Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • OKAY LADIES! Week 1 is coming to a close & week 2 starts tomorrow. I have to say you are all doing absolutely awesome & it is so motivating & inspiring to see everyone burning up those calories, logging, & always improving. I think most of us had a rough Saturday but I think the weekends are always a challenge (even for me and I work ALL weekend)

    I am going to post my recap of week 1 as well as my goals for the upcoming week today since tomorrow will be nutty for me!

    ***WEEK 1 RECAP***
    EXERCISE (easing myself back into a routine):
    - Go to spin class at least twice (CHECK: I went on Tuesday & Friday)
    - Do an addition 30minutes of cardio (CHECK: did an additional 110 minutes)
    - Strength training 1x (CHECK: did my pushups on Friday)

    - get back to logging EVERYTHING!!!!! (CHECK)
    - Drink 24 ounce of WATER each day (NOPE: I only managed to accomplish that on 4 of the days)
    - Squeeze in 2 cups of plain Kefir (NOPE: did that one out of two days)
    - NO chips! (CHECK)

    ***GOALS FOR WEEK 2***
    Go to spin class THREE times this week
    Do an additional 60 minutes of additional cardio
    Strength training 1X

    - drink 16 ounces of PURE water a day besides flavored, teas & etc (decreasing the amount so hopefully I'll manage better)
    - Hit 80 grams of protein at least 3 times this week!
    - Have some sort of veggie EVERYDAY (This week was good 6/7 days, want to improve)
    - Eat fruit on at least 5 days next week (Only had fruit 3 days this week, again need to improve)

  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @ Sammie - congrats! It looked you had an excellent Week 1 overall! I love how you've set higher goals for yourself for Week 2. :smile:

    By the way, did you miss including your weight loss goal/summary, or did you decide to do your weigh-in later on?
  • OOPS, I forgot! Thanks for the reminder!

    Weight loss goal: 10.2 lbs (This is a desired loss including the water weight I gained over the holidays) Going for 132 lbs!
    Weight loss total: 6.6 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 142.2 -- starting weight (post Holiday bloat & gain ::GASP::)
    Week 1: 135.6 (-6.6 lbs; a lot of water weight lost)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    I will have to wright up my goal summary and new goals tomorrow....gotta go to bed so that I can wake up early to exercise.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Hello ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. Tomorrow I start my new job and I am super excited! I will post my weight tomorrow morning, for now I'll review my week 1 and plan for week 2.

    Week 1 goals were to: stay at or under each day (check!)

    Exercise every day (check!)

    Abs twice during the week (check!!)

    Strength train 3 times during the week (kinda check, I did various things like push ups, pulling harder on the handles on the elliptical, and weights)

    Food goal was to eat fruits and veggies every day (I'll admit I slacked a couple days on this one!)

    Week 2 goals:

    Exercise- run 5 days, power walk two days.
    3 ab workouts
    3 strength sessions
    Stretch every morning
    Go to yoga!

    Food- stay under
    Fruits and veggies every day
    At least 10 cups of water/tea each day

    Good luck everyone on week 2!!
  • OOPS, I forgot! Thanks for the reminder!

    Weight loss goal: 10.2 lbs (This is a desired loss including the water weight I gained over the holidays) Going for 132 lbs!
    Weight loss total: 6.6 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 142.2 -- starting weight (post Holiday bloat & gain ::GASP::)
    Week 1: 135.6 (-6.6 lbs; a lot of water weight lost)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    AWESOME loss girl!!!! Good job last week!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    I think I need a new set of scales. I actually felt good about weighing this morning because I felt like I had a good first week. Well, when I first got on the scales, it said about 7 lbs loss (which I KNEW wasn't right), tried again, got the same number as last week, then consistently got 2 lbs MORE than last week! :grumble: My hubby says it's always accurate for him though. So, I think my scales are purposely trying to cause psychological damage & make me give up. ::devil:
    I think I will wait a few days until I officially weigh in---til either my body quits fluctuating so much or I get new scales! (It is almost TOM).
    I stayed on target last week with alternating a workout dvd with a walk/jog & strength training every day.
    I drank my 8 cups of water -almost- every day, will work on that this week!
    Only had diet soda every other day! Yay!
    Only went over my calorie goal one day this week.

    This weeks goals will be pretty similar to last week:
    Mon, Wed, Fri cardiomax (biggest loser dvd)
    Tues, Thurs, Sat walk/jog & power scupt (biggest loser dvd)
    Sun- rest day
    I also am going to strive to get in a bonus exercise at least 3 days this week (besides my regular dvd or jog).

    Drink 8+ glasses of water daily
    Cut out soda to no more than one every other day
    add more fruits & veggies to my diet
    stay at 1200 calories daily

    Oh--and my goal is to lose 5 lbs total this month going from 150.6 to 145.6 (IF that truly was my start weight! :tongue: )
  • Not much time right now -- gotta get the boys out of the house for the morning. But I will be back on tonight to see how everyone has done!

    Week 1 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    ** ended up running 2x, weights 1x, zumba 1x, fast walk (3.1 miles) 1x
    Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol
    **nope - under 5 days, under 3 days; failed on the alcohol - 2 drinks Sat night
    Weight (1/1): 128 lb

    Today's weight (1/8): 127.5 lb ** a little disappointing since I was weighing less most of the week; thinking water retention from grabbing restaurant food the last two days while hubbie has been out of commission with back problems? hopefully!

    Gotta get it in gear this week!
    Week 2 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: 1200 cal/day avg (if I go over a day or two, need to be under a day or two to balance);
    Alcohol: no more than two drinks
    Weight: get it down!!!
  • Well I am not even sure if I posted my starting weight.

    Week 1: 123.5
    Week 2: 123.0

  • Mandy I am stealing the alcohol idea. My goal is no alcohol until my birthday!!! That would be February 20th. So for the next few weeks that will be a goal of mine too, lol.
  • And my last post lol sorry for flooding this thing, so I used a different scale today than normal. Anyone know how different scales are from one another? I usually use the big nice one at the gym and today I used my neighbor's Weight Watchers scale. Hmmm
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Week-1 went well...
    I found my positive attitude again, exercise 4/4 (goal was 2/4) and diary complete 4/4!

    For week 2 my goals are:

    Exercise: cardio 5/7 and strength or circut training 2/7.
    Food: Sugars 5g or less over (this is a tough one for me). Atleast 1 serving of fresh fruit and veg everyday and complete my diary 7/7.

    I know we are supposed to post weight loss goals too, but today I made my goal weight (Yay!) And I'm not quite sure where I'm wanting to go with this yet....I guess I will plan to maintain my current weight 198.5lbs and if I lose I lose...

    Hope everyone has a great week!! :)
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Week-1 went well...
    I found my positive attitude again, exercise 4/4 (goal was 2/4) and diary complete 4/4!

    For week 2 my goals are:

    Exercise: cardio 5/7 and strength or circut training 2/7.
    Food: Sugars 5g or less over (this is a tough one for me). Atleast 1 serving of fresh fruit and veg everyday and complete my diary 7/7.

    I know we are supposed to post weight loss goals too, but today I made my goal weight (Yay!) And I'm not quite sure where I'm wanting to go with this yet....I guess I will plan to maintain my current weight 198.5lbs and if I lose I lose...

    Hope everyone has a great week!! :)
    That's awesome! Congrats on making your goal weight! :happy: They say that now the true test begins! :wink: I'll be cheering you on!
  • GJ everyone.
    I hope everyone is taking day one of the second week by the horns! clue how or why really the scales differ....When I use to weigh on old scale at my apartment & sometimes on my mother's scale at her house...Id get a 5 lb difference!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    Hope everyone is doine well...I haven't had time to get on here and see how everyone is doing. I've been a busy lady lately. I really wanted to spend some time on here tonight but my son sprung a surprise concert on me then I had to work and here I am it's bed time!

    My loss for the week was 3 lbs. Woo Hoo!!! Last Monday I was at 215 and this morning I was at 212.

    Here is some feedback on LAST WEEK's goals. I will use smiley's lol

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day --:drinker: :bigsmile:
    -Sleep 8 hours every night--:grumble: .I was only able to accomplish that on the weekends :grumble:
    -Take vitamins daily--:happy:

    Do an exercise video every weekday --:flowerforyou: I deserve a flower for this one. Very proud of myselft!!
    Walk on lunch at least 3 times --:flowerforyou: walked every day (including weekend) not just 3 times

    Eat a homemade/healthy breakfast every morning --:happy:
    Eat a healthy snack between every meal --:smile: missed a couple of snacks
    No more than 600 calories at dinner time --:yawn: Forgot about this goal but I only wen't back for seconds once and that was salad so that doesn't count.


    Sleep 8 hours every night-even 7 would be nice
    Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day

    Do 30DS everyday
    Walk on lunch-at least 3 weekdays

    I'm doing a cleanse so I have to stay away from all processed foods, allergents, dairy, and wheat.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Hope everyone is doine well...I haven't had time to get on here and see how everyone is doing. I've been a busy lady lately. I really wanted to spend some time on here tonight but my son sprung a surprise concert on me then I had to work and here I am it's bed time!

    My loss for the week was 3 lbs. Woo Hoo!!! Last Monday I was at 215 and this morning I was at 212.

    Here is some feedback on LAST WEEK's goals. I will use smiley's lol

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day --:drinker: :bigsmile:
    -Sleep 8 hours every night--:grumble: .I was only able to accomplish that on the weekends :grumble:
    -Take vitamins daily--:happy:

    Do an exercise video every weekday --:flowerforyou: I deserve a flower for this one. Very proud of myselft!!
    Walk on lunch at least 3 times --:flowerforyou: walked every day (including weekend) not just 3 times

    Eat a homemade/healthy breakfast every morning --:happy:
    Eat a healthy snack between every meal --:smile: missed a couple of snacks
    No more than 600 calories at dinner time --:yawn: Forgot about this goal but I only wen't back for seconds once and that was salad so that doesn't count.


    Sleep 8 hours every night-even 7 would be nice
    Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day

    Do 30DS everyday
    Walk on lunch-at least 3 weekdays

    I'm doing a cleanse so I have to stay away from all processed foods, allergents, dairy, and wheat.

    What are you eating on the cleanse? I am thinking of doing this, but not with "cleanse" products. Just wholesome, fresh foods. Going to buy a ton of fruit this week at the grocery store!

    Good job on your goals!!! Sleep is so good for us in so many ways!!!!

    You got this!!!!!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this monday weigh in thing :bigsmile: I have a very hard time on the weekends and tend to gain weight:blushing: Friday weigh-ins allow me a chance to drop some of the weight from the previous weekend lol

    I guess I'm not here to only eat well on weekdays...I need to improve my weekend eating habits too :happy:
    @ Maria -- it sounds like weighing in on Mon. would be perfect for you then! :laugh:

    I agree :happy:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this monday weigh in thing :bigsmile: I have a very hard time on the weekends and tend to gain weight:blushing: Friday weigh-ins allow me a chance to drop some of the weight from the previous weekend lol

    I guess I'm not here to only eat well on weekdays...I need to improve my weekend eating habits too :happy:

    We can push that "eating healthy 7 days a week" thing together because I tend to slack on weekends. Or at least if we eat really well during the week allow for some extra calories to be eaten on the weekend.

    Lets do this!!!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    Hope everyone is doine well...I haven't had time to get on here and see how everyone is doing. I've been a busy lady lately. I really wanted to spend some time on here tonight but my son sprung a surprise concert on me then I had to work and here I am it's bed time!

    My loss for the week was 3 lbs. Woo Hoo!!! Last Monday I was at 215 and this morning I was at 212.

    Here is some feedback on LAST WEEK's goals. I will use smiley's lol

    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day --:drinker: :bigsmile:
    -Sleep 8 hours every night--:grumble: .I was only able to accomplish that on the weekends :grumble:
    -Take vitamins daily--:happy:

    Do an exercise video every weekday --:flowerforyou: I deserve a flower for this one. Very proud of myselft!!
    Walk on lunch at least 3 times --:flowerforyou: walked every day (including weekend) not just 3 times

    Eat a homemade/healthy breakfast every morning --:happy:
    Eat a healthy snack between every meal --:smile: missed a couple of snacks
    No more than 600 calories at dinner time --:yawn: Forgot about this goal but I only wen't back for seconds once and that was salad so that doesn't count.


    Sleep 8 hours every night-even 7 would be nice
    Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day

    Do 30DS everyday
    Walk on lunch-at least 3 weekdays

    I'm doing a cleanse so I have to stay away from all processed foods, allergents, dairy, and wheat.

    What are you eating on the cleanse? I am thinking of doing this, but not with "cleanse" products. Just wholesome, fresh foods. Going to buy a ton of fruit this week at the grocery store!

    Good job on your goals!!! Sleep is so good for us in so many ways!!!!

    You got this!!!!!

    Thank you! I got a two week cleanse that's all herbal and I got it for free (after mail in rebate) :happy:
    I'm just trying to eat as clean as I can and avoid all the things listed in my goals. I eat as many fruits and vegetables as I can and stick to very lean meats and quinoa is my best friend. Feel free to look at my diary...except today I forgot and accidently added some cheese to my omelet.
    When me and my friend did it in the past we would add things to smoothies like protein powder, psyllium husks, bee pollen, beet powder...there were a few others I can't remember.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I DID IT!! I completed my Saturday diary...with not horrible results I might add! YAY!! I was a bit nervous because we spent time with friends which was great, but their kitchen is not a "no junk zone"... :S However, I made it through! Had some great exercise today and am actually looking forward to Monday's weigh-in. ;) Here's to a great rest of the weekend! Catch ya all later!

    Great job! Weekends can be rough...specially at a friends house!