Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I am IN!!!!!
    My name is Mandy. I am 34 and live in Portland, OR with my husband and two young sons. I am super stoked for this challenge! Thanks, Mimi, for getting it together!

    Speaking of having it together - not me for the last 1.5 months or so. Too much family, too many chances to splurge. But as of today, I am officially back on track! I started my fitness journey at 153.5 and I weigh 128 as of this morning (though I have gotten as low as 125). My goal weight is 115 and I WILL hit that this year!

    Week 1 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol
    Weight today (1/1): 128 lb

    Hey Mandy! Glad to see you joined this challenge! I think it helps being in a challenge.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi all! I'm Dawn. I'm 40, starting weight was 255, current weight is 217.5, and goal weight is 155 (we'll see when we get there if I decide to go lower). I'm 5'7" and have struggled with weight loss all my life. I have a blog, and I love getting feedback (I'm needy like that!). Looking forward to getting to know you all! Oh, and I've decided that we should all support each other on here, and then celebrate our wonderful results by meeting up at Wimberley's house in Hawaii! LOL!

    OK, here are my goals for the week:

    Oh, wait, before I start, you should know that I work full time....I work from home usually 3-4 days a week, and then work in Indianapolis (about an hour and a half away) 1-2 days a week.

    On non-Indy days: treadmill - 30 minutes at 3mph during lunch break; 60 minutes at 2.5 mph either morning or evening.
    On Indy days: treadmill - 30 minutes at 2.5 mph

    Still struggling with this. Will break down soon and ask my DH for help. Will keep you posted.

    1200 minimum and 1360 maximum, eating back exercise calories when needed, but not mandatory.
    Pay attention to macro nutrients....1200 calories of pasta probably isn't what I need!

    Water / other non-caffeinated beverages:
    48 ounces per day minimum

    No napping during lunch hour on non-Indy days. I know that sounds pathetic, but it's real. And now I've admitted my secret shame to you all, so hold me to it!
    Schedule mammogram!

    OK....that's it for now. Probably a little TMI on the goals, but hey, I know we're here for each other, so I appreciate your keeping me honest!


    Hi Dawn! Welcome...look forward to getting to know you! I completely agree with you about a trip to Wimberley's house. I was thinking earlier I need to figure out what my reward will be...what a great idea!

    You take naps at lunch and I gamble at lunch lol I'm going to start walking should join me on that :bigsmile:

    BTW...nice loss so far!
  • MarineWifey09
    Ok day one of being complete thorough with my entries and what I am eating and how I am exercising! So far so good. Really been shoving water down my own throat to continue hydrating from this weekend and to help my body "flush" itself!
  • Mandalicious
    Two days in a row under my overall calorie goal. Good run today. Second day with no alcohol - even turned down a lovely Manhattan from my father-in-law. Lots of water. Remembered all of my glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM pills. In this game, you guys! How is everyone else doing??
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Way to go, Mandy and MarineWifey! :happy: Today was not as on track as it should have been. BUT tomorrow is gonna be great! Gonna really work on getting my water in tomorrow. Here's to a successful rest of the week!!
  • MarineWifey09
    Two days in a row under my overall calorie goal. Good run today. Second day with no alcohol - even turned down a lovely Manhattan from my father-in-law. Lots of water. Remembered all of my glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM pills. In this game, you guys! How is everyone else doing??

    That is awesome great job! I am feeling pretty motivated after ripping the muscle tissue to pieces in my abs! LOL
  • MarineWifey09
    Way to go, Mandy and MarineWifey! :happy: Today was not as on track as it should have been. BUT tomorrow is gonna be great! Gonna really work on getting my water in tomorrow. Here's to a successful rest of the week!!

    Tomorrow can be better :) at least you were under your goal!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @ Wimberly, Mandy, & Joy - sounds like all of you are off to a great start!

    I'm still sick and couldn't exercise, but ended up with a ~240 cal deficit simply because I didn't have much appetite. Well, work is going to be very stressful this week, so maybe the lack of appetite will help suppress the stress induced binging! We'll see what happens tomorrow!
  • SparksFly460
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome. WTG ladies. I ended up having to work 8am-4pm today and now I am back for a midnight-8am shift so I didnt get to exercise like I wanted to...Im still planning on meeting my exercise goal for the week. Didn't do so well on my water goal either.

    These crazy work hours and staying up for ridiculous periods of time makes it hard to stay under my calorie goal. I woke up at 6:30 to go to work today....came home at 4:30 and took an hour nap. Cooked dinner, cleaned some QT with the bf and then I'm off to work for an overnight....I'll be home at 8:30am to in a 26 hour period I'm sleeping 1 hour and keeping it under 1500 calories. only packed what I logged so I know I'll stay under but days like this absolutely kill.

    That's my rant. So proud & inspired by everyone! Keep it up!
  • MarineWifey09
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome. WTG ladies. I ended up having to work 8am-4pm today and now I am back for a midnight-8am shift so I didnt get to exercise like I wanted to...Im still planning on meeting my exercise goal for the week. Didn't do so well on my water goal either.

    These crazy work hours and staying up for ridiculous periods of time makes it hard to stay under my calorie goal. I woke up at 6:30 to go to work today....came home at 4:30 and took an hour nap. Cooked dinner, cleaned some QT with the bf and then I'm off to work for an overnight....I'll be home at 8:30am to in a 26 hour period I'm sleeping 1 hour and keeping it under 1500 calories. only packed what I logged so I know I'll stay under but days like this absolutely kill.

    That's my rant. So proud & inspired by everyone! Keep it up!

    That is just nuts girl! What do you do if you don't mind me asking? I hate when work gets in the way of my healthy eating/exercising. You think you will have energy after you get off work to go for a walk or to the gym but NO!! You are absolutely drained!!!! Good job with how you pre-planned healthy foods to make sure you stay under!
  • MarineWifey09
    Today was so great for all of us it looks! I know I started strong and pumped my body full of water lol. Here's to a great day two!
  • SparksFly460
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome. WTG ladies. I ended up having to work 8am-4pm today and now I am back for a midnight-8am shift so I didnt get to exercise like I wanted to...Im still planning on meeting my exercise goal for the week. Didn't do so well on my water goal either.

    These crazy work hours and staying up for ridiculous periods of time makes it hard to stay under my calorie goal. I woke up at 6:30 to go to work today....came home at 4:30 and took an hour nap. Cooked dinner, cleaned some QT with the bf and then I'm off to work for an overnight....I'll be home at 8:30am to in a 26 hour period I'm sleeping 1 hour and keeping it under 1500 calories. only packed what I logged so I know I'll stay under but days like this absolutely kill.

    That's my rant. So proud & inspired by everyone! Keep it up!

    That is just nuts girl! What do you do if you don't mind me asking? I hate when work gets in the way of my healthy eating/exercising. You think you will have energy after you get off work to go for a walk or to the gym but NO!! You are absolutely drained!!!! Good job with how you pre-planned healthy foods to make sure you stay under!

    I work in Guest Service & in-house communications at a local hospital (it's technically switchboard but we do all emergency contacts, medical communication, code procedures & information updates on top of answering regular incoming calls. So we're like two departments in one) all clerical, not you'd think my hours would be regular lol. I usually work 12 hour shifts each Saturday & Sunday (hence I dont even attempt to work out, I'm just too drained) and then two overnights (midnight-8am) shifts during the week for the in-house communications & code procedures. FYI I have a BA in neuroscience & psychology....NOTHING to do with what my full time job entails:laugh: Job market these days :grumble: Unfortunately my shifts have become longer and more irregular because we just got hit by layoffs PLUS one of the girls in our office is on Maternity we're down to 5 people covering 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    You're totally right, I've done the whole, "oh I'll get out of work at 8am, hit the gym for an hour and sleep" ....not a chance, all my body wants to do is shut down

    Anyways....I've been doing this for four years now (it put me through college at least) so now Im just in hiatus with his until I go back to graduate school for my masters...and/or get a job within my field.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I usually work 12 hour shifts each Saturday & Sunday (hence I dont even attempt to work out, I'm just too drained) and then two overnights (midnight-8am) shifts during the week for the in-house communications & code procedures. Unfortunately my shifts have become longer and more irregular because we just got hit by layoffs PLUS one of the girls in our office is on Maternity we're down to 5 people covering 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    You're totally right, I've done the whole, "oh I'll get out of work at 8am, hit the gym for an hour and sleep" ....not a chance, all my body wants to do is shut down
    @ Sammie - those are some really long hours! I know what you mean about layoffs though -- my company just had a 20% layoff and people are stretched even thinner now. I'm also way too drained after work to exercise, and I usually end up working late a lot of the time, so the only way that I can get my exercise in is to do it first thing in the morning, before I go to work.
  • MarineWifey09
    Everyone seems to be doing awesome. WTG ladies. I ended up having to work 8am-4pm today and now I am back for a midnight-8am shift so I didnt get to exercise like I wanted to...Im still planning on meeting my exercise goal for the week. Didn't do so well on my water goal either.

    These crazy work hours and staying up for ridiculous periods of time makes it hard to stay under my calorie goal. I woke up at 6:30 to go to work today....came home at 4:30 and took an hour nap. Cooked dinner, cleaned some QT with the bf and then I'm off to work for an overnight....I'll be home at 8:30am to in a 26 hour period I'm sleeping 1 hour and keeping it under 1500 calories. only packed what I logged so I know I'll stay under but days like this absolutely kill.

    That's my rant. So proud & inspired by everyone! Keep it up!

    That is just nuts girl! What do you do if you don't mind me asking? I hate when work gets in the way of my healthy eating/exercising. You think you will have energy after you get off work to go for a walk or to the gym but NO!! You are absolutely drained!!!! Good job with how you pre-planned healthy foods to make sure you stay under!

    I work in Guest Service & in-house communications at a local hospital (it's technically switchboard but we do all emergency contacts, medical communication, code procedures & information updates on top of answering regular incoming calls. So we're like two departments in one) all clerical, not you'd think my hours would be regular lol. I usually work 12 hour shifts each Saturday & Sunday (hence I dont even attempt to work out, I'm just too drained) and then two overnights (midnight-8am) shifts during the week for the in-house communications & code procedures. FYI I have a BA in neuroscience & psychology....NOTHING to do with what my full time job entails:laugh: Job market these days :grumble: Unfortunately my shifts have become longer and more irregular because we just got hit by layoffs PLUS one of the girls in our office is on Maternity we're down to 5 people covering 24 hours, 7 days a week.

    You're totally right, I've done the whole, "oh I'll get out of work at 8am, hit the gym for an hour and sleep" ....not a chance, all my body wants to do is shut down

    Anyways....I've been doing this for four years now (it put me through college at least) so now Im just in hiatus with his until I go back to graduate school for my masters...and/or get a job within my field.

    Well I tip my hat off to you, I HATE working irregular hours. I have a degree in History, slowly getting into a position where I want to get certified to teach, but am about to start a job teaching pre-school on base where we are stationed at so I am excited. I figure I will get my student loans paid off then look into getting certified to teach high school history!

    Good luck this week with work and exercise. You had a wonderful start yesterday!
  • Mandalicious
    Hey, guys. Thanks to everyone for being so committed! It's keeping me inspired.

    Mimi, it was a great idea to put our weekly goals down. Having everyone know them is making me super conscious about sticking to them. Last night, I was exhausted and really just wanted to zone out after my boys went to bed. But I stuck my DVD in and did my weight work-out instead. I can't believe how much strength I lost during the holidays when I wasn't doing it regularly.

    Anyway, today is my fourth being under my calorie goal, keeping up with my exercise plan, and abstaining from alcohol. I am looking forward to our next weigh-in!

    Keep it up, team!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Hey ladies! Sorry I'm late! This new year has started out quite interesting...sinus issues and a bad case of the blues=not a good attitude to be doing anything!

    However, today with the help of my awesome MFP friends and some fantastic weather I'm back and ready to rock'n'roll!!

    For those of you who don't know name is Jessica,but you can call me Jess. I am 30 years old. I have been using MFP for almost 8 months now. In that time I have lost almost 60lbs. I currently work 40+ hours a week for a health and human services agency supporting adults with disabilities. Usually I enjoy my job, but like everywhere else it seems we have run into poor management and short currently work=stress,which in turn often=stress eating.

    On the brighter side of things, I have been happily married 11 years. My husband and I have for the most part been on this journey of lifestyle change together...he has lost 90+lbs.!! We struggle at times(like when we've both had long days,no one wants to cook and pizza is calling our names), but we learn something new everyday. And hopefully we get to enjoy each others company for many more years to come! :)

    As far as my goals this week(or what's left of it)...
    Exercise-atleast 60 minutes total 2 of 4 days.
    Food-complete my diary-NO MATTER WHAT!
    That's all I'm gonna put out there this go round...I really need to focus on keeping my attitude on par and keep going this week!

    My big goal for this month is to make my 1st major goal weight of 200lbs. I'm soooo close and I'm hoping to culminate 8 months of hard work by making it to Onederland!! :) Add me if you'd like.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hey, guys. Thanks to everyone for being so committed! It's keeping me inspired.

    Mimi, it was a great idea to put our weekly goals down. Having everyone know them is making me super conscious about sticking to them. Last night, I was exhausted and really just wanted to zone out after my boys went to bed. But I stuck my DVD in and did my weight work-out instead. I can't believe how much strength I lost during the holidays when I wasn't doing it regularly.

    Anyway, today is my fourth being under my calorie goal, keeping up with my exercise plan, and abstaining from alcohol. I am looking forward to our next weigh-in!

    Keep it up, team!
    @ Mandy - I'm really glad that this is working for you! It sounds like you're doing great -- keep up the good work!

    Having the weekly goals and the constant support is helping me a lot too. Work has been really stressful this week, and I've been sick on top of that, but I've been able to avoid bingeing in large part because everyone is so supportive and it's inspiring to see everyone doing so well. I've regained my appetite but don't have much energy yet. I'm hoping that I'll be recovered enough to start exercising again sometime this weekend.

    Anyway, my goal is to avoid bingeing for the rest of this week and stay under my maintenance calories.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I'm late! This new year has started out quite interesting...sinus issues and a bad case of the blues=not a good attitude to be doing anything!

    However, today with the help of my awesome MFP friends and some fantastic weather I'm back and ready to rock'n'roll!!

    For those of you who don't know name is Jessica,but you can call me Jess. I am 30 years old. I have been using MFP for almost 8 months now. In that time I have lost almost 60lbs. I currently work 40+ hours a week for a health and human services agency supporting adults with disabilities. Usually I enjoy my job, but like everywhere else it seems we have run into poor management and short currently work=stress,which in turn often=stress eating.

    On the brighter side of things, I have been happily married 11 years. My husband and I have for the most part been on this journey of lifestyle change together...he has lost 90+lbs.!! We struggle at times(like when we've both had long days,no one wants to cook and pizza is calling our names), but we learn something new everyday. And hopefully we get to enjoy each others company for many more years to come! :)

    As far as my goals this week(or what's left of it)...
    Exercise-atleast 60 minutes total 2 of 4 days.
    Food-complete my diary-NO MATTER WHAT!
    That's all I'm gonna put out there this go round...I really need to focus on keeping my attitude on par and keep going this week!

    My big goal for this month is to make my 1st major goal weight of 200lbs. I'm soooo close and I'm hoping to culminate 8 months of hard work by making it to Onederland!! :) Add me if you'd like.
    @ Jess - glad you made it and am in a better frame of mind now! Just focusing on the most important thing is a good strategy. This week I'm mainly focusing on not bingeing because of work stress.

    I bet you will make your goal weight this month! We're all going to keep each other on track. :flowerforyou:
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Hey ladies! Sorry I'm late! This new year has started out quite interesting...sinus issues and a bad case of the blues=not a good attitude to be doing anything!

    However, today with the help of my awesome MFP friends and some fantastic weather I'm back and ready to rock'n'roll!!

    For those of you who don't know name is Jessica,but you can call me Jess. I am 30 years old. I have been using MFP for almost 8 months now. In that time I have lost almost 60lbs. I currently work 40+ hours a week for a health and human services agency supporting adults with disabilities. Usually I enjoy my job, but like everywhere else it seems we have run into poor management and short currently work=stress,which in turn often=stress eating.

    On the brighter side of things, I have been happily married 11 years. My husband and I have for the most part been on this journey of lifestyle change together...he has lost 90+lbs.!! We struggle at times(like when we've both had long days,no one wants to cook and pizza is calling our names), but we learn something new everyday. And hopefully we get to enjoy each others company for many more years to come! :)

    As far as my goals this week(or what's left of it)...
    Exercise-atleast 60 minutes total 2 of 4 days.
    Food-complete my diary-NO MATTER WHAT!
    That's all I'm gonna put out there this go round...I really need to focus on keeping my attitude on par and keep going this week!

    My big goal for this month is to make my 1st major goal weight of 200lbs. I'm soooo close and I'm hoping to culminate 8 months of hard work by making it to Onederland!! :) Add me if you'd like.
    @ Jess - glad you made it and am in a better frame of mind now! Just focusing on the most important thing is a good strategy. This week I'm mainly focusing on not bingeing because of work stress.

    I bet you will make your goal weight this month! We're all going to keep each other on track. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Mimi! It feels good to be back on track...hope it stays that way! I'm really looking forward to helping each other through this challenge...Looks like we have a great bunch of ladies! LET'S DO THIS!!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    It feels good to be back on track...hope it stays that way! I'm really looking forward to helping each other through this challenge...Looks like we have a great bunch of ladies! LET'S DO THIS!!
    @ Jess - we definitely do have a great group of people! And I'm really excited about helping each other to meet all of our goals in 2012. We're going to do it!