
I'm going to be starting P90X this week along with my normal walking/jogging. I know that this is a strenuous routine, or so I've been told. I have back and knee problems, so are there any tips from people who've done it, like should I do some of one DVD a night and part of another with it or focus all on one? Are there any significant changes I should see and if so when? Do I need any specific equipment? Any tips or thoughts would be helpful.


  • focus2bfit
    focus2bfit Posts: 201
    they have low impact in all the videos and one person usually demonstrates it. Also dont try to keep up with everyone the first couple of weeks. You WILL catch up to them eventually but work into it gradually and your success will come. I completed the series at the end of last year and lost 25lbs. GOOD LUCK!
  • starboardzor
    I really saw results when I actually followed the program day by day exactly the way it's written out. Could I keep up with them the first couple weeks? Nope. But I finished the DVD in its entirity and did the best I could. That's all Tony's asking you to do. And if you can't do it, or don't feel comfortable doing it, then modify it, but I don't suggest only doing half the DVD.

    I also had knee pains. Weakness and fluid and pain. After two months of P90X, my legs are MUCH stronger, and the pain is gone. I still modify some of the high impact stuff, because I don't want to hurt my joints. But it definitely made my life better. I move better.
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    Make sure you go at your own pace and dont feel you have to keep up. They will show you low impact moves and i suggest you try them. But it is a great workout. Good luck!!!
  • MarcAwesome
    I'm going to be starting P90X this week along with my normal walking/jogging. I know that this is a strenuous routine, or so I've been told. I have back and knee problems, so are there any tips from people who've done it, like should I do some of one DVD a night and part of another with it or focus all on one? Are there any significant changes I should see and if so when? Do I need any specific equipment? Any tips or thoughts would be helpful.

    As far as equipment, for p90x I believe there is equipment involved; however with Insanity its generally a lot of high impact cardio exercises that does not require any equipment. With both programs they offer a calendar that informs you which DVDs you do each day. The most important part is not just the exercise, but your nutrition makes up for 70% or more for your outcome and results.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Agree with a few of these folks already... Go at the pace that is best for you. Modify the moves when you need to. Don't feel pressured to complete the entire workout the first few weeks. Listen to your body, and rest when you NEED to (not when you WANT to).

    I didn't use any special equipment (except for a few dumbbells my beau has in the house). I skipped the pull-ups, cause I didn't have that equipment... but i pushed extra hard on the push-ups to help make-up for it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Make sure you fuel your body properly. With doing your other workouts and P90X you should not eat less than 1800 cals/day.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    How should I record it on exercise for here?I'm going to do disc 1, chest & back. I'm going to write down everything as they say to do, but to record it on here, how should I do that? For tonight, I'm not using any barbells and I can't do pull ups as I don't have a way to do them in the house...
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    I just started P90X on monday, what i do is log it in as cardio. you will have to add it though. so you can either add it as different exercises such as p90x chest and back or do like i do and log it just as p90x.
  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    I go to a chiropracter who really helped a lot with my back problems. you might also increase fish oil or flax seed supplements.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I just started P90X on monday, what i do is log it in as cardio. you will have to add it though. so you can either add it as different exercises such as p90x chest and back or do like i do and log it just as p90x.

    I would log the strength training as "circuit training" and the plyometrics and "aerobics, high impact" if you don't have a HRM