Kekkling Member


  • Hey there! You can add me if you like. Although my weight loss journey is complete (I lost 40lbs), I am on the maintain for the rest of my life phase now. Some days are harder than others but I have to remember where I started and keep telling myself that I don't want to go back there! It's never easy, I wake up most…
  • I'm following the 21 day fix diet while doing X3 and I find it works for me
  • I am on week 3 and have lost plenty of inches already
  • I am just about done week 3 and I have lost some inches already. I really love it is making me so much stronger and helping with the cardio. I am doing the classic program, will see once I'm done if I'll try a second round.
  • Camping season has started again for me too and I managed to keep the weight off. I got my menu ready for the weekend before going away so I would only bring the necessary food needed thus keeping temptation at bay. I also brought my workout videos, found a spot away from everyone and managed to do it. Keep your cup filled…
  • Hey! Any goal is attainable as long as you put your mind to it, don't put yourself down like that, it will not help with the motivation. Are you starting an exercise plan as well?
  • I started Jiu Jitsu in February of this year and I completely in love with it, will be going for my yellow belt very shortly. It gives me the drive and the energy I've been looking for. Our Sensei is a strong believer in combining Jiu Jitsu with Kickboxing in order to get more of the finesse in our movements. I started…
    in Jiu Jitsu Comment by Kekkling April 2014
  • One thing I've tried at lunch is replace the bread with lettuce leaves, it adds a great crunchy taste to your sandwich and eliminates the guilt! Try it!