

  • Good evening, Ladies. Mind if I join this awesome group. This is my second time trying to loose over 50lbs through MFP. I have a good friend in Virginia who is trying to loose 25lbs. and we are working together on MFP. I am going to tell her about this Message Board. Unfortunately, I have a few physical problems that…
  • I agree with "sometimes" working some fast food into your calories, etc for the day but what you have to really look at is "Is this a trigger food for me?" The advice I was given by my therapist is to sit with a craving for about 20 minutes and you will probably fid that you don't crave it like you originally did. It's not…
  • Okay! I saw lots of "replies" to my cry for help. Now I am new to all of this so I have a bit of a question. How do you add people and what exactly does that mean--to "add" someone. WESMAS3 is my user name. Real name is Margaret.
  • Hi, I'm 63 years old with about 50 lbs. to loose and I DESPERATELY need some support and motivation from people who know what it is like to try and loose this much weight at this age. Unfortunately, I am really upset with myself over gaining so very much weight as several years ago I lost 75lbs. in a year and went from a…