Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • Good morning, everyone!

    Here's my history:
    Week 1 1/1 128 lb
    Week 2 1/8 127.5 lb
    Week 3 1/15 126.5 lb

    Definitely going in the right direction! Still need to get 1.5 lbs off to be back to my pre-holiday weight and then attack those famous last ten pounds!

    Week 2 goals recap:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x: CHECK plus one extra cardio workout; yay!!
    Food: 1200 cal/day avg (if I go over a day or two, need to be under a day or two to balance): FAIL going great 'til I hit the weekend, over by a lot then
    Alcohol: no more than two drinks: CHECK one glass of wine on date night; one cocktail when I met a friend
    Weight: get it down!!! CHECK

    Week 3 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: net 1200/day average THIS IS WHERE I REALLY NEED TO COMMIT AND WORK!!
    Alcohol: two drinks or less
    Weight: hoping to lose one whole pound this week!

  • Week 2 goals:

    Exercise- run 5 days, power walk two days.
    3 ab workouts
    3 strength sessions
    Stretch every morning
    Go to yoga!

    Food- stay under
    Fruits and veggies every day
    At least 10 cups of water/tea each day

    Good luck everyone on week 2!!

    I pretty much failed on the abs I only did 1 ab session. Going back to work after not working for 5 months threw me off a bit this past week. I vow to make week 3 better. I also started getting sick Friday, full-fledged sickness yesterday, and now it's somewhat gone today.

    Missed out on yoga class, lol. I did stretch myself more!!

    Arm workouts were done! I got in 80 push ups Friday! Yay!

    Running I didn't run 5 days I did run 3 I believe...kinda forgot. But I definitely went walking if I wasn't running!

    Stayed under or at least right on target each day, drank tons of fluids, and got more veggies and fruits :)

    Week 3 is to get 3 ab workouts in, 4 arm sessions, and do c25k 4 days and if not then definitely 3 (depends on how I feel!!)

    Go to one yoga class!!!!

    Continue eating fresh foods, lots of water, and staying under. No bored eating!!! Thankfully working will help with that!

    *** Didn't weigh in this past week. Too busy honestly and been sick all weekend so I will just wait til next time. I felt really bloated today so I definitely was not going to weight myself with that feeling!!! :P

    Have a good week everyone!

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. Like I mentioned in the newsfeed, work has been crazy the past couple of days and it looks like its going to continue to be very hectic for the rest of the week. I'll post my week 1 results and week 2 goals once I have some time. I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's posts!
    Sorry everyone -- it looks like I'm going to be MIA a while longer. Last week was a complete madhouse. I only had time to sleep ~5 hrs on most nights, and on one night was only able to sleep 3 hrs. :grumble: I had hoped that work would be back to normal by now, but things are still very hectic. I'm going to be working late again tonight. :ohwell:

    I miss you guys and hope to be able to catch up on things soon!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    My goals this week are pretty much the same as last week (alternating between C25k & powersculpt and CardioMax dvd, drink plenty of water, stay under 1200 consistently)...BUT my big one for this week is: no weighing until next Monday! I've gotten obsessed with stepping on the scale and then fighting feelings of disappointment when there is no change (or shows an increase! :grumble: )
    Originally, I thought I weighed 150.6 when we started this challenge, but every day after that for the first week, the scale showed 152.6, meaning I had actually gained 5 lbs over the holidays-not 3. So, I'm not sure what the loss has been each week but I was at 150.4 as of yesterday, a 2.2 lb loss overall since we began. This makes me feel a little bit better....and a maybe a little bit sorry for kicking my scales that one day :laugh:
    Looks like everyone is doing great--despite some of you working way too much and being so stressed! I hope you can all get the rest you need soon. Hang in there! We're rooting for you! :drinker:
  • My goals this week are pretty much the same as last week (alternating between C25k & powersculpt and CardioMax dvd, drink plenty of water, stay under 1200 consistently)...BUT my big one for this week is: no weighing until next Monday! I've gotten obsessed with stepping on the scale and then fighting feelings of disappointment when there is no change (or shows an increase! :grumble: )
    Originally, I thought I weighed 150.6 when we started this challenge, but every day after that for the first week, the scale showed 152.6, meaning I had actually gained 5 lbs over the holidays-not 3. So, I'm not sure what the loss has been each week but I was at 150.4 as of yesterday, a 2.2 lb loss overall since we began. This makes me feel a little bit better....and a maybe a little bit sorry for kicking my scales that one day :laugh:
    Looks like everyone is doing great--despite some of you working way too much and being so stressed! I hope you can all get the rest you need soon. Hang in there! We're rooting for you! :drinker:

    We should push each other on the c25k! I am going to do it tonight after work and getting my nails done ;)
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    Looks like you're all doing a very good job!!! WTG!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I've been absent for the last few mind has been very occupied. On Friday I found out that our office is being moved to Georgia and my last day at work is on Jan. 31st. I've been at this job for 5 years and have built some very close relationships so this is very tough :brokenheart: Although this is very scary for me :sick: at the same time, I'm a little bit relieved. There has been a lot of stress and pressure at work lately and frankly it has taken over my life. Losing this job is going to change my life completely but I think it's for the better. I feel like I'm about to start a new journey so I've been thinking things through trying to figure out how to be most successful with what I'm about to face. If all goes well, I will be able to finish school while sitting on unemployment. I only have another year to go. The funny part is the night before when I was driving home from work I was thinking "this is going to be a year of changes". I strongly feel that these will be positive changes.

    Anyways, I think I did very good last week on my goals. I had to put the cleanse on hold for a few days but no was my birthday weekend. I even lost 5 lbs but gained it all back overnight. I still don't understand how...the only thing I can think of is it has to be the alcohol or TOM. If you've seen my diary, I've been drinking the last few days. I drank a lot on Saturday night and woke up the next morning with all of that weight back. I just about fell over! And I can't seem to shed an ounce for 3 days now. It makes me mad because I worked my butt off to lose those lbs. I don't like it! :grumble: :explode: :angry:

    I would like for my goals to remain the same as the week before. Except I would like to add a push ups to my exercise routine.


    Sleep 8 hours every night-even 7 would be nice
    Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day

    Do 30DS everyday
    Walk on lunch-at least 3 weekdays
    Do atleast 10 push ups twice per day (increasing with one push up each day of the week)

    I'm doing a cleanse so I have to stay away from all processed foods, allergents, dairy, and wheat.

    Here is my weight progress. Does anybody know what happened to the signature option? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

    :glasses: 2012 WEEKLY WEIGHT LOG::glasses:
    Jan. 2nd-->215
    Jan. 9th-->212
    Jan. 16th-->211.8
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    @MarineWifey--let's do it! I'm only doing it every other day and I am a wimp when it comes to running. I'm hoping that through this program I will learn to be a runner...and love it! I need to be able to at least keep up with my hubby!

    @mobskee--Wow, you have a lot going on & many changes ahead. You seem to have a great attitude about it though so I think this will be a positive experience. You're weekly goals look awesome...and you are doing great so far! Don't be discouraged about those few pounds; you are still going down consistently on the scales (and during a stressful time too!)

    Keep up the good work, ladies! Thanks for encouraging me to keep going.

    And P.S. I have not weighed myself since Monday! Just 4 more days to go.... lol! =)
  • Hello Ladies! You're all doing absolutely great! Its so motivating to read up how everyone is exercising! We all have rough days and we all hop back on our 'healthy' train!

    As hard as I've been working this week I am hoping to see some kind of loss after this week but with not feeling 100% I have a feeling my body is just holding onto everything to heal and recoup....even though I burned up 2000+ calories so far this week. That's fine though, as long as I start feeling better and as long as it's not a gain!
  • Reporting a day early this week:
    Week 1 1/1 128 lb
    Week 2 1/8 127.5 lb
    Week 3 1/15 126.5 lb
    Week 4 1/23 124.5 lb

    I have been weighing 124.0 or 124.5 for the past four days. Yes, I do weigh myself every morning. Today I went and got my body tested in a BodPod since I am getting closer to my goal weight. Friends and family have told me that I shouldn't lose more, so I decided some numbers would be good for me to consider now in determining my goal weight.

    The result was that I am down to 20.3% fat. This puts me in the "lean" category for my age. And that goal of 115 is definitely not reasonable, since I would be in the "risky" category and have such little fat as to no longer be healthy. I should not go below 119 pounds for any reason to maintain a healthy amount of fat. So why do I still see a "fat girl" when I look in the mirror???? I wear a size 2Petite now, so I realize that I must be pretty small. But I just don't see it. I am not anorexic, because I still love to eat and I have a hard time restricting myself to eating 1200 calories per day. Partly I think it's the loose skin that makes me think I'm too "soft". Maybe going from 202 at my highest weight to 124 now means that I will never have the toned look that I so want. I don't know. I need to do some soul-searching and really think about this. The good news is that I have gained SIX pounds of muscle mass in the last ten months so I know this slow and steady approach has worked for me! Even though my ticker says I have lost 28 pounds or so, it's actually an additional six pounds of fat! Cool!

    Since I am STILL trying to recover from this cold/respiratory infection, I was way off on my weekly goals. Only two days of exercise and over on calories often.

    Week 4:
    exercise: run 3x
    weights: 3x
    calories: unsure about this; switch to 0.5 lb loss per week? maintain weight and tone?

    Any advice or thoughts you all have is welcome and appreciated!
  • Mandy I truly understand what you mean when you feel like you see a fat girl in the mirror. I have been battling that feeling and lately been trying to really see what I am and not some distorted image. It's hard especially if you used to be a lot heavier and are now seeing a thinner version of yourself. I think a half pound of loss sounds good since its time for you to start thinking more of maintaining rather than straight losing. I'm always here for support! I 100% understand your worries!
  • I guess I'm due for a less positive post. I ate so crappy yesterday and feel gross. It's a week before mother nature visits and I feel the symptoms and the appetite for junk that comes with it!! Today was better but
    I need to run and do not feel so excited lol. Hoping for a better week and not excited to weigh in tomorrow :(
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Hey Ladies! Happy Monday!

    Alrighty here's a recap of week 3:
    Sugars 5g or less over- 2/7 (goal7/7)
    Fresh fruit-7/7 (goal 7/7)
    Fresh veg- 5/7 (goal 7/7)
    Cardio- 5/7 (goal 5/7)
    Strength/circut training- 1/7 (goal 2/7)
    Yoga-0/7 (goal 1-2/7)

    I did some readjusting of my main goals today, so I will be posting my weights...
    Weight so far on challenge:
    Start- 203.5
    1/9- 198.5
    1/16- 198.5
    1/23- 197.5
    Hoping to end challenge at 196!

    Final week goals:
    Sugars 5g or less over- 5/7
    Fresh fruit-7/7
    Fresh veg-7/7
    Strength/circut training- 3/7
    Cardio- 4/7

    Here we go! Hope everyone has a great week! :)
  • Eating like crap this weekend made a difference on the scale - I also used a different scale than normal and I am pms'ing. I am +2 lbs. 125 :(( my goal this week is simple: eat healthy, run, walk, do crunches, and arm workouts! I have mastered eating more fruits/veggies and drinking tons of water. With me starting working after taking a break due to moving from one duty station to another, I now realize I cannot set a million goals and expect to meet them all and at the same time work and spend time with my husband. I feel defeated from last week but today is a new day and new week.

  • calories: unsure about this; switch to 0.5 lb loss per week? maintain weight and tone?

    Any advice or thoughts you all have is welcome and appreciated!

    DEF switch to 0.5 loss per week and eat your exercise calories back for a week or so and then switch to full maintenance and tone. You dont want to all of a sudden go into maintenance because it might be psychologically screwey to be eating more lol.
  • I guess I'm due for a less positive post. I ate so crappy yesterday and feel gross. It's a week before mother nature visits and I feel the symptoms and the appetite for junk that comes with it!! Today was better but
    I need to run and do not feel so excited lol. Hoping for a better week and not excited to weigh in tomorrow :(

    UGH I HEAR YOU on that. I was so good all week and than Sunday was a hysterical mess. I mean...I ate like 3000 calories...Everything was on point until the Giants game... then it was fried food & cookies SMH. I felt so GROSS and bloated. I weighed myself sunay morning so Im using that weight. NEW DAY NEW WEEK WIMBERLY :-)
  • So this week went a lot better than week 2...except for Sunday. Traditionally weekends have always been very difficult, especially Sundays. Went over on my calories, but still under for the entire week so I’m somewhat pleased....My workouts don’t seem to be the problem. For the most part, my food is good too....even my meal planning is great. It those d@mn “moments” I get into...when I’m at work and get RAVENOUS (ahem weekends) or just when I feel crappy.

    ***WEEK 3 RECAP***
    - Burn at least 2000 calories through exercise (CHECK! BURNED 2394)
    - Strength training 2x (CHECK!)

    - Drink a total of 64 ounces of fluids each day (CHECK)
    - 24 ounces of that needs to be PURE water everyday (CHECK)
    - Stay UNDER or AT goal calories everyday (ALMOST 6/7 DAYS, OVER ON SUNDAY)
    - Hit 80g protein 5x this week (3/5 DAYS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT)
    - Daily veggie! (CHECK)

    ***GOALS FOR WEEK 2***
    - Burn at least 2000 calories through exercise
    - Strength training 2x

    - Stay UNDER or AT goal calories everyday
    - Hit 80g protein 5x this week
    - Veggies 5x!
    - Have fruit 3x this week
    - Stay UNDER my Sodium!

    Weight loss goal: 10.2 lbs (This is a desired loss including the water weight I gained over the holidays) Going for 132 lbs!
    Weight loss total: 5.2 lbs

    Week 0: 142.2 -- starting weight (post Holiday bloat & gain ::GASP::)
    Week 1: 135.6 (- 6.6 lbs; a lot of water weight lost)
    Week 2: 137.2 (+1.6 lbs; ugh between BAD eating and all the medication I'm on...rough week & a lot of bloat right now)
    Week 3: 137.0 (-0.2)
    Week 4:

    Again, I know I wont be making my goal weight loss for the month but I’m keeping it just to motivate me!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    I've been at a plateau for quite a while now and honestly was having a bit of a breakdown yesterday over seeing that same number on the scale again. I'm doing better today.
    I think for this week I will :

    ~up my net calorie intake so that I'm getting at least 1200 NET calories, which means I'll be eating back most of my exercise calories. This honestly makes me really nervous but I need to do something different and that seems to be everyone's advice.

    ~I want to keep at the c25k program--did week1 run again today and it seemed so much easier, so I'll be moving on to week 2 for the rest of the week. I want to keep up with my powersculpting dvd also.

    ~Again, focus on more water and less diet soda.

    ~No more weighing until Sunday/Monday.

    ~PRAYing for any loss at the end of the week...anything under 150 will make me happy!
  • holy MOLY being on my feet for 7 hours straight playing with kids all day, pushing them in swings, playing tag, eating fruits and veggies at snack time, and pushing buggies with 6 toddlers in them for a couple hours should be a workout on MFP!!!!! I am definitely feeling it! LOL
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    All right ladies...We're in the home stretch! FINISH JANUARY OUT STRONG!! We can do this!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    holy MOLY being on my feet for 7 hours straight playing with kids all day, pushing them in swings, playing tag, eating fruits and veggies at snack time, and pushing buggies with 6 toddlers in them for a couple hours should be a workout on MFP!!!!! I am definitely feeling it! LOL
    Awesome, I hope you are loving it! :) And you ARE should count as exercise on MFP! I'm sure "pushing swings" is not in the data base, but something comparable is...maybe "push-ups"? See what I mean or...depending on how much you work you may be able to change your activity level in your profile.