

  • I am gonna try to cut the fruit... sont eat that much anyway, is there any veggies that I should stay away from??
  • Girl... I FEEL ya.... I am sure you are gonna get a ton of great tips on this post, I did when I posted the same thing a few days ago :embarassed: I made my food diary public so peeps could give me advice Good Luck, keep it up!!
  • Wow thank you all so much...I am not afraid to eat really, I swear:blushing: ...I am just so busy running around getting the kids here and there, classes, meetings... Its CRAZY.... I know the Slim fast is not the way to go.... on those days I figured it was better then nothing at all.... I had been eating a whole grain…
  • I would say not really but I do have 2 small children I run after.... I was very very out of shape 5'4 165.... I would get winded sometimes having to run to the phone. :embarassed:
  • How do I function? Not very well LOL.... The first three weeks it was all good, I am really starting to feel the drag....
  • Same problem here.... for instance, right now I am a 850 calories (1200 goal) I have eaten all day and I feel as if I eat anything else I will pop...... and here is the next problem, I do an hour of cardio at least 5 times daily which typically burn 543 calories for me so am WAY too low on my net calorie intake? could my…