mysticmoon625 Member


  • Thanks for the support and tips! I will definitely be modifying like crazy. But I'm determined to do my best and BRING IT!!! Good luck to you as well, your doing so good! Keep it up! You can finish it!
  • 7 weeks!? Keep it up! You have probably just gained enough muscle that your not seeing a change on the scale. But im sure your looking different. I love this app, it is so easy and helpful. That's awesome that you have a great support group!
  • We will "bring it" this time for sure!!!
  • Oh wow, thanks! I'll check it out!
  • Thanks for adding me! :)
  • Figuring out what to eat is the hardest part for me. I'm a perfectionist and I over think it too much and end up not eating. I attempted the first P90X a few times but got detailed. Im excited for the 30 min workouts though! I have to use the bands for my pull ups... But I'm trying! Ab ripper is a birch! Thanks for the…
  • I'm looking for buddies too! I'll add you! :) im 26, 5.6, 161 and just have a goal of looking awesome!. Im starting P90X3 this Sunday, wish me luck! Are you going to follow a program or just wing it?
  • Simply amazing! I'm starting P90X3 this Sunday myself, I hope my results are as good as yours! I would love to have some friends that are doing or have done this program that could help me with with my nutrition and general support.
  • Congrats, you look so good and so happy! And that's what matters that most, being happy with yourself. I'm starting P90X3 myself this Sunday and I'm super pumped! Im just worried about the nutrition aspect. I worry so much about eating the right thing that I end up not eating and then eating something bad because I'm…