I can't tell from your profile, for sure, but it seems you are a woman. My point in bringing up gender is this: Many women are afraid to 'lift heavy,' and fear they will look 'like a guy'. This is just not so (for example, take a look at many professional female power lifters: Many of them who are quite strong look like…
I'm not a personal trainer (and I don't play one on TV -or my website!), but since I've gotten about 50% stronger in all the classic powerlifting lifts (documented on a you tube clip, linked in my profile), I do know a few things: Don't starve yourself (unless under supervision of medical professionals). Fasting (partial…
I agree, Missa! We not only eat unhealthy foods, but those foods which we *do* eat are processed way too much, and have chemicals (e.g., antibiotics, hormones, etc.) added -and the cows are fed corn, not grass -and over-milked (stressful, affecting the quality of milk, I'm sure). I would respectfully disagree that soy is…
I would guess that how the food is processed might play more of a role than we might imagine. Furthermore, I think that the dangers of soy are exaggerated, and this too may play a role. Lastly, in some countries where soy is popular, they also have many other healthier lifestyles in both their diet, exercise, and levels of…
Some people are allergic to say (I think it is because the seed had a "self-defense" mechanism to protect itself?) But for those people, many good vegan alternatives exist to obtain plenty of well-balanced protein. You can: #1 - do your research to see which foods are high risk (I have read that regular old processed…
Squat Flat Bench Press Deadlift (But, if the Gods said that I could include a few more -hey, they have that power, right? :bigsmile: ), then I'd add: Pull-up / Chin-ups (pull-up grip is underhand, chin-up, overhand) Standing (Military) Press The Olympic lifts: Snatch & Clean-&-Jerk Sprints (not technically a 'lift,' unless…
Oh, that's right -- there WAS one more thing I had been doing wrong early on: Nia looked at my video(*) and said my butt was shooting up into the air too soon, making this kind of like a stiff-legged deadlift. ETA: (*) An old video -probably even before the 320-vid -- and I think I've improved here, but apparently not as…
Yes - that's what it is still about (no matter how much I try to convince them to take their humour elsewhere -or their discussion of "Gordon's" form, etc.) - but, in all seriousness, Tucker, a few short replies to people asking for advice is not totally out of the question.
Also, you might make sure you're using a "mixed grip" for the deadlift (you can Google that) - one hand over and one under: That way the bar doesn't roll out your hand, due to the cross-torque cancellation here. Furthermore, you can do real heavy rack pulls to exercise your grip - like I do in my video, which link is in my…
not usually: I am new to this social network.
you obviously haven't been keeping up w/ posts, Sara: I already answered that -but because u asked: People in my weight class (123-lbs or 52-kg) are generally VERY much shorter than me -- both men and women. Anyone who is 5'9" and my weight is generally thought of as a statistical anomaly - e.g., skinny.
Oh, ok - thx.
now, now, Sara: I've pretty much left off defending myself -and generally are only replying to people who have asked for help -- you seem a bit stressed?
Well, April said that my 320 deadlift (an older video) was better than most others (even before that) -- and so, while not perfect, I was "OK" in those older vids -- the 710-vid (the current one) is (I think) an improvement even more so than the 320. (I.e., I don't think I've gone backwards in form.) But, if you think I'm…
Once again, thx 4 the advice, but as we've discussed earlier, I'd prefer to keep this thread to either "how much can you lift" or short and polite answers to lifters asking for help with their programme -- it's not all about me --- if anyone wants to chat with me, feel free to come on over to either:…
I'm not the strongest person around, and so I'm not bragging - but using accurate measuring standards is always best to get to the actual facts -and not mere opinions - when I look into the mirror, I want to see an accurate picture - Truth Seeker - not bragging. :glasses:
Thx 4 the advice -- well-intended -and good -- but actually, you need not worry: I eat like a horse - and yet don't gain weight. (But, I find that I'm stronger when I stuff my face with food - and I feel better too -not to mention the food tastes great!)
If you look closely, you'll see that April's comment (as all the others) was on the 320-lb vid, not the current 710-lb vid. (which I think had better form).
(Actually, it *is* tall for the 123-lb weight class - my weight class - most in my class are shooort! Migits almost, indeed.!)
now, now -- I've stopped defending myself (with one exception to a poster who didn't see that I had 2 lifting videos and made progress on my form) -- but if and when a poster asks for feedback (and several did), it IS ok to politely and briefly answer with feedback and assistance. :glasses:
My opinion is relative -- but I am thinking about MY weight class, the 123's -- in that class, practically NOBODY is 5'9" or taller.
Re: "I went to see the feedback last night, but it wasn't up yet. " The old thread is here: It was either locked because of abuse of off-topic rules or, perhaps because it hit the 20-page limit (if such a limit exists - I don't know?) Re:…
Correct -WAS bad in this vid: "320 lb deadlift + 585 lb rack pull @ 120-lb bodyweight (DeadliftDay.wmv)" Corrected form (much better) in THIS subsequent (follow-up) vid: "Powerlifting-Before & After: featuring a 635-lb RackPull & 710-lb Yoke lift at 120-lb. bodyweight"…
GWW sez.... 155 x 8 reps implies about a 193.75-lbs one rep max -- not bad - especially for a real tall lifter, but I feel you can get stronger if you train hard and eat & sleep a lot. Don't forget to deload once every 4 or 5 weeks if you train real heavy.
I usually do better with a sumo stance, since I'm a bit tall. (Oddly enough my 1RM for the floor DL is 295 conventional but only 285 sumo, but I feel this will change if I get back in the gym more regularly: The sumo, while hard on the hips due to the "gymnastics split" physics, lets you get closer to the bar, so it is…
Use a mixed grip (one hand over and one under) --and if that's not enough, use a "hook grip" (where you lock your thumbs) -- but careful! The hook grip's a bit STRESSFUL on your thumbs. -- I am confident you will have no trouble holing a lot more weight than that if you use the mixed (cross) grip and train hard - let us…
If You put had 90-lbs on a bar, the total weight was 135-lbs, since the bar weighs 45-lbs. You should do work sets with whatever weight you can safely do for about 3 sets of 8, but which is pretty hard to get that 8th rep. To get stronger, increase the weight on the bar, and decrease the number of reps per set (warm up…
To answer your question, a 275-lb deadlift for 4 sets of 6 is not bad -especially for a newbie (6 reps implies about a 325 1rep max -probably more if you can do this for sets) - but you don't specify your height or weight, so an exact answer is difficult to ascertain -whatever you lift, if you do your best and steer clear…
Sadly, probably not - even *before* I noticed that the topic was locked, my superiour officers in my personal circle (which 'circle' is a topic beyond the scope of this thread) have suggested that I not answer any other "off-topic" questions in this (or any other) thread, but, instead, invite anyone with "off-topic"…
I really want to -- perhaps, next time, however, I will try a little harder to resist the urge to reply... (I am not strong in all areas; LOL) - do help me, tho, peeps: While we may not agree on all things, I do think we've all had a good chance to have our views hears, and this poster's suggestion (to drop it) is probably…