mariea1171 Member


  • breath mints, jello( sugar free). watermelon, cataloupe, water water & water, savor a diet soda, anything to keep me from eating useless calories.
  • For me, my goal is 160. I'm 5'7 and I'll be 40 in November so for me I think 160 will be great. I'm not looking to be a stick I'm actually looking forward to being healthy. I think that's the most important. What weight would you feel healthy at?
  • I missed today... just worked out for 40 mins of cardio. my arms are still burning from yesterdays push ups. but i will work out again today just because of your post ill do some ab work and leg work. Thanks for the motivation!!! :flowerforyou:
  • For me its my health. Also it's learning to make me a priority instead of everyone and everything else. So often you get caught in running around eating what every one else is eating and just not taking care of you. That's me. I want to prove to myself once and for all that I can do anything I put my mind too. Plus I want…
  • i would like to learn to... plan ahead meals are so important im learning. also in between meals. any suggestions anyone. :flowerforyou:
  • Yes every single day! For me that time is the worse time of the day and I find I can sabatoge everything than. I've been having salads for the past 2 days*(which has been great so far)* I know I'm going to have to switch things up because I'll be bored and my cravings will change. Also chewing gum has been helping a bit as…
  • Yes every single day! For me that time is the worse time of the day and I find I can sabatoge everything than. I've been having salads for the past 2 days*(which has been great so far)* I know I'm going to have to switch things up because I'll be bored and my cravings will change. Also chewing gum has been helping a bit as…
  • You and me both! HI! I'm so confused with the good carbs bad carbs no carbs lower carbs. It's frustrating.:ohwell:
  • HI Everyone! I'm Maria. I love this site so far. I'm struggling with keeping my carb intake low it seems everything has carbs and I do mean everything. Trying to get my triglyceride and cholesterol levels lower as per dr's orders and also because I want to be a healthier version of me. Anyone have any suggestions…