

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. When I was in a small village in the Cariboo, we saw only a few large predators in town. But now that I live in a town 10 times larger, we have to look out for bears and cougars through 3 seasons. So much for the safety of civilization!

    I live in the North Okanagan, BC... and we live in a rural farming area 20 minutes from town. Our town has a lovely greenway corridor from the surrounding mountains through town all the way down to the lake with great walking trails but it is also a wildlife corridor, so often there are bear warnings especially in the spring when they are coming out of hibernation and the kids are headed to school in the mornings. In our area there have been cougars - I've seen the tracks in the dirt at the side of the road... and the remains of someone's escaped turkey which I had seen previously wandering the road. Next day on my walk, BAM! Blood, feathers, tracks and obvious signs of a struggle. I check over my shoulder often when I'm on my walks now.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon my lovelies,~
    just got back from the beach.. and of course as soon as we get in the house the girls run for the T,V.S, , No can i help you with anything, bring stuff in from the car? Told them to get all there stuff together and packed except for what they will need for the am...
    I have gone broke .. even with all the grocery shopping I did, still had to pick up things here and there and get stuff to make fudge, and bought the turkey breast yesterday.. and
    It will be me not grandpa that gets up at 2;20 tomroow morning and gets them up and ready to go to the airport and take them there..
    I am going to need a vacation from my vacation:wink:
    we have the after remnants of Arthur beautiful beautiful weather but quite breezy, but I can handle that.. I am enjoying some quite time out here on the deck.. grandpa is lying down with the dogs.. will get inside in a few minutes and start cooking dinner..
    told the DH dont have much left in the house for groceries, and he said well then I guess we will just starve.. Luckly I made 2 dozen blueberry muffins yesterday and packed a dozen for the girls to take home and froze the rest for Tom, still have cookies for him too somewhere...
    One day maybe someone will take care of me :laugh:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bumping in again -- already at page 10! Nice to see everyone popping in -- welcome to the new gals.

    Was excited to find PB2 at the 'new' Walmart near home. We got a small container to try out.

    Finally got back to the Y today - I've been AWOL for a couple of months and need to refocus again. I cut the weights way back on the machines from my prior targets and don't feel sore at this point, but will see what tomorrow brings. The legs felt a bit wobbly going down the stairs at the end.

    After the Y a much-needed haircut was accomplished and I resisted the urge to go into the office afterward. Stopped at the store for fresh veggies, etc. DH works until 7p tonight so he'll be worn out.

    We did come home early from the Independence Day party we attended. Got the dog suited up in her thunder shirt, but still medicated her. The fireworks around us carried on until midnight - uggh! The party we went to did fireworks after we had left and something went awry, causing some minor cuts and burns to other guests. Oh my!!

    Gail, metro-ATL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I picked a pretty little zucchini from my garden this morning and have a batch of zucchini-blueberry mini-muffins in the oven. I'm new at this zucchini stuff so I'm looking for some way to use it. The recipe called for a whole CUP of vegetable oil, but I used half applesauce instead. I'm planning to put some in the freezer.

    Here's the joke of the day. I had to think about it a while before it made sense:


    Two snails went to an auto race. There were twenty six cars, so instead of numbers the cars were identified by letters from A to Z. As the race started, the S car quickly sped away from the trailing pack of cars. Seeing this, the one snail said to the other, "Hey, look at that S car go!"


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison I will be thinking about you tomorrow getting your vacation from your vacation. I'm glad you had a good time and I'm sure those kids have some memories to take home with them.

    I had quite a session (he he) in the bathroom today. I don't know why that happens every couple of weeks. Why can't it be regular???? Any way, when I got out I weighed 172.8. I started this diet in Oct 2012 at 232.8. So that is exactly 60 pounds. As you all know that MFP does round your weight either up or down. I won't make an official recording until next week. Hope it holds or maybe goes down a bit. I do need to refigure my BMI. I thought i was OK and in the overweight range instead of the obese until I found out I was 1 1/2 inches shorter than previous height.

    I saw pictures of Novia Scotia today on the golf channel. The web.com golf tour is there this week and hurricane Arthur took down a big tree on the golf course. I would love to go there just to see your lovely province. Maine/Novia Scotia is on my bucket list. But that would mean I would have to get a passport.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • EverAvril
    EverAvril Posts: 1 Member

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Hope all those that celebrate the 4th of July had a wonderful time! I had a fantastic time:bigsmile: , spent it with friends, my kiddos are in New York until Tues. ( I miss them:sad: ). The weather was so perfect all day and last night, cool breeze and temps in the low 80's with no humidity:happy: , I even thought it was chilly last night:laugh: ! The fireworks didn't bother Noel as much this time, she barked and growled some, I tried to convince her it was thunder:tongue: , storms don't much bother her.

    I spent today shopping for things for the girls rooms, I already had the bedcovers and pillows, those girls have a ton of pillows on their new beds, looks just like a catalog cover:love: . I bought lamps today and books and picture frames and....the list goes on and on. I had a wonderful time in the Home Goods store, thought I was going to have to have two carts:noway: . I think I will be finished once I find a couple of cute shower curtains for the bathrooms...oh and maybe a few new towels. Now only if my main floor looked as good as upstairs...the painters return Monday morning (I hope)!

    Tonight I'm having a friend over, he is a brave soul to eat my cooking:laugh: :embarassed: . Heather come over quick and help me cook, I'll get some smelly cheese for you:happy: ! It's another beautiful night here and I'm grilling and we're eating on the deck, one of my very favorite things to do in the summertime:bigsmile: !

    Joyce:smile: You look marvelous:bigsmile: !!! 60 pounds....YAY:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!!!

    Margaret:smile: I love what you said "to live for" , much more positive than "to die for". Glad to got to enjoy the fireworks without all the traffic!

    Sylvia:smile: I love zucchini:love: !!! I've had a wonderful dish called a zucchini boat, it was stuffed with all kinds of yummy veggies with a little cheese melted on top, it was fabulous ( of course I didn't cook it:laugh: ). Love, love, love the joke!!!!

    Gail:smile: I hope no one was hurt badly at the gathering, glad you decided to leave early. I prefer to see fireworks from a safe distance!

    Alison:smile: Sounds like you've had a nice time with the grand girls!!! I keep the tv turned off when mine are here, they usually get to watch it some at night, after we've had dinner and are winding down from the day. I hope you'll get a nice rest and a break from all the things you do once you get them safely home. Take some time and call it an Alison day!!! Do something for yourself you don't normally do, get a pedicure or manicure or a massage, something just for you:flowerforyou: !!!

    Cynthia:smile: Congrats on those pounds coming off:bigsmile: !!!! Good luck with your meeting on Tuesday!!!

    Meg:smile: Send your DH and DD to my house next, my garage has got to be cleaned out soon!!!! Hope you're enjoying a perfect day!

    Kim in N CAL:smile: Your dinner sounded lovely, and I bet e gelato was fabulous....yummy!!!

    Jane Martin:smile: Saying prayers you get the townhouse:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele:smile: I thought about you today as I was running up and down the stairs a gazillion times! I was carrying heavy things, that counts as exercise, right?

    I really must run now :frown: , I need to make sure I look at least presentable for company:laugh: !!

    Have a wonderful night ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Fascinated with all these bear stories. Wonder how the woman, who was unknowingly followed, felt when she saw the video. :sick:

    As mentioned yesterday, we stuck around the house for a non eventful 4th. I did let Aaron go down to his friend's house (3 doors down) to watch their dad explode stuff. I was STUNNED at what I saw outside our front window. These fools, in my neighborhood, spent a small fortune. I was a little nervous because the houses are all pretty close together so it's not something that I think should even be allowed. The dad walked my party boy home before 11 and he was sleeping about 3 minutes after his head hit the pillow. Think he has a hangover today:drinker: :yawn:

    We went out to one of the county parks this morning, after the farmer's market, and hiked on the 2.5 mile nature trail. We saw no deer or mushrooms (what we were on the lookout for) but plenty of mosquitoes and poison ivy. I also know that an 8 year old can indeed describe the video game he's going to design for an hour straight:smile:

    Made a low fat/calorie Buffalo Shrimp salad for dinner tonight. Looking forward to that again in the near future.

    Best wishes to all for strength, will power and the confidence to believe in yourself.

    xo- Gloria from Metro Detroit
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    One day maybe someone will take care of me :laugh:
    That person could be you, today. :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Our family of 3 were 100 pound family of POMS. The last boat sailed in November 1977, missed it due to house not sold. Came to Australia by plane in February, 36 hours and landed in Melbourne lunch time. Driven to hostel, hated it and went to live with Stan's friends after 2 days. Stan got a job on the Monday following arrival on Wednesday, out all day hmm he was working. I got a job a week later. Scored the cancer research job in 1980 and stayed until I retired in 2005.
    We grow cherries, 3 trees, and have to net them or birds get first pick. It is actually easy to grow organically, no pesticides. Birds eat insects and we have heaps of ladybirds and butterflies in garden. The 1 acre garden and orchard is fenced to stop the wallabies and rabbits getting in. We also have 4 acres of natural woodland we have built walking tracks throug and a river with trout in. Lucky us.
    We are NOT allowed fireworks in Australia, has to be managed,
    It is 10 hour ferry ride overnight from Melbourne to Tasmania, 1 hour by plane
    We got our beagle aged 1 from a shelter. She is very loving but walks only a little now.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Starting over again :sad: -- but here I am owning my weight which is at an all time high. Now I am dealing with high blood sugar. Was in the hospital because of my heart. Depression over health, over husband still not working life huh! Sad sack here! :sad: et I woke up today saying so what. Pull it together and get started. Right now a slow start tight budget so need to use what's in the house till I get paid on Friday.

    Goals for July:
    1. Log in daily
    2. Track food daily
    3. Find a way to be moving 20 minutes at least
    4. Find someone to encourage weekly.

    Thank you,
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Liz...so good to see you again! Hang in there!!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Enjoyed reading all the posts.

    Lesley reminded me I have fresh cherries in the frig. The season is short here to enjoy them at a reasonable price. I am off to eat some. To live for. Another simple pleasure. The expression to live for came from a waitress who was trying to get my mom, a friend of my mom, and me to try a luscious desert. Now when I indulge in really great food that is what I like to say.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have only a moment before heading for bed to thank you all for sharing your stories of your lives, your experiences with the latest storm, and your Independence Day celebrations. All is well here.

    :bigsmile: I am reading “Maphead”, a wonderful book about geography, people who love geography and many ways that travel and maps are parts of people’s lives. I used to be much more of a traveler than I am now, but I still love to look at maps and hear about the travel adventures of others.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 22,000 steps today----90 minute walk with a friend----work in the yard

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome, Liz ! You are in the right place, we all can only take this one day at a time and as I see it, everyday is a new day and even though the journey seems long , you can start over any time, just as long as you start !

    Our holiday was a good one, I did have my yummy jumbo hot dog, but today I am back on track with Healthy Eating. I have learned if i deprive myself I will binge and I do not want to go there.

    My journey has been an eye opener, as I have also refrained from all alcohol, so I am totaly dealing with all of the feelings and emotions and not masking to escape, that my past friend Chardonay did for me. :tongue: Today I am great full for M.F.P. and my Sisterhood on this community you all help me to stay focused and realize I am not alone or crazy in my thoughts !!


    I best go check the grill, do not want my chicken to burn !

    Carol in Monroe. :glasses:
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    Lesley reminded me I have fresh cherries in the frig. The season is short here to enjoy them at a reasonable price. I am off to eat some.

    Me too, but will have the rest of mine in the morning. I really don't care about the price (unless they're $8.99 or something crazy like that), if I find organic cherries that look good, I buy them. It only happens a couple of times during the season anyhow:ohwell:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Paul Katemi's ASAP Body Sculpting workout today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Lower Body Pilates DVD.

    Welcome everyone new!

    joyce: Do you do something with your beet greens? I always hate throwing them out. One time I tried using them in my salad and I thought they were a bit on the bitter side. What a system for labeling food in your freezer!

    Beth - what an absolutely wonderful surprise!

    Kim - yum, apricot jam. I love low sugar jams, too. Glad you had such a good time last night

    Heather - kudos to you for refusing those desserts

    Ladies - I need your help. I'd sent Bryan some zucchini muffins and a cake, he asked me not to send him anything food-related since it's hot there (it would be nice if he had picked it up from the post office on time). So I sent him an email asking him for sizes for him and Diana so that I can send them some clothes. Well, he just emailed me back asking me not to send any clothes as the customs agents would probably make him pay taxes applied to merchandise imported which is 35% of the value of the product. Honestly, I've never heard of something like that. What if it's a gift, how do you determine what the value is? Any ideas as to what I can send? Update: Vince said it's very common, people on his synth forum are constantly complaining about having to pay when they receive the item. So, what can I send. Any ideas, anyone?

    cathy in NS - "hooking"? Like latch hook?

    yanniejannie - short people are the first to see the flowers grow and the last to feel the raindrops fall.

    Boy, today has been one of those days. Exercised and then went to the farmer's market. Yea, golden beets are in and so is the corn on the cob from this one farmer. Is it ever sweet! Came home and boiled the beets and cooked the corn, then went outside to do you-know-what. We just about finished under the deck and for some reason Vince wanted to start on the side of the garage. I would have wanted to do outside the fence first since that's an area that absolutely needs to be done. If we don't have enough rock, Vince said we'll just do what we can on the side of the garage. Oh well..... Came in and cut up the beets to put in the freezer, then went to church, had to go to WalMart, came home, had dinner, went out to put down weed killer, put the beets in containers, washed off more cherries, now I'm here. I can't believe where the time has gone to.

    katla - I wonder if you can buy peas and then dry them?

    Heather - I love how I can live vicariously thru you with all your travels. Sounds like so much fun

    Sylvia - I bet those zucchini blueberry muffins are great. I make these pineapple zucchini muffins and they are so good.

    Joyce - impressive loss! I need to renew my passport next year

    DeeDee - oh, yes, walking up and down stairs, especially when carrying something, certainly counts as exercise.

    Margaret - love the expression "to live for"

    Michele in NC
  • AnneCarolOne
    AnneCarolOne Posts: 33 Member
    CityjaneLondo, you're singing my song! My mother's family lived in Hastings- I have a brother and tons of relatives there! It feels like my second home1
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Paul Katemi's ASAP Body Sculpting workout today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a Lower Body Pilates DVD.

    Welcome everyone new!

    joyce: Do you do something with your beet greens? I always hate throwing them out. One time I tried using them in my salad and I thought they were a bit on the bitter side. What a system for labeling food in your freezer!

    Beth - what an absolutely wonderful surprise!

    Kim - yum, apricot jam. I love low sugar jams, too. Glad you had such a good time last night

    Heather - kudos to you for refusing those desserts

    Ladies - I need your help. I'd sent Bryan some zucchini muffins and a cake, he asked me not to send him anything food-related since it's hot there (it would be nice if he had picked it up from the post office on time). So I sent him an email asking him for sizes for him and Diana so that I can send them some clothes. Well, he just emailed me back asking me not to send any clothes as the customs agents would probably make him pay taxes applied to merchandise imported which is 35% of the value of the product. Honestly, I've never heard of something like that. What if it's a gift, how do you determine what the value is? Any ideas as to what I can send? Update: Vince said it's very common, people on his synth forum are constantly complaining about having to pay when they receive the item. So, what can I send. Any ideas, anyone?

    cathy in NS - "hooking"? Like latch hook?

    yanniejannie - short people are the first to see the flowers grow and the last to feel the raindrops fall.

    Boy, today has been one of those days. Exercised and then went to the farmer's market. Yea, golden beets are in and so is the corn on the cob from this one farmer. Is it ever sweet! Came home and boiled the beets and cooked the corn, then went outside to do you-know-what. We just about finished under the deck and for some reason Vince wanted to start on the side of the garage. I would have wanted to do outside the fence first since that's an area that absolutely needs to be done. If we don't have enough rock, Vince said we'll just do what we can on the side of the garage. Oh well..... Came in and cut up the beets to put in the freezer, then went to church, had to go to WalMart, came home, had dinner, went out to put down weed killer, put the beets in containers, washed off more cherries, now I'm here. I can't believe where the time has gone to.

    katla - I wonder if you can buy peas and then dry them?

    Heather - I love how I can live vicariously thru you with all your travels. Sounds like so much fun

    Sylvia - I bet those zucchini blueberry muffins are great. I make these pineapple zucchini muffins and they are so good.

    Joyce - impressive loss! I need to renew my passport next year

    DeeDee - oh, yes, walking up and down stairs, especially when carrying something, certainly counts as exercise.

    Margaret - love the expression "to live for"

    Michele in NC
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Exermom, yes he is correct on the customs import fees. ! Not only do they charge but they will want documentation on where the goods were made, content of material etc...I used to do export paperwork on international orders shipped abroad. Have you considered a gift card ? Just a thought :happy:

    Carol in Monroe