new kid on the block

Hello everyone! My name is Amber and I just joined today. Iv been on a weight loss journey my entire life, I remember being the only 4th grader on weight watchers. About a year ago I was tipping the scales around 250lbs!!! It was probably more, I was sure to avoid scales at all costs until the day came that I could fit into a size 22. Today, Im at 185lbs and still losing. I needed some motivation after last night (Valentines day alone with a box of pizza and cinnabuns buns), I dont know what came over me, I havent eaten anything like that in about a year. I recently joined the cycling team at my university and love it, Im just sick of being the team "fat kid". At this point, I would say Im more concerned with losing inches than pounds since I am also trying to build muscle.


  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    if u want friend me
  • Mamaheatherhg
    amber we are all here for you, your beautiful remember that, my motivation is my life, i want to live, i tipped the scale at 326 a few months back and when i joined i was at 314, i know i have lost 10lbs so far, but on feb 18, i go to the doctor and find out really how much and i was at doctor on jan 18. I want to live i want to see my son grow up i want to know what's next in my life. You can add me if you like
  • musiccuresall
    Hi Amber! Hahaha, my first post I named NKOTB too! I, like you, am more concerned with losing inches than pounds. I feel that if Im obsessing over pounds on a scale, it would demotivate me if I was off. I hope that this site helps you continue your goals! Dont get upset over last night, everyone has weak moments. Just focus on today and what you are doing today to help you reach your goals!