

  • Video killed the radio star and Facebook killed conversation! For the record I don't have a facebook, google+, twitter or any other social media account and I hope to never be forced or coerced into getting one.
  • I smoke occasionally and if the product is legal, why whould we not be allowed to make it? Rolling cigarettes or even growing your own tobacco is the same to me as brewing your own alcohol. Last I checked it's legal to brew, legal to drink your brew, some states may have limitations on how much can be brewed but that's…
  • Marijuana in my opinion should be legal and treated just like alcohol, certain age to smoke, can't consume while or under the influence operate a vehicle. Why Marijuana is illegal today, lack of government and pharmaceutical control. Lets face it, pharmaceuticals can't control something natural and governemnt can't make…
  • As long as the kid knows what the disciplinary action is for, then I agree hitting spanking whatever technique used is appropriate, but don't beat your kids just to have a punching bag, beat your kids to teach them where they went wrong. As a kid I was beaten quite regularly just becasue I was always getting into trouble…
  • The debate goes beyond just animals and how we treat them but its should apply to all life. Taking an extreme approach for a moment, isn't eating vegetables just as cruel as eating an animal? Doesn't a vegetable have life, it grows, it reporduces, it adapts based on it's environmental needs? It has a life until it is…
  • Oatmeal, plain, no sugar, no fruit, just plain, boring oatmeal. It might taste like cardboard, but 1 cup is 300 calories! Cottage Cheese, use some pineapple to add flavor. Bananas for sure. Wheat, or 9 grain breads.
  • People who load up the leg machines or bench press with a whole bunch of weight to do one rep and then leave all the weight there. If you can put the weight on the machine, you should clearly be able to take it off. Maybe the one rep got them soo exhausted they couldn't lift another pound, :ohwell:
  • DAMN!! You look great and congratulations. I'm the same way, where I eat like crap but workout regularly. I started MFP mid Fed 2011 and am already seeing results! Counting calories counts! I cut back on all the bad foods I used to eat, except I party a little too much on the weekends, everyone has a vice or 10. I agree on…
  • I was thinking about a HRM. The Treadmill and the elliptical both have HRM's. I can get a good idea of what the average is. The Stairmaster and rowing don't have it. I found a pretty decent site that give me an idea of how many calories I burned based on my sustained HR.
  • The more you force things, the worse it gets. Cut the cord now and let yourselves grow independent of each other. I did two things to get myself back on track, first I figured out who I was and what I want. Next, I figured out what I don't want. My philosophy is it's easier to know what we don't want because we've already…
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