As far as equipment, for p90x I believe there is equipment involved; however with Insanity its generally a lot of high impact cardio exercises that does not require any equipment. With both programs they offer a calendar that informs you which DVDs you do each day. The most important part is not just the exercise, but your…
Don't let it get to you. You can allow yourself a day like that every now and then as long as you do not let temptation get a hold of you.
You can give Sparkling Water a shot. Wal-mart's brand I really enjoy. Kroger's...not so much. They have different kind of flavors ranging from Strawberry, Lemon, Lime, Grape, and more.. 0 Calories 0 Sodium 0 Carbs 0 Sugars 0 Protein
I guess it would help if I reduced my body fat as well as one person said "Technically, everyone has a 6-pack under their fat. The key to getting a 6-pack is to lower fat and tone the abs." The body fat will cover up the abs.
Yea, just thought I would ask around to see what works. Thanks for the suggestions!
Yes that is a good one. If done right it can have you feeling sore for a few days.
Depends on whether you care about how you look or not, and whether or not you have your own office. Sometimes I will get up to do wall sits (focuses on your abs/legs) where you stand against the wall then lower your body to where your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle and hold that position for as long as you can.…