torrance86 Member


  • I started THM late fall 2018, kind of fell off over xmas but ready to start again. is there a forum or group I can join for support?
  • The first thing is to get my healthy eating back on track. My goal is to lose the extra inches of fat I've gained over the belly, hips, thighs during the past 6 months. Basically slim down while continuing to sculpt muscle.
  • I track all my food and exercise on MFP. Now I have the Fitbit One and started syncing it to my MFP and it shows up as calories burned in my exercise log. If I continue manually logging what type of exercise and duration in MFP and I duplicating my entry? (hope that makes sense)
  • I use MFP daily to track/log meals/exercise and LOVE IT! But it sure would be helpful if it could track WW points. Can it? I use Google Chrome desktop, or ipad, or android phone.
  • I'm so glad I found this message board! Your personal issues sound like mine. I have been dealing with perimenopause for the last 4 years and I'm only 46! I got used to the hot flashes but the night sweats have hit hard this past year - enough for me to literally get out of bed and change my pj's and sheets! It just plain…
  • I will be 46 next month and would love to lose inches off my hips, butt and thighs. I'm 5'6" and weigh 139 but can't seem to get motivated. Living in the midwest I tend to be a seasonal exerciser. I hate the cold and we've had the worst and longest winter ever this year. I'm literally sick of seeing flab and rolls in the…