

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Someone sent me this link and I have to share. This is for all of us:wink::laugh:

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies. :flowerforyou: I am waiting for the phone call to tell me my great grandson is born. My DGD called at 4 this morning and said she was going to the hospital as pains were 4 minutes apart and pretty strong. I talked to her alittle after 6 on my way to work and they were a minute apart. She is having the baby in Hastings which is 25 miles away. So I am excited.

    Joyce--saying prayers for you and your sister. I know telling you to let go and let God is easier said then done. But please know he is in control.:heart:

    Allison--you take care of you also.:heart:

    Sylvia--Please take care of yourself. Prayers for DS and DGC. :heart:

    Sue--That is great news about DD and her school money. It warms my heart to hear about the kindness of others. Shows the world is not all bad.:flowerforyou:

    Carol--very wise words that I printed off and will post around my computer to remind me. Thanks.:smile:

    Cynthia--glad to hear you feel good about your work meeting.

    Margaret--interesting fact about the penny. Thanks for sharing.

    Carol--I am so sorry about your deal with the church. I understand how you feel when they change things and not for the good. What did the lawyer say about this? I would stand by what you know is right. Good Luck, prayers and hugs.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Been a stressful morning at work so far today. They have not gotten the overhead paging fixed. Does not make the doctors happy. I just pray we do not have a code or fire. Someone from the paging company is to come out from Omaha sometime today. Then Dan, a guy I work with and has cancer. Went to the doctor yesterday and he now has 6 tumors and they are growing so the meds that cost so much are not working. The doctor is to call him back today with what they will try next. We are trying to talk to him about checking out cancer centers of America.
    Just got an update on DGD and they broke her water, hoping it will not be long now. I am working an 8 hour shift today, which is my normal for Wednesday and planning to walk home. Enjoy the beautiful day. Hope it does not get really hot.
    I called the book store this morning to find out if my order for SWSY had come in. They said it was there. Would of been nice if someone would have called. Anyway I will get out there this evening and get is picked up. Have a great rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Katla - I watched the video and enjoyed it very much...........but I do not know what you are hinting at...........are you trying to say I am am older lady? ! ! ? ! ! ? :noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :wink: :laugh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    Talked to the realtor yesterday,they are interested in us renting.However,I need our current landlady to talk to them.I have left messages as she does`t answer the phone.Giving her the benefit that she may be on vac,but my gut says,she`s ignoring our calls.
    So praying on this,trying not to eat over this.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Had horrible food all day yesterday but still stayed under; just one of those days. Even half a can of Sprite; handed to me by a well-meaning older man at the event last night...........haven't had soda for ages but drank a little to be polite and every swallow I was counting calories and thinking I could use them better!!! Well over 10,000 steps again.

    Down to 7 1/2 pounds to go on the "tenacious 10"..........those last 10 that keep coming back.

    Kathy........Welcome back; I remember you! Thank you for donating blood today! Glad to hear your studies are going well.

    Sylvia........Agreed: if you feel like you need an ambulance, you probably do! Glad you are feeling better. Very sorry for the trauma hanging over the kids, but no idea which course of action would be best.............

    Lesley............Hmmmmm...tried something called "pasties" when I lived in Mi many years ago............it was a kind of meat pie, had a BF who came from an area where they were popular (Upper Penninsula)........is that like yours?

    MancLass............Great running plans!!! I got involved with our local runners through my DD who started running with a kids team in first grade; she's done three half marathon trail runs and countless 5 and 10Ks. I am usually found volunteering at the finish line...........when she went off to college I just kept volunteering; it's a wonderful group of people and I've made good friends even w/o running.

    Cheryl............I checked out the page; it looks like she has tons of support and next year is well taken care of!

    Cynthia..........That robin story is well worth the retelling!!! Best of luck with your job issue.

    Margaret..........I change the water daily in the birdbath when I water my tomatoes and cucs; the force of the water does a good job cleaning out all the buildup...........every now and then when I dump it out I scrub with a weak Clorax solution.........will try your old penny thing too, thanks!

    Carol..........My take would be to get the lawyer involved and on your side to point out to them just how bad the problem of child sexual abuse is and just how responsible they could be financially esp if, god forbid, something happened and it would come to light that an alternative to the private changing was suggested, indeed fought for , and ignored. Money talks.

    Suzy.........Glad your back is better. Mine has been acting up and after last night standing half bent over for a couple hours to do registration has it complaining again.

    Joyce...........Speaking to your sisters kids might help. Every state has ways to revoke driving rights and that mix of drugs should not be in the blood of anyone driving. If she has an accident and blood is taken (and it will be, if she seems impaired), she could well end up in jail especially if someone is injured.

    Stay strong!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys. Michelle, I was not wanting to do those things to my sister's car, although it is a good idea. I wanted to do this to my BIL car so that he would have to cancel out in going with his wife and call me and have me go. Carol, thank you for the Let go poem. I know all that, I have been brought up in my life believing it but my humanity just makes it so, so difficult.

    I called my BIL this morning and told him my concern about TIA escalating and asked that he relay that to her doctor. I also told him again that I would go with her if she couldn't but he is going. This guy used to be kind of 'cold' on the outside. But when Norma goto her cancer and had very extensive surgeries for it, had complications, and was very ill he was there for her. He never let her go to any appointment without her, he took over all household duties without question, moved his work to their home as much as he could and showed us a different guy. We appreciated it so much especially since we ahd never seen this side of him. So with this going on I can understand why he is taking the stand he is. I just wish he would take it one step further and take the car keys away from her. If it continues like this I am going to have to break their confidence and call their oldest son and tell him what is going on and have him put pressure on the both of them. They haven't even told their kids anything is wrong. And their daughter is such a prayer warrior I don't know why they wouldn't let her know. I feel like I am hiding a secret in not letting them know. I am jsut so torn between both sides. Yes Carol, I need to let it go because I have no control and it is all in God's hands and He knows how to take care of her because He made her.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: I have been to water exercise and done some gardening today so far. Still have some more filing to do. I am determined to get through it before DGD arrives next Monday. Someone on here was wondering about conversion of other activities to steps. I knew I had a conversion chart but could not locate it until I ran across it cleaning out my files. Wow imagine that! The source is given as Northern Michigan "Let's Get Moving!" program 2007. It was given to me by my health coach at the time. I don't know if this program still exists or maybe it has been updated. It gives an equivalent of 2000 steps for 20 minutes of easy swimming, 12 minutes of moderate swimming or 8 minutes of vigorous swimming. For weight training it gives an equivalent of 2000 steps for 30 minutes of easy, 20 minutes of moderate or 15 minutes of vigorous. It lists quite a few other activities as well.

    Joyce - Hope things work out with your sister. It is really scary that she is driving in that state.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Gloria - Please take care of yourself! I'm so sorry to hear that your son's ex is being so mean. I simply can't understand parents who use their children to hurt others. Why would any sane mother want to damage her child?! :frown:

    Carol in NC

    Thanks for your concern and acknowledging I'm here, but I think you were referring to Sylvia. My son's father simply ignores his existence.:indifferent:

    Regarding your church situation, and coming from someone who is not especially religious, praying and/or church going, if your church is not bringing you peace and clarity, then what is the point? There's a devil's advocate pun in there somewhere but I'll pass since this is not a funny topic. Seriously speaking, I wouldn't really want to be a part of any type of church that I didn't leaving feeling good about myself and exciting about how to be a better, person. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Me again, with my "official" check in posting:smile:

    Been running (not literally) all day. Took Aaron to meet a friend at Dave and Buster's. Sort of panicked over the lunch choice but went with a grilled chicken caesar and only ate 1/2 of the salad, since it was coated in fatty dressing.

    Got a small work out in this morning but am still slacking since Aaron's been out of school, vacation, etc. Looking for my summer "routine" and expect to get all my "time" in by the end of the week.

    Katla, not technically on South Beach right now. It was what I used to kick sugar and "the evil whites" about 6 years back. I also lost a good amount of weight after Aaron was born on it. I pretty much practice the principals, unless I was falling off the wagon, but I'm following The Biggest Loser plan right now since I've not been able to lose pounds since my hysterectomy....even on South Beach.

    Hope everyone's happy, healthy and strong today. Will try to do better than a quick skim later tonight.

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sorry, Gloria!! I did mean Sylvia. I knew who I was talking to, just messed up the names. I'm sorry your son's father is missing out on a wonderful little boy, but sometimes I think it is better if they just stay away altogether instead of popping in and out or being mean.

    I do get a lot out of church, typically. I've talked to the person who overruled me and he is now willing to negotiate so it may all turn out fine.

    Thanks for the support, everyone!

    Carol in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Got an update on sister-in-law. She is now in intensive care. She has an underlying lung condition that makes the pneumonia more dangerous. We are waiting on news. Hopefully positive.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wow, went out to run a few errands with DD around town...........it was 93 when we left, less than 2hrs. later, 77----I'll take it! Storms in area, one just starting outside now.

    Forgot a couple notes earlier.

    Katla.............My basenjis never climed drapes or got on counters or fridges.........but, when boarded, escaped every time they weren't kept in a kennel with covered top..........gave several staff people quite a run until they decided to believe me that the dogs could climb. We did have one incident when Sammydog was discovered in the middle of my mothers kitchen table eating from the plate of Christmas cookies!!! He lived to 14 and the female till18..........I still miss them. Could never leave a bathroom door open or they were in the trash and it was all over. To this day I keep my small kitchen trashcan in one side of the double kitchen sink. They just have to be treated like "forever two yr. olds".
    Also............Loved the youtube thing! How funny!

    Suzy...........To me Chincoteague is just a magical place; I love it there.

    MancLass: Re: pieathalon. We did something close to that but with doughnuts at each stop; another time with beer. It confuses me why runners want beer at the races..........it just seems to go against the healthy lifestyle they are striving for.

    Carol...........Glad you are getting your non-private changing table!!!! Maybe your opposition saw how passionate you were on the subject.

    Margaret............Hoping you get better news soon.

    mid-Atlantic.........stormy and cooler
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret, your SIL is in my prayers, as are all who love her.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I don't know where the days go, it feels like I blink and a couple of days have gone by. Still trying to catch up on reading everyone's posts.

    I did go to Zumba last night but decided to take a rest day today as my body is rebelling. I'm hoping that I can go to cardio box tomorrow night.

    I'm so disappointed that DD doesn't seem to be looking for a full time job. I have to find a way to accept it and that it may take a lot longer then expected to buy a house. I just feel like I'm throwing money away on rent.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, in Al-Anon they say to remember the 3 C’s----you didn’t cause it, you can’t control it and you can’t cure it. While they are specifically addressing alcoholism, the same principle applies to anything that’s going on with the people you love especially the ones that are of legal age. They also suggest that you trust God which is what Katla suggested….it’s also a variation on the wonderful words about letting go shared by Carol from Monroe

    :bigsmile: Kathy from IL,congrats on your success in school…good to see you back with us.

    :brokenheart: Sylvia, sorry to hear about your family troubles.

    :heart: Carol in NC, doing the right thing and standing up for principle is very difficult..I wish you the best..I hope you’ll talk to the lawyer before you take any other steps

    :brokenheart: Jane, sorry to hear that your current landlady is a roadblock to renting the new place.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, working and working out will make the days fly by…has your DD ever had to consider how she would handle life if she had to live on her own?

    :bigsmile: Katla, thanks for sharing the video….it was great

    :bigsmile: Packing is finished, pets are boarded, boarding passes have been printed…time now to relax so we’ll be rested and ready to leave at 7 AM

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 27,000 steps today----early to bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today was a good day! 100% better than yesterday. Hubby drove me and the kids to the Y this morning and he went in the gym to do his workout and I went in the pool area to watch the kids swim. I'm just thrilled with the progress they are making with their swimming, and I'm so glad that this was something I could do for them.

    So I spent the afternoon at the studio doing some drafting, then went to the farmers market and the grocery store. I bought two beautiful "golden zucchinis" at the farmers market. They were only 50 cents each an I couldn't resist. I took one to my son and brought the other home. The lady gave me a recipe for "zucchini patties" which are a little like potato cakes, so I want to try those. Hubby said, "why would you buy zucchini when we have some sitting right here? " Because it's pretty, you silly goose.

    Tonight I made enchiladas using ground white turkey. They were really good. I used my homemade low-salt salsa, too. Made my lips burn, so it was really good.

    Here is the joke of the day:


    A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s two tired.


  • wesmas3
    wesmas3 Posts: 4
    Good evening, Ladies. Mind if I join this awesome group. This is my second time trying to loose over 50lbs through MFP. I have a good friend in Virginia who is trying to loose 25lbs. and we are working together on MFP. I am going to tell her about this Message Board. Unfortunately, I have a few physical problems that sometimes make things hard--Fibromyalgia, two partial knee replacements, don't sleep well (wake up in middle of the night and can't sleep-told by sleep specialist to get up for a while and then go back to bed-I tend to munch on cereal when I am up)--have Gluten Sensitivity so need to be Gluten Free and also as Dairy Free as possible, I think that is about all of the physical stuff. I also suffer from depression and anxiety disorder. Most of this will get MUCH better if I eat right, loose the weight, and of course, exercise. Anyone who wants a "friend" to share things with and work with feel free to add me. I will be checking in here almost daily. Have a good evening!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, thank you for those 3 principles. Sometimes the older I get the more disgusted I am about myself because I do find myself wanting to be controlling, feeling it is necessary to take care of a problem myself

    I don't think I gave an update on my sis. Her appointment was at 1 and I impatiently waited and waited for a call. Finally around 3:30 I called their home and left a message. At 4 I called my BIL, he had been at work for over an hour which meant he had a report and chose not to call me. Her doctor has ordered a CAT scan but my sis and BIL didn't like the time it was scheduled for so they are going to change it, grrrrrrrrrrr. He is discontinuing 6 of her medicines and changing doses on others. I don't know if she has some doctors that don't know what others are ordering or not but he said her Oxyxodone should never be taken with one of her pills. She goes to a pain clinic that controls that pill so I don't know what is going to happen there. My BIL said he would call me tonight but he often 'forgets'; that i called or that he was supposed to give a message for my sis to call me so I don't know if he will really call me. My sis did leave a message on my machine and her speech was very broke up and faltering. So I don't know yet what the doctor said about her driving. But my sis did drive home from his office. Now I have to decide what to do about calling my niece and nephew since I know they won't call them. I will ask my sis first if she is going to do it. She may tell me that she will when they get the CAT scan results back. And I guess that makes sense but if I am having problems I let my kids know then.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Exermom - "Burn fat feed muscle" a term and book written by Tom Venuto, body builder who hates steroids with a passion. I was on his Inner Circle site for years, just left. The 2 day split weight training is in his book and I started day 1 yesterday; back/chest/shoulders/arms. Today is day 2 and legs and abs day. I work out my weights and heaviest dumb-bell I have is 4 Kg now.
    I have been doing more cardio, kick-boxing and kettle-bells of late.
    My 22 year old granddaughter, who lives in a share house in Victoria, Australia, decided to fly over for a visit in early June. She was supposed to stay 2 months and pay board and her share of petrol money. After 1 week of her getting up at 11.30am earliest and 5.30pm latest my husband told her to leave. She booked her flight for following Saturday. She paid NO board and NO petrol money. Her flight was from Launceston a 2.5 hour drive there and same back. She said she would send money on the following Tuesday. NOPE no money sent. She refuses to answer my emails or phone calls and de-friended me on FaceBook. She saw my doctor the Thursday before she left as cuts not healing. She had impetigo, not surprised. She told doctor she wanted to be vegetarian and doctor said she needed to eat eggs and fish and learn to cook vegetarian. She never mentioned this to me and had been eating meat, chicken and fish at evening dinner, but making her own lunches and breakfast. She had a shower when she got up and before bed. Husband slept in spare double room so she could NOT play on computer all night. After 3 days she had used ALL my normal data allowance, lucky I have bonus allowance of 12 gigs if I use before 1pm. On top of that our electric was $1000 more than usual. No idea what it would have been if she had stayed 2 months. She has disowned her mother and ste-father and father plus us now.
    I am left sorting the budget and we are both on pensions. Is hard work
    Sorry for the vent I needed it.
    Will catch up with you as I am reading the posts but not sure how to answer as yet
  • Dory_Gump2014
    Dory_Gump2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Well my first weigh in after one week of "deliberate exercise" and really tracking all intake, left me .2 pounds heavier. So, I have changed my name on MFP to Dory_Gump2014. This change will remind me to keep swimming every day and to continue to train for my first 5K no matter what. I watch my grand-kids (ages 1 and 2) so swim between 4am and 6am for an hour after rising, and save my 5K running for evening after the heat of the day and the sun have gone down. Unfortunately, Monday found me unable to run due to thunder and lightning, and tonight is the same. Oh well, that only sets me back two days from my goal of running a 5K with my hubby for his birthday July 29. He has always wanted me to run with him and I always said it just wasn't something I could do. After losing over 100 pounds since 2008, I am trying to make it a reality. He is on the road for work a lot, so has no idea I have been training. Ladies, we can do this!! :)