to do. But I also hope to stay motivated by gaining friends here who are trying to accomplish the same things I am. Good luck in your journey!
  • tifanieb - Awesome name.....Im Tiffany too. I cant do the impact stuff either. Mini trampoline huh? Since you are the 2nd to mention it, I might have to try it. I avoid work out videos most of the time bc a lot were packed full of squats, lunges, and running in place. I do like Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds though!…
  • c031588 - I feel you on the yoga stuff. I cant put my knee directly on the ground and bear all my weight on it, and the cat poses, and moving from certain poses to others made me do this. VERY uncomfortable. My knees also hurt when I go up on the levels when biking, so it is frustrating. I have a brace for both the knees…
  • Well currently Im not having knee issues, because I havent been working out for the past several months! So no swelling or achyness right now. I just needed some things I could do at the gym. I saw a physical therapist for weeks after seeing the Dr. and I just never felt like they really wanted to help me. I did not feel…
  • I just finished a yoga class on Monday. It was 6 Mondays, teaching basic poses. It didnt really feel like a lot because it was a week between classes, and basic basic poses. What types have you tried, and did it feel like it helped strengthen your legs?
  • You can do it! This is just a first step. I hope you reach your goals you are setting for yourself, and that you reap the benefits of having a long, active life.
  • Hi Amber! Hahaha, my first post I named NKOTB too! I, like you, am more concerned with losing inches than pounds. I feel that if Im obsessing over pounds on a scale, it would demotivate me if I was off. I hope that this site helps you continue your goals! Dont get upset over last night, everyone has weak moments. Just…
  • NKOTB was a little before me....I was an N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys kinda tween. But they arent bad! I like so many types of music. Thanks for the greeting kerryannk! Im thinking 125. But really my goal is to wear a belt. I wear my pants high as to not muffin top, but putting a belt around the biggest part of my tummy is…
  • I do the stationary bikes at the gym, its just a little repetitive being pretty much the only cardio I can do.
  • Good luck! My inspiration is to be fit and healthy before having kids(its a ways away...but still gotta get after it sometime). I'm so afraid of doing what all the women in my family have done, which is have babies and gain weight from then on. I want to be active before, during and after the pregnancy. I hope that your…