Lol! Does she walk across keyboards?? It's time for me to change my password at work and I'm tired of thinking up gibberish on my own. :s
Scootch over, Chuck!
My daughter is of the mindset that life is too short to match up socks, so she wears mis-matched socks all the time. :p
Tax free???
I know a couple people whom I truly believe nothing is going on inside their head. *insert cricket noise* :p
I always assumed that blind people "see" only darkness, but I just recently discovered that completely blind people see nothing. It was explained as, they "see" what we do looking out the back of our skulls. :o
Tuesdays (to gauge the weekend calamity) and Friday (so I know what I'm going into the weekend with). And then do my measurements once a month. The scale can be a doo-doo-head, but the measuring tape will show you your real progress.
I miss when giving myself a pedicure didn't count as cardio. :s
As a close personal friend of Shannon023, she loves you all. lol And @Istrat115 this thread is 9-years old, my friend. lol :D
LOL! Word.
Shakey's Pizza
You're right. I had the dumbs. :p
I never understood Peggy being short of Elizabeth???
Does that run in your family??
Very succinct. :D
No, I bought it myself. He did help me load it into the car though. True love, baby!
I bought a electric mower this spring (I have a small yard) and I LOVE it! Keeps a charge for a long time and I don't have to worry about gas or oil. Usually I'm the grim reaper of mowers so I hope I can keep this one for a few years.
I would not survive this encounter. :s
You're morbid, dude. :o
Sharon Tate & un-born baby. Is that a 2 for 1???
The last sound I heard was the earth covering my casket. Unfortunately, that sound masked my screams.
Slow drivers in the left lane. Get....over......
I'm loving this walk down memory lane. B)
Amen brother!
What kind of Coke?
Ooooh, these sound really good! Thanks!