Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    @ Wimberly & Jess -- congrats on doing great so far! Keep up the good work today!

    I've also had a good Week 1 so far! I'm really happy that I made it through the week without bingeing, even though work was very stressful and I wasn't able to exercise at all because I was sick. Usually those two factors are a deadly combination and bingeing is a foregone conclusion, but it didn't happen this time! :happy: Because work is so hectic, I've had to work all day yesterday and will be working all day today, but I think the eating will remain under control today.

    I'm also looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in!

    Way to go MiMi!! I'm so proud of you!!! I also was able to avoid overeating. Go team Binge-No-More!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    OKAY LADIES! Week 1 is coming to a close & week 2 starts tomorrow. I have to say you are all doing absolutely awesome & it is so motivating & inspiring to see everyone burning up those calories, logging, & always improving. I think most of us had a rough Saturday but I think the weekends are always a challenge (even for me and I work ALL weekend)

    I am going to post my recap of week 1 as well as my goals for the upcoming week today since tomorrow will be nutty for me!

    ***WEEK 1 RECAP***
    EXERCISE (easing myself back into a routine):
    - Go to spin class at least twice (CHECK: I went on Tuesday & Friday)
    - Do an addition 30minutes of cardio (CHECK: did an additional 110 minutes)
    - Strength training 1x (CHECK: did my pushups on Friday)

    - get back to logging EVERYTHING!!!!! (CHECK)
    - Drink 24 ounce of WATER each day (NOPE: I only managed to accomplish that on 4 of the days)
    - Squeeze in 2 cups of plain Kefir (NOPE: did that one out of two days)
    - NO chips! (CHECK)

    ***GOALS FOR WEEK 2***
    Go to spin class THREE times this week
    Do an additional 60 minutes of additional cardio
    Strength training 1X

    - drink 16 ounces of PURE water a day besides flavored, teas & etc (decreasing the amount so hopefully I'll manage better)
    - Hit 80 grams of protein at least 3 times this week!
    - Have some sort of veggie EVERYDAY (This week was good 6/7 days, want to improve)
    - Eat fruit on at least 5 days next week (Only had fruit 3 days this week, again need to improve)


    Great first week!! Very impressive!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hello ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. Tomorrow I start my new job and I am super excited! I will post my weight tomorrow morning, for now I'll review my week 1 and plan for week 2.

    Week 1 goals were to: stay at or under each day (check!)

    Exercise every day (check!)

    Abs twice during the week (check!!)

    Strength train 3 times during the week (kinda check, I did various things like push ups, pulling harder on the handles on the elliptical, and weights)

    Food goal was to eat fruits and veggies every day (I'll admit I slacked a couple days on this one!)

    Week 2 goals:

    Exercise- run 5 days, power walk two days.
    3 ab workouts
    3 strength sessions
    Stretch every morning
    Go to yoga!

    Food- stay under
    Fruits and veggies every day
    At least 10 cups of water/tea each day

    Good luck everyone on week 2!!

    Way to meet your goals!!!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    @Joy Way to meet your goals!! Good job!

    Try looking at the bottom of your scale...last time mine was doing that there was a penny stuck to one of the legs :smile:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Not much time right now -- gotta get the boys out of the house for the morning. But I will be back on tonight to see how everyone has done!

    Week 1 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    ** ended up running 2x, weights 1x, zumba 1x, fast walk (3.1 miles) 1x
    Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol
    **nope - under 5 days, under 3 days; failed on the alcohol - 2 drinks Sat night
    Weight (1/1): 128 lb

    Today's weight (1/8): 127.5 lb ** a little disappointing since I was weighing less most of the week; thinking water retention from grabbing restaurant food the last two days while hubbie has been out of commission with back problems? hopefully!

    Gotta get it in gear this week!
    Week 2 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: 1200 cal/day avg (if I go over a day or two, need to be under a day or two to balance);
    Alcohol: no more than two drinks
    Weight: get it down!!!

    Good work Mandy!! It can be tough with such a busy schedule and you still did it! It for sure was the eating out that added weight back on like that.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Week-1 went well...
    I found my positive attitude again, exercise 4/4 (goal was 2/4) and diary complete 4/4!

    For week 2 my goals are:

    Exercise: cardio 5/7 and strength or circut training 2/7.
    Food: Sugars 5g or less over (this is a tough one for me). Atleast 1 serving of fresh fruit and veg everyday and complete my diary 7/7.

    I know we are supposed to post weight loss goals too, but today I made my goal weight (Yay!) And I'm not quite sure where I'm wanting to go with this yet....I guess I will plan to maintain my current weight 198.5lbs and if I lose I lose...

    Hope everyone has a great week!! :)

    Woo hoo!!! Glad you met your goal weight!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    :bigsmile: Page 4 is mine!! LOL!! Except for Wimberley somehow snuck a comment in. Sorry...just wanted to show support!!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. Like I mentioned in the newsfeed, work has been crazy the past couple of days and it looks like its going to continue to be very hectic for the rest of the week. I'll post my week 1 results and week 2 goals once I have some time. I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's posts!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Sorry I've been MIA. Like I mentioned in the newsfeed, work has been crazy the past couple of days and it looks like its going to continue to be very hectic for the rest of the week. I'll post my week 1 results and week 2 goals once I have some time. I'm looking forward to catching up on everyone's posts!

    No rush...take your time. Hopefully it slows down soon for you :happy:
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Just wanted to thank all of you for adding me and for your support...sorry I didn't comment yesterday, hope you all are doing well.
    @mobskee thanks for cheering us all on!! :D
    @ balanced_life,This week has had a bit of a rough start for me also(diary has been okay so far, but no exercise)...Monday was a long work day and then yesterday afternoon my mom was admitted to the hospital with severe chest pains. They still don't know what is wrong. So we are here at the hospital with her playing the waiting game and it is driving me crazy! Hoping the doctors figure something out soon. :/ TTYL
  • I really have to give my dog a pat on the back for keeping me accountable with exercise because without him looking at me and wagging his tail like, "mommy it's time for a walk together!" I would probably come home from work, plop on the couch and eat a frozen pizza! LOL. But I know exercise is crucial for him and I also get something out of it. So every day work I have been coming home, letting him out and playing ball, then I change over and we go for a walk together. I also went on my own separate run a couple days, except tonight my husband has 24 hour duty and I didn't wanna leave the dog alone anymore than he already was today! I feel so guilty leaving him home alone - and in his kennel for that matter - so I try to be as active as possible with him when I am here. So I guess the moral of this post is "if I didn't have a dog I would not be as motivated with my workouts this week as I have been!"

    Thanks pup!! :)
  • Awe Wimberly, love that your dog keeps you motivated.
  • I did a curiosity induced unofficial scale check this morning....has not budged, worse yet, I'm up half a pound. As I glance at my diary....I was over on Saturday, Sunday & Tuesday. Not enough to cause a weight gain but....who knows! Anyways, my boyfriend just came home and said our friends confirmed dinner plans for tomorrow night....sushi. Excited because I absolutely love sushi but I know I can kiss staying under my calories goodbye. There's no chance my bf isn't going to order something fried for us. On the flip side I am planning on taking Spin class & Zumba tomorrow the extra calories that I'll be burning off will definitely help.

    Plus Im working doubles through the overnights this weekend which isnt going to help either. I can't express enough how hard it is not to reach for snacks (healthy or not) when it's like 4 am and your body is screaming for energy. All I can do is pack healthy and stay focused :happy:

    Anyways, I think I'm okay with NOT losing this week. I am close to my goal, I am happy with myself right now and I can't ask my body to do something it just doesnt want to. I have been hungry this entire week...hence Ive ended up going over my calories (my weekend could have been better, not going to lie!). I'm going to keep working out and keep making healthy choices.

    I think I already have a goal for next week.... STAY UNDER MY CALORIES :ohwell:
  • I am detoxing from Facebook so I kind of need to vent to someone who is a third party spectator lol. I was walking my dog this morning on base and there is a strict "clean up after your pet" policy on base. I'll admit I forgot my puppy bags at home but there are bag stations on almost every corner. So Nate, my dog goes poop FAR from the sidewalk almost in a little ditch where absolutely no one walks. We begin walking towards the farther corner so I can get some exercise and grab a bag for the walk back (it would have been a total of 7 minutes-ish for me to walk there to get a bag and make it back). As I'm walking a woman stops in the middle of the road blocking traffic in her car to nag me about him pooping and me not cleaning it up right away and points back the way I came that there's a bag station blah blah. She says she is going to take a picture of me and my dog and report us and then proceeds to drive off and then before I know it she has turned around and is parked watching me go get a bag and watches me clean it up then drives away.

    I know I was wrong for not getting a bag before him going to the bathroom, my problem was how she went about embarrassing me, herself for acting crazy, and just blowing the matter out of proportion. Lesson learned on my end but what the heck can't you be a little nicer about it??? And this is my opinion but let the military police on base or housing officials care for this matter, I wouldn't take time from my life to nag a stranger about something petty. To each his/her own I guess.
  • OOO Wimberly...I have a mouth on me so I would have lashed her right out if she kept going after you told her you're going to get the baggy. Then again, the dynamics on a Marine base are very different as far as I've been informed (one of my friends married a marine who was stationed in camp Lejeune), correct me if Im wrong.

    SPEAKING of doggy poop. I live in a private apartment community (the kind where the ground keepers & maintenance have those little golf carts they zoon around guys have no idea how badly I want to joyride in one of those) and where there is a speed bump every 5 feet (SMDH).Anyways, there's two couples in two different the same building (right next to mine) that have dogs...and they constantly leave doggy-doo behind! So one of my neighbors NAILED a huge sign stating "PLEASE PICK UP THE POO AFTER YOUR PUP"....amazingly within a day someone posted a sign below that stating "WHAT HE SAID!!!!" I thought it was hilarious. It was of course taken down by the grounds keepers within the week but the message seemed to stick
  • Hey everyone. I'm sorry for not being around the past few days....I feel terrible not being able to offer supportive comments or the sort. I've have been sick again the past fews days. Just dealing with hypoglycemia issues and an SLE flare (so nosebleeds, pain and etc)

    I have not been logging everything this weekend, I just couldn't focus. My body is completely rebelling right now :-( I will be posting a review of this past week (big epic fail) and my upcoming weeks goals as soon as it's officially Monday!
  • Lmao@ the signs your neighbors posted!!!! Hahahaha and yes base laws are usually more strict than civilian law. Example, the alcohol limit is .08 ....on base is zero tolerance!

    As far as being out of sync wit your body I have been feeling like total CRAP today.
    Sore throat runny nose, headache....ugh. Basically no appetite but since I have been babysitting I have munched a little here and there. I'll have some soup when I go home. I hate my allergies! This literally came out of nowhere in the middle of the night last night :( . The only treats I had was some Pepperidge Farm cookies lol. Can't wait to go home and snuggle in my bed! Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and get some exercise in. Thank goodness we are off tomorrow!
  • Okay, So I've had a super rough week. Been sick, so I'm taking medication that puts me off kilter....bloated, working overnights constantly blah blah blah. I'm hoping to shock myself back into some sort of normalcy. The one thing I did VERY well this week is keeping up with my exercise, which actually HELPS my joint pain! So I have additional motivation in that department.

    ***WEEK 1 RECAP***
    - Go to spin class 3x (CHECK, went 4x)
    - Do an additional 60 minutes of additional cardio (CHECK, additional 95mins)
    - Strength training 1X (CHECK, did 2x)

    - drink 16 ounces of PURE water a day (CHECK)
    - Hit 80 grams of protein 3x (CHECK, managed it for 4 days!)
    - Have some sort of veggie everyday (CHECK)
    - Eat fruit on at least 5 days next week (ALMOST, 4 out of 5 days!)

    ***GOALS FOR WEEK 2***
    - Burn at least 2000 calories through exercise
    - Strength training 2x

    - Drink a total of 64 ounces of fluids each day (tea, flavored water etc.)
    - 24 ounces of that needs to be PURE water everyday
    - Stay UNDER or AT goal calories everyday (I've had a problem with going over SMH)
    - Hit 80g protein 5x this week
    - Daily veggie!

    Weight loss goal: 10.2 lbs (This is a desired loss including the water weight I gained over the holidays) Going for 132 lbs!
    Weight loss total: 5.0 lbs

    Week 0: 142.2 -- starting weight (post Holiday bloat & gain ::GASP::)
    Week 1: 135.6 (- 6.6 lbs; a lot of water weight lost)
    Week 2: 137.2 (+1.6 lbs; ugh between BAD eating and all the medication I'm on...rough week & a lot of bloat right now)
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    I do realize I will probably NOT make my monthly goal of getting down to 132 with this past week chaos, but I'm going to keep it up there to motivate me...I'll get as close as I can :-)
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Sorry I've been MIA the last few days from the thread, but I'm still here! ;) Hope to catch up on all I've missed sometime today...
    And as for the challenge, week 2...not horrible despite some stressful moments:

    I was able to maintain my 198.5 lbs-YAY!
    Completed my diary EVERY day, even if I knew I was "late"!
    Sugar,no more than 5g over-4/7 (goal 7/7)
    Fresh veggie servings-10/7 (goal 7/7)
    Fresh fruit servings- 7/7 (goal 7/7)
    Cardio-4/7 (goal 5/7)
    Strength or circut training-1/7 (goal 2/7)

    For week 3 I'm going to stick with the same goals as above and add 1-2 yoga sessions. I love yoga and am thinking that as tight as both my body and mind are wound right now, it may be helpful. ;)

    Hope you ladies have a great day and a great week 3!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Okay, So I've had a super rough week. Been sick, so I'm taking medication that puts me off kilter....bloated, working overnights constantly blah blah blah. I'm hoping to shock myself back into some sort of normalcy. The one thing I did VERY well this week is keeping up with my exercise, which actually HELPS my joint pain! So I have additional motivation in that department.

    ***WEEK 1 RECAP***
    - Go to spin class 3x (CHECK, went 4x)
    - Do an additional 60 minutes of additional cardio (CHECK, additional 95mins)
    - Strength training 1X (CHECK, did 2x)

    - drink 16 ounces of PURE water a day (CHECK)
    - Hit 80 grams of protein 3x (CHECK, managed it for 4 days!)
    - Have some sort of veggie everyday (CHECK)
    - Eat fruit on at least 5 days next week (ALMOST, 4 out of 5 days!)

    ***GOALS FOR WEEK 2***
    - Burn at least 2000 calories through exercise
    - Strength training 2x

    - Drink a total of 64 ounces of fluids each day (tea, flavored water etc.)
    - 24 ounces of that needs to be PURE water everyday
    - Stay UNDER or AT goal calories everyday (I've had a problem with going over SMH)
    - Hit 80g protein 5x this week
    - Daily veggie!

    Weight loss goal: 10.2 lbs (This is a desired loss including the water weight I gained over the holidays) Going for 132 lbs!
    Weight loss total: 5.0 lbs

    Week 0: 142.2 -- starting weight (post Holiday bloat & gain ::GASP::)
    Week 1: 135.6 (- 6.6 lbs; a lot of water weight lost)
    Week 2: 137.2 (+1.6 lbs; ugh between BAD eating and all the medication I'm on...rough week & a lot of bloat right now)
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    I do realize I will probably NOT make my monthly goal of getting down to 132 with this past week chaos, but I'm going to keep it up there to motivate me...I'll get as close as I can :-)
    Hang in there girl!! You are doing what you can, and that to me is SUPER motivation! If I felt like that plus working late shift I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably just crash! But you keep going and that is awesome! You will figure out a way to make things work, but for right now just keep doing what you can to take care of you. :)