treehugginmom Member


  • Do you have any idea how to change it? Thanks for your help...
  • Hi...I have to agree with most of the responses's really not in your body's best interest to lose as much weight as you've stated you would like to in the time you mentioned. If you actually did lose that much weight in that amount of time, it would more than likely be taken from your muscle tissue, as your body…
  • You don't have to, you can lose weight (slowly) without it. But don't you want to look toned and feel great? That's where the workouts work their magic! For me, I get through my daily workouts by hooking up my mp3 with my favorite music, it's a great motivator. :smile:
  • I woke up this morning!
  • I know this sounds like a commercial, but I'm packing the kids up and going to Disneyland! We don't go all that often and last time I went I was afraid to ride the rollercoasters because of my weight. I'm gonna drag them onto EVERY rollercoaster in the place (CA Adventure too)...5 days of walking, riding, fun and shows.…
  • For workouts I listen to a lot of Muse, 3 Doors Down, Linkin Park, Skrillex and DeadMau5...but I have a little bit of everything as far as rock and alternative music goes, it's all good! :laugh:
  • Hey...I cut the squash into equal sized pieces, put it in a microwave safe dish and some kind of lid on it with about 1 inch of water on the bottom of the dish. Cook for about 10 min. on high, maybe less, (microwaves have different power levels)...just check it halfway thru and you will see if it is starting to soften by…
  • You definitely need someone you can lean on that understands what you're going thru...I would love to help support you! I have 90 pounds to go, have lost 60, fell off the wagon recently and struggling to get going again. I'll send a friend request..;p
  • I use them all. I only go to the gym a couple times a week, but I also use weight lifting video (Kelly Coffey Meyer who will KICK YO BUTT!), treadmill, swimming laps, and nordic track. I walk/run in the fall and winter, summer's out as I live in the desert. I think having a variety of different things to do (but the…
  • A workout without my mp3 is not nearly as productive as one with it...I listen to a variety of music while working out, but rock, dubstep, some pop and Alternative work best for me. Would love to join the group, will check it out. ;p
  • Will love to help, I have a sedentary job but make sure I get a daily 30-40 minute workout. I know what you mean by trying to stay active! I will add you...if I can figure out how, lol.
  • I am new here too, would love to support and be supported, we can definitely do this! Add me if you like...;p
  • I am currently doing a 3 day juice fast, mostly veggies with a little bit of fruit for detoxing. This is my first try at this, as I am fairly new to juicing, but I know it is a safe way to detox. You're getting all your vegetables, some fruit and if you're worried about protein intake you can put flax or chia seeds in your…
  • I am very motivated to try this...small goals are perfect for me. ;p