jh169327 Member


  • I did do a bit of shopping yesterday and regrettably I did buy a size too small just so I'd slim down into it :( (it only just fits me right now) Talking of NSV's I've refused to weigh myself for over a week and a half and I've lost an inch off my waist wahoo!
  • After years of yo-yo dieting I've finally made permanent changes to the way I think about weight loss. I now work out 6 times a week (used to be about twice) and I can now order sensible foods when I eat out (ordered a chicken salad yesterday as opposed to a bbq pulled pork burger with a pint AND dessert which is over…
  • Thanks for your help guys, I guess I'm just a bit too eager :D still motivated to keep going though and be happy in myself :) I feel a lot better since I've started working out :)
  • That sounds a lot like what I'm doing, working out 6 days a week, being sensible with my food and eating at a deficit. Not quite there with the water intake yet but trying my hardest every day to hydrate myself as much as possible. I do have food scales and I do use them, just not enough as I should! (I.e every meal!) I…
  • Thank you, I will have to shop around and see where I can buy these! It seems easier to be doing it that way, with a bar. I'm not sure if it makes oo much of a difference but when I have been doing push ups I haven't been doing a full version, my knees have been on the floor, which you can imagine with a hard wood floor…
  • I have been to a doctor about the cyst and he basically told be that as it's not constantly inflamed and doesn't stop me from doing day-to-day things (admittedly when I went to see the doctor about this I was not working out) then there was nothing he could do for me. Now that it is affecting my dya-to-day life I think I…
  • I've just started the 5:2 diet this week but haven't weighed myself yet to avoid disappointment and demotivation. It has been easier to stick to than I first thought, as previously I was spending most of my day at work snacking on biscuits and chocolate. It's been surprising how I haven't really craved these things as I…