Am I eating too much carbs?



  • Kekkling
    Kekkling Posts: 9 Member
    One thing I've tried at lunch is replace the bread with lettuce leaves, it adds a great crunchy taste to your sandwich and eliminates the guilt! Try it!
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I think you need to swap in some more veggies and whole fruit and less breads and granola. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, just mix it up. If you have the bagel in the morning have an apple for the snack instead of granola or mac and cheese. Like previous poster mentioned, try lettuce leaf wraps once in a while instead of bread.

    Most whole grain bread is so refined that there really isn't that big of a difference between that and white bread. When talking about complex carbs most breads don't qualify. Also a typical raisin bagel isn't much different then a doughnut. Not saying give them up just keep looking for something else.

    It really doesn't take that long to whip up some eggs in the morning. Frying pan can heat up in about 5 mins and takes about 2-3 mins to cook. Toss in some of that chicken you've been using and maybe a palm full of spinach if you like, some tomato, or even avocado. Hell for a while I used to just crack an egg on a plate and stick it in the microwave for 1 min. You can also pre-cook bacon the day before and store it in the fridge and use in your other meals to swap in some variety or just as an alternative snack.

    Just remember it doesn't have to be some huge all or nothing change. Just mixing in different things here and there and maybe you find better results.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    As long as you are getting the minimum amount of fat and protein you need, carb amount wont matter. Having said that your diary is not public so I can not say whether you are getting enough fat and protein.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is your daily average intake of carbs, fat and protein? The day you described doesn't look bad to me, except that it's low on fruits and vegetables.

    If you have a medical condition such as insulin resistance or diabetes, you should check with your doctor for your carb limits. Otherwise, you are eating too many carbs when carbs cause you not to eat enough of other things - like fat, protein or fruits/vegetables. Micronutrients are important too.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Hi all,

    I have been on my journey on and off for some time, but I really kicked into gear April 2013. I have lost a total of 11lbs so far. I am reevaluating my calories/intake and exercise. I am going to give you an average of what I tend to eat on a daily basis and would like to know what you all think...btw my diary may be open but I have not been logging on this site I have another app on my phone that I use.

    Breakfast: 1 cinnamon raisin bagel w/peanut butter 314cal
    Snack: 1 slice colby jack cheese 80cal
    Lunch: 1 sandwhich consists of 2slice of ovenroaster turkey 2slice of hard salami and 1tbs of light mayo on whole grain 320cal
    Snack: 1 pack of nature valley oats and honey granola 190
    Dinner: 2 baked chicken breast tenderlions, 1cup mac and cheese, 1 cup of steamed broccoli 411cal

    total average cal intake: 1315/day

    I usually stick to this only with a occasonal mix of either oatmeal, romaine salad, talapia.

    I would like to here your feed back for if I should change anything in my diet..I mean I am losing weight but I guess I am being impatient and wish to lose more quickly. Thanks in advance!

    Sounds a bit boring to me, aren't you setting yourself up for failure by doing this? I mean, you're not going to eat the same food for the rest of your life are you? What happens when you diversify your diet, what about when you get tired of eating the same thing every day? My cousin had the same approach, and about the same meals, took him two months and he snapped, fell off the wagon out of food boredom and gained all his weight back plus 15 pounds.

    Outside of my mini-rant, I'd cut out a little of the carbs, say the bagel? And add eggs or some other protein. Better to have higher protein than carbs IMO.

  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    Every person's sensitivity to carbs is different, so no-one can say whetehr your diet is "too much carbs" except you.

    This! Another important thing to take into consideration is what is sustainable for you in the long term. Most of us can stand to go through a short period eliminating or severely restricting certain foods or food groups for the sake of weight loss but the weight finds it’s way back once those foods are re-introduced. Although I agree with the posters who suggested swapping out for more whole grains where you can. But if you are comfortable with your current choices and are losing weight, I would stick with whatever works best for you. Best of luck!
  • jovalleau
    jovalleau Posts: 127 Member
    I'm always wondering this, too, when I look at my diary.

    I'm not eating any "refined" sugars per say, but I get a lot of carbs from the milk in my shakes and the oats or whole grain rice I eat throughout the day. So, ultimately, they are all good carbs pretty much, just a lot of them.

    If anyone could check my diary and let me know of any swaps I could make, I'd be appreciative!