

  • Wow! That didn't take long! Looks like we have a group - awesome. I will get it going right away... Good luck tomorrow morning with your starting weight!
  • Reporting a day early this week: Week 1 1/1 128 lb Week 2 1/8 127.5 lb Week 3 1/15 126.5 lb Week 4 1/23 124.5 lb I have been weighing 124.0 or 124.5 for the past four days. Yes, I do weigh myself every morning. Today I went and got my body tested in a BodPod since I am getting closer to my goal weight. Friends and family…
  • Good morning, everyone! Here's my history: Week 1 1/1 128 lb Week 2 1/8 127.5 lb Week 3 1/15 126.5 lb Definitely going in the right direction! Still need to get 1.5 lbs off to be back to my pre-holiday weight and then attack those famous last ten pounds! Week 2 goals recap: Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x: CHECK plus one…
  • Not much time right now -- gotta get the boys out of the house for the morning. But I will be back on tonight to see how everyone has done! Week 1 goals: Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x ** ended up running 2x, weights 1x, zumba 1x, fast walk (3.1 miles) 1x Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol…
  • Hopped on the scale this morning to end the challenge at 127 lbs. I started at 128.5. So, essentially I maintained through the holiday rather than getting down to the 124.5 lb goal I had set for myself. I am not discouraged, though. I enjoyed myself with friends and family and still made time for a good bit of exercise.…
  • Hey, guys. Thanks to everyone for being so committed! It's keeping me inspired. Mimi, it was a great idea to put our weekly goals down. Having everyone know them is making me super conscious about sticking to them. Last night, I was exhausted and really just wanted to zone out after my boys went to bed. But I stuck my DVD…
  • Two days in a row under my overall calorie goal. Good run today. Second day with no alcohol - even turned down a lovely Manhattan from my father-in-law. Lots of water. Remembered all of my glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM pills. In this game, you guys! How is everyone else doing??
  • My official weigh-in for 12/31 was 128. Another pound higher. But today that changes!! Thank you, January 1st, for getting here and bringing a fresh start with it! I am going to get that number down by 1/6, for sure!
  • I am IN!!!!! My name is Mandy. I am 34 and live in Portland, OR with my husband and two young sons. I am super stoked for this challenge! Thanks, Mimi, for getting it together! Speaking of having it together - not me for the last 1.5 months or so. Too much family, too many chances to splurge. But as of today, I am…
  • Check it out! Update spreadsheet: Hope everyone is hanging in there during these temptation-ridden times! And hope you are all enjoying some time with friends/family/loved ones! I have been sick, sick, sick with a nasty cold. It seems that it gets a little better, I go…
  • I am so ashamed/embarrassed to have to write this post. I am up FIVE pounds in the last two weeks. I don't know if any of that is water weight - it might just be legit because I have had way too much to eat and drink and way too little exercise. The opportunities to indulge just never seem to stop this month. Tonight, we…
  • I am so ashamed/embarrassed to have to write this post. I am up FIVE pounds in the last two weeks. I don't know if any of that is water weight - it might just be legit because I have had way too much to eat and drink and way too little exercise. The opportunities to indulge just never seem to stop this month. Tonight, we…
  • Gosh, Maria. I am so sorry to hear that. Teenagers sure know how to push the limits, don't they?! Hang in there!!
  • Sorry I haven't updated the spreadsheet, you guys. My dad and his wife arrived last Thursday night and they just left today. I have been super busy during their stay. And I totally fell off the wagon. Suffice it to say that I indulged way, way too much during their visit. I did, at least, manage to get a couple of runs in,…
  • Keep it going, Wimberley! You're going to feel so awesome when you hit that ultimate goal!!
  • Hey, guys! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. My dad and his wife are visiting for a few days and we had a jam-packed day of holiday fun with my two boys. I started the day with a delightful surprise! My scale settled at 125.0 for the morning, though it kept teetering with 124.5. Recorded the official weight at 125.0, of course.…
  • I started out with 30DS and my knees always hurt. Then went to P90. Not bad on the knees to me - at least not nearly as bad as JM's videos. Really like that it incorporates strength with cardio alternating days. My body changed shape much more dramatically from that than 30DS. And all you need is a set of hand weights.…
  • Hey, dudes! My awesome hubby get our website working: I will update again this Friday!!! Got two sets of 16 push-ups in yesterday. 'Bout to go try to crack out 17 now!
  • You guys are cracking me up with the gum ideas! My favorite snacks are TJ's light string cheese (60 cal), dry roasted almonds and half an apple, small tangerine (20 to 25 cal each), ThinkThin protein bars (about 200 cal). Could only do 13 standard push-ups today before I wimped out. Got a LONG way to go if I want to get…
  • Hey, everybody! My husband and I have been fiddling with our website trying to figure out why the first spreadsheet won't publish. Here's our stats in an awful format! Mfp user name, name, start weight, week 1 weight, goal weight. We'll keep working on it today! So sorry! henney16 Dave 228.8 227.8 221.0…
  • Hey, friends! Last Friday's weight: 128.5 This Friday's weight: 127.0 (still 2 lbs up from my lowest a few weeks ago) Strolled my boys 4.0 miles this morning, did 90 minutes of yoga. I am with you, Dave - I need to STOP over-eating just because I worked out!!!! Working on our spreadsheet - still need today's weights for…
  • Alright, lovely mfp peeps! Tomorrow is our Week 1 weigh-in already!!! Hope we've managed to burn through some of those Thanksgiving calories and get back to our serious business of turning our bodies into a healthier form! So far, I have starting stats for Maria/mobskee, Joy/ratsyroo, Sandy/ssbarfarkle, Dave/henney16,…
  • Hey, old pals! After hearing from the majority of our group, I posted our final Thanksgiving results today. Biggest congrats to Mimi and Dave for hitting their goals - even ahead of schedule! Huge congrats to Maria, Joy, Joe, Wimberley, and Sam for their awesome losses! ALL who participated made it a great challenge. As…
  • Today's weigh-in was 128.5. Holy Schmole! That's a 3.5 lb gain in two days! I am going to assume it's a lot of water from the salty foods. Back on track today, though! Already negotiating with my husband about when I can get my exercise in during the next few days. I learned a lesson last night - overeating sucks. I felt…
  • Yay for that bit of weight gone last week, Joe! I need to get that on our spreadsheet here soon... Wimberley - I hear you on losing the last bit. I still want to get about 11 pounds off and it's tough. I find I have a really hard time sticking to 1200 calories of eating without doing exercise to earn a few more. Dave - You…
  • The updated spreadsheet is finally posted! ***Week 7 Mini-Challenge*** A tiny workout to squeeze in as extra: jog in place 1 minute, 30 lunges (your choice of style - alternating legs), jog in place 1 minute, 30 crunches (your choice of style), jog in place 1 minute. I just…
  • Busy day today --- will get our results posted soon! I was wrong - trying to justifying slacking about my lack of weight loss, I have decided. I DO want to lose more, just need to get back on track for limiting those calories. Good so far today... Making spicy pumpkin soup, roasted Brussels sprouts and whole wheat bread…
  • I am embarrassed to say that I managed to gain one pound this week. 126.5 is my weigh-in today. I am not surprised - went over my calories too many times. I have basically been maintaining my weight for the last six weeks - usually fluctuating between 125.5 and 126.5. Not sure how I feel about it, actually. My motivation…
  • That's it! I have been telling my husband that my calves are SO sore from running this weekend - thought it was from pushing myself to go faster. Duh! I bet it has been the step-ups! They are doing something - yay! Also, guys, I am trying. I swear. But I have been over on my calorie goal the last few days. My in-laws got…
  • You guys amaze me. Every last one of you. It's so cool to know that we are in this together. I just got the updated spreadsheet posted. Sorry it took me so long - my in-laws from Germany arrived yesterday and I have been busy entertaining! Mimi - Congrats on rocking your…