

  • I definitely need help in this area! If you or anybody else has anything, let me know! I'll add if I find anything. :)
  • I'm going to the Doctors today for a thyroid test. I was supposed to schedule an appointment sooner than today, but college and life got in the way. Last time I was in, he felt my neck and said it felt like I have an enlarged thyroid, and wanted to see me after I was over my illness. My neck has been large for years, but…
  • Erm, so I was trying to re-enact a Twilight: New Moon scene, where Bella flips her motorcycle. Well, instead of using a bike, it was a 4-wheeler and I flipped off it 4 times, and landed on my stomach. Not to mention on top of 3 big rocks and a stick. While wearing my Bella charm bracelet. Yeah, call me obsessed, it was…
  • I absolutely LOVE your picture!! A) You and your son are really beautiful B) I have NEVER been to the Ocean before, so you're lucky!!
  • LOL I need to be used. I could be some inspiration girlie! :D I love you!
  • I'm so glad someone has finally asked! I forgot to do a blog on this!! :) My workout songs are really upbeat, except for one. And you can laugh at my choices if you want! :D Baby, One More Time - Britney Spears Price Tag - Jessie J Wanna Be - The Spice Girls Beautiful Liar - Beyonce feat. Shakira Moment For Life - Nicki…
  • Hello :) My name is Elizabeth, Ellie for short, and I'm 19 years old. I've been overweight since I was a kid, because of my family issues, and have decided that the controlling person who was behind all of it, is semi out of my life. I've never tried anything from Jillian, and I know how tough she was on the Biggest Loser.…
  • Thinking about trying this! Is this the right DVD? http://www.amazon.com/Jillian-Michaels-Extreme-Shed-Shred/dp/B005K8QI9E/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  • One thing stood out at me; how your friend said you should just stay fat and happy. Well, I hate to say this, but it's not all about image but health as well. Wait until they're in bad health. They'll be saying "You were right" one day. They are jealous. They will forever bring you down about everything that involves your…
  • Thanks! :) After having what I thought was heart attacks, which scared me, and ended up being panic attacks, I knew I didn't want it to lead to problems down the road. :) I'll definitely add you!!