P90X3 journey

Hello everyone, I'm Kristen! I'm starting P90X3 this Sunday. I have attempted P90X before but never stuck with it long enough. But this time I'm determined to suceed! >:o I would love to connect with more people doing this program and to get some great recepie ideas.I struggle with the nutrition part the most. I'm a perfectionist, so it I mess up on that, I end up stressing really hard. Im starting my journey at age 26, 5.6, 161. My goal is to just look amazing! Lol. Umm, what else... I live in Kansas, love my kitties, love my boyfriend and would love to have more friends to support and get support from as I make my way to becoming heather.


  • tamred69
    tamred69 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Mystic Moon:

    I started P90X3 about 11 days ago. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am about the same height and weight as you.

  • Welcome! I am on day 2 of P90X3. There is a group that seems super nice here too... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/5416-p90x3-t25-p90x-insanity-the-game-changers
  • kg6blue
    kg6blue Posts: 59 Member
    Me too... 3 days in this time!!! Hoping to stick it out!!!
  • Hey, guys! I'm 7 weeks into P90. I'm definitely stronger, but I haven't lost weight, which is a bit frustrating. I've used Weight Watchers to track food for the past 12 years, but had sort of gotten lazy with it. I thought this program might help me be a bit more accountable, and it would do a better job of keeping track of carbs, protein, etc., which is so essential during P90X. We have a great group here in Oak Ridge, TN, and that makes it fun! Best of luck to all!
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Mystic Moon:

    I started P90X3 about 11 days ago. Feel free to add me as a friend. I am about the same height and weight as you.


    Thanks for adding me! :)
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! I am on day 2 of P90X3. There is a group that seems super nice here too... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/5416-p90x3-t25-p90x- insanity-the-game-changers

    Oh wow, thanks! I'll check it out!
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    Me too... 3 days in this time!!! Hoping to stick it out!!!

    We will "bring it" this time for sure!!!
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, guys! I'm 7 weeks into P90. I'm definitely stronger, but I haven't lost weight, which is a bit frustrating. I've used Weight Watchers to track food for the past 12 years, but had sort of gotten lazy with it. I thought this program might help me be a bit more accountable, and it would do a better job of keeping track of carbs, protein, etc., which is so essential during P90X. We have a great group here in Oak Ridge, TN, and that makes it fun! Best of luck to all!

    7 weeks!? Keep it up! You have probably just gained enough muscle that your not seeing a change on the scale. But im sure your looking different. I love this app, it is so easy and helpful. That's awesome that you have a great support group!
  • Congrats on P90X3. I did 8 weeks of P90X last fall until time got me. I was super excited over P90X3 being 30mins and did 8 weeks from Jan through early march. I lost 15lbs that stayed off. I started a second round of P90X3 and I am currently finishing week 8 with a good portion of it doing the doubles program. I am determined to finish the whole thing. I am only down an additional 5lbs at this point, but I almost down a second waist size and feeling stronger. So I am guessing the weight loss will really hit in the last 4 weeks of dedicated sustained efforts. Overall, I find P90X3 easier to stick with :)

    Also, don't feel bad about modifying. I was doing pushups from my knees for a bit. I am now doing most from my feet.
    Also, I bought a real pullup bar (Trapeze Rigging since the door type didn't work for me) and I can tell you it makes a big difference over the bands. I am still doing a 1-legged assist but I could only get #53 lbs of the Bodylastic bands safely in the door.

    Best of luck on your journey to BRING IT!
  • mysticmoon625
    mysticmoon625 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on P90X3. I did 8 weeks of P90X last fall until time got me. I was super excited over P90X3 being 30mins and did 8 weeks from Jan through early march. I lost 15lbs that stayed off. I started a second round of P90X3 and I am currently finishing week 8 with a good portion of it doing the doubles program. I am determined to finish the whole thing. I am only down an additional 5lbs at this point, but I almost down a second waist size and feeling stronger. So I am guessing the weight loss will really hit in the last 4 weeks of dedicated sustained efforts. Overall, I find P90X3 easier to stick with :)

    Also, don't feel bad about modifying. I was doing pushups from my knees for a bit. I am now doing most from my feet.
    Also, I bought a real pullup bar (Trapeze Rigging since the door type didn't work for me) and I can tell you it makes a big difference over the bands. I am still doing a 1-legged assist but I could only get #53 lbs of the Bodylastic bands safely in the door.

    Best of luck on your journey to BRING IT!

    Thanks for the support and tips! I will definitely be modifying like crazy. But I'm determined to do my best and BRING IT!!!

    Good luck to you as well, your doing so good! Keep it up! You can finish it!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    You can add me. I just started yesterday.