dizzybellRN Member


  • 3 years out for me too, lost 140 and over the past year I am up 36 pounds due to reverting back to my old habits. Had to shop for bigger pants and I was aghast at the size I had to buy. Back on serious track since yesterday, whole foods and modified keto. Need to cut out the alcohol completely and listen to my sleeve.
  • I have found beef to go down and stay down so much better than chicken/turkey or even pork. Ground beef is the toughest, but a bit of nice steak is sooo good! Fish goes down pretty well too, and I eat a lot of deli ham. I have an iced americano with cream and Light & Fit Greek yogurt every day so far. Also a Premier choc…
  • I know it's frustrating! I didn't really start losing weight until I got my water over 70oz a day! You are likely retaining water unless you are getting at least 64oz. I am only 5 months out but I have really slowed down too. Hugs!
  • Thanks for the kind words everyone! Keri
  • I am still a newbie, but I take jerky or grilled/roasted chicken in a ziplock and a RTD protein shake with me wherever I go in case I get hungry. It's really hard, but you need to detox off simple carbs to kick the cravings. I don't like the idea of a "pouch test" because we don't have pouches! Just increase your protein…
  • Good luck on your journey! Congratulations for getting it done. Walk as soon as your able, it really does help! Keri