Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)

We're ready to get started! We have a small group of great people. I hope that this challenge will provide each of us with the accountability and support that we need to achieve our goals in 2012. As I mentioned in the newsfeed, the initial commitment is for Jan. (1/2/12 - 1/29/12), but we might continue the challenge for Feb. (new people can join at that time).

The group members for the challenge are:

Balanced_Life, MarineWifey09, jwerman, Dawn_is_getting_healthy, ratsyroo, mobskee, SparksFly460

Some of you might not know all of the others in the group, so please introduce yourselves when you post your goals for week 1 (on or before 1/2).

Here are the challenge requirements:

1) Complete food/exercise diaries every day.
2) Comment on the food/exercise diary of each group member every day.
3) Post your goals for the coming week (Mon. - Sun.) in this thread each Mon.
4) Add comments to that post the following Mon. to indicate how you did on each of your goals.

The whole idea behind the above requirements is to provide each of us constant accountability and support, and to give each person the flexibility to set whatever goals is most appropriate for that person for that week (e.g., if you're putting in a lot of long hours at work for a particular week, or if you're sick that week, your goals will probably be a lot different from your goals during a more typical week).

An example of weekly goals might be:

Calorie Deficit
3500 cal/week (~500 cal/day) mainly from exercise

Stairmaster (45 min. x 7 sessions)
Weight training (25 min x 4 sessions)
Body weight exercises (20 min. x 3 sessions)
Calisthenics (15 min. x 3 sessions; 5 min. x 4 sessions)

Follow "meal plan template" every day (in the "Notes" section of my Food Diary)

OK, I'll get things started!

My name is Mimi. I'm 47 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising (the "example of weekly goals" above is what my weekly goals would be in normal week) but I have a big problem with stress induced binge eating. Because of that, I've kept gaining/losing the same 10-20 lbs. over and over, and I still haven't been able tor reach my goal weight of 110 lbs. (my current weight is 135 lbs). In 2012 I want to finally reach my goal weight while continuously improving my fitness.

Week 1 of the challenge is going to be pretty abnormal for me. Right now I'm pretty sick, and I'm not sure when I'll be well enough to resume exercising. Additionally, work is going to be hectic next week, and I expect to be putting in some pretty long hours, so a big challenge will be to avoid any stress induced binging. So for week 1 I'll try to do some exercise if I can, but will only have 2 "official" goals:

Calorie Deficit
Eat at or below maintenance every day

Follow meal plan template every day (in the "Notes" section of my Food Diary)


  • Wow Mimi I love it!! You put a lot into getting this started and I am excited to see it take off.

    My name is Wimberley :o) I am 23 (will be 24 Feb.20!) and currently live in Hawaii (island of Oahu) due to the fact that my husband is a US Marine! We met in 2007 right after I had completed my first year of college, dated "long-disance" throughout the next two and a half years I was in school and then December 2009 after graduating I packed up my car and moved to the not-so-pretty town of Jacksonville NC where he was last stationed. We did the living together thing and then got married April 2010. He went to training in May for over a month, deployed in June and got back this past February. We moved to Hawaii in September!

    Being married to someone who must stay in shape to keep his job has really motivated me to get in as best shape as possible. When we met I was teetering between 155-160. I have a small, 5'2'' frame so that's a lot of weight to carry. I am currently in the 123-124 range. My ultimate goal is to be at my goal weight (118-120) by my birthday which is about a month and a half away so I feel if I stay on top of things and am kept accountable by you gals I will obtain my goal!!!

    I think we can all really help each other! Feel free to add me and I will send friend requests myself!

    I forgot to add my goal for week goals are as follow:

    jog/walk (mostly jog) minimum 5 x week
    strength train 3 x week
    abs 2 x week

    To stay under consistently for 7 days
    Limit "treats" to 1 SERVING SIZE PORTION each day (I cannot live w/out my treats!!!!....perhaps thats a reason why I can't seem to lose my last few pounds!)

    At least 10 cups per day
  • So excited for this, this should get me right back on track! I have been 'misbehaving' with regards to my intake since Christmas!

    My name is Sammie, I'm 23 years old. I currently work a full time desk job (I have been for the past four years) I just wrapped up my BA in psychology & neuroscience this past January and have been TRYING to get into graduate school since them. I am truly sabotaging myself with missing deadlines not finishing applications :-/
    Back to my job....I work 12 hours or double on the weekends (therefore I get virtually NO exercise or movement, however, the weekends are ALWAYS stressful. I also work 2-3 over night shift a week (midnight-8am) hence why my food diary covers a full 24 hours in 4 hour intervals (this is where completing my diary before midnight gets tricky, my 'day' doesn't end until I go to bed, whether it's 11pm or 8am the following morning...I will pre-log my food on my overnights & complete my diary then!).

    I live with the most wonderful man in my life. He has seen me at my worst & at my best. He's my biggest support!

    Although I'm the ultimate human yo-yo when it comes to my weight.

    I'm very close to a weight I feel comfortable at (well maybe a little further away now since I've been having all the holiday goodies). I do struggle with STRESS & MINDLESS overeating.

    I can't wait to get back into my healthy workout routine & start eating reasonably.

    Here are my goals for the upcoming week:

    EXERCISE (easing myself back into a routine):
    Go to spin class at least TWICE
    Do an addition 30minutes of cardio
    Strength training 1x

    ****get back to logging EVERYTHING!!!!!***
    Drink 24 ounce of WATER each day (in addition to flavored waters, teas & etc. I need to get pure WATER back into my routine
    Squeeze in 2 cups of plain Kefir this week (hello probiotic!)
    NO chips! I need to get off the chip train this week SMH
  • So excited for this, this should get me right back on track! I have been 'misbehaving' with regards to my intake since Christmas!

    My name is Sammie, I'm 23 years old. I currently work a full time desk job (I have been for the past four years) I just wrapped up my BA in psychology & neuroscience this past January and have been TRYING to get into graduate school since them. I am truly sabotaging myself with missing deadlines not finishing applications :-/
    Back to my job....I work 12 hours or double on the weekends (therefore I get virtually NO exercise or movement, however, the weekends are ALWAYS stressful. I also work 2-3 over night shift a week (midnight-8am) hence why my food diary covers a full 24 hours in 4 hour intervals (this is where completing my diary before midnight gets tricky, my 'day' doesn't end until I go to bed, whether it's 11pm or 8am the following morning...I will pre-log my food on my overnights & complete my diary then!).

    I live with the most wonderful man in my life. He has seen me at my worst & at my best. He's my biggest support!

    Although I'm the ultimate human yo-yo when it comes to my weight.

    I'm very close to a weight I feel comfortable at (well maybe a little further away now since I've been having all the holiday goodies). I do struggle with STRESS & MINDLESS overeating.

    I can't wait to get back into my healthy workout routine & start eating reasonably.

    Here are my goals for the upcoming week:

    EXERCISE (easing myself back into a routine):
    Go to spin class at least TWICE
    Do an addition 30minutes of cardio
    Strength training 1x

    ****get back to logging EVERYTHING!!!!!***
    Drink 24 ounce of WATER each day (in addition to flavored waters, teas & etc. I need to get pure WATER back into my routine
    Squeeze in 2 cups of plain Kefir this week (hello probiotic!)
    NO chips! I need to get off the chip train this week SMH

    Sounds like you and I have similar goals. Kudos for having a great significant other that supports you :) my hubby is getting better at supporting my goals instead of telling me "you look great just eat the cake!" because even though I know he thinks I look great, eating that "cake" is only setting me further from the ultimate goal!! Lol.

    We are all here to support and I cannot wait for us to get started! :)
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @ Wimberly & Sammie - it's great that both of you are so enthusiastic! And it sounds like both of you have good goals for Week 1! I think that having a close-knit, super supportive group like this is going to help us all make a lot of progress.

    I'm also looking forward to getting started this Mon.!
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating out, etc.
    I was doing great over the past 3 months and lost 15 lbs. However, I made some really bad choices during the holidays and gained 5 of those back. And they were so hard to lose in the first place! =P So, I am ready & motivated to start back fresh and love that I have this group to keep me encouraged & motivate! I look forward to getting to know you all better too.
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs eventually, but at 150, I have a ways to go.

    My weekly goals are:
    walk/jog at least 3 times a week
    Cardio/circuit training workout video at least 3 times a week
    Strength training 3 times a week (when not included with my circuit training)

    say NO to the sweets!
    Make healthier food choices overall (better nutritionally--not just low cal)
    Record everything that I eat, every day
    Stay under calorie goal every day

    Drink at least 64 oz of water a day (I struggle with this one but may up the amt as I go)
    Cut down on diet soda to only one every other day (eventually cut it out completely...but gotta take baby steps! lol)
  • I am IN!!!!!
    My name is Mandy. I am 34 and live in Portland, OR with my husband and two young sons. I am super stoked for this challenge! Thanks, Mimi, for getting it together!

    Speaking of having it together - not me for the last 1.5 months or so. Too much family, too many chances to splurge. But as of today, I am officially back on track! I started my fitness journey at 153.5 and I weigh 128 as of this morning (though I have gotten as low as 125). My goal weight is 115 and I WILL hit that this year!

    Week 1 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol
    Weight today (1/1): 128 lb
  • ratsyroo
    ratsyroo Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating out, etc.
    I was doing great over the past 3 months and lost 15 lbs. However, I made some really bad choices during the holidays and gained 5 of those back. And they were so hard to lose in the first place! =P So, I am ready & motivated to start back fresh and love that I have this group to keep me encouraged & motivate! I look forward to getting to know you all better too.
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs eventually, but at 150, I have a ways to go.

    My weekly goals are:
    walk/jog at least 3 times a week
    Cardio/circuit training workout video at least 3 times a week
    Strength training 3 times a week (when not included with my circuit training)

    say NO to the sweets!
    Make healthier food choices overall (better nutritionally--not just low cal)
    Record everything that I eat, every day
    Stay under calorie goal every day

    Drink at least 64 oz of water a day (I struggle with this one but may up the amt as I go)
    Cut down on diet soda to only one every other day (eventually cut it out completely...but gotta take baby steps! lol)
    Oh--and I will weigh myself and reset my ticker (boo!) tomorrow morning! Here's to a great week! :drinker: (That's water, by the way!) :wink:
  • Mimi, great group idea. I hope it is opened up again in Feb 2012 since I would love to join.
    Happy New Year!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Everyone, "Mandalicious" (Mandy) is the one member for our Jan. challenge that wasn't listed in my initial post (she'd been offline during the past week and hadn't yet confirmed her participation at that time).
    I am IN!!!!!
    My name is Mandy. I am 34 and live in Portland, OR with my husband and two young sons. I am super stoked for this challenge! Thanks, Mimi, for getting it together!

    Speaking of having it together - not me for the last 1.5 months or so. Too much family, too many chances to splurge. But as of today, I am officially back on track! I started my fitness journey at 153.5 and I weigh 128 as of this morning (though I have gotten as low as 125). My goal weight is 115 and I WILL hit that this year!

    Week 1 goals:
    Exercise: run 3x, weights 2x
    Food: stick to 1200 calories for seven straight days; no alcohol
    Weight today (1/1): 128 lb
    @ Mandy - glad you're joining us! If you're at 128 then you made it through the holiday season really well! My goal is also to finally hit my goal weight of 110 this year -- let's make it happen! :drinker:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Mimi, great group idea. I hope it is opened up again in Feb 2012 since I would love to join.
    Happy New Year!
    @ mlcole60 - thanks for the comment! Yes, please check back around the end of of Jan. Happy New Year to you too!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating out, etc.
    I was doing great over the past 3 months and lost 15 lbs. However, I made some really bad choices during the holidays and gained 5 of those back. And they were so hard to lose in the first place! =P So, I am ready & motivated to start back fresh and love that I have this group to keep me encouraged & motivate! I look forward to getting to know you all better too.
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs eventually, but at 150, I have a ways to go.

    My weekly goals are:
    walk/jog at least 3 times a week
    Cardio/circuit training workout video at least 3 times a week
    Strength training 3 times a week (when not included with my circuit training)

    say NO to the sweets!
    Make healthier food choices overall (better nutritionally--not just low cal)
    Record everything that I eat, every day
    Stay under calorie goal every day

    Drink at least 64 oz of water a day (I struggle with this one but may up the amt as I go)
    Cut down on diet soda to only one every other day (eventually cut it out completely...but gotta take baby steps! lol)
    Oh--and I will weigh myself and reset my ticker (boo!) tomorrow morning! Here's to a great week! :drinker: (That's water, by the way!) :wink:
    @ Joy - looks like you have good goals for week 1!

  • Oh--and I will weigh myself and reset my ticker (boo!) tomorrow morning! Here's to a great week! :drinker: (That's water, by the way!) :wink:

    OOPS I'm going to have to rest my ticker too...and soon! i definitely GAINED over the holidays
  • Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating out, etc.
    I was doing great over the past 3 months and lost 15 lbs. However, I made some really bad choices during the holidays and gained 5 of those back. And they were so hard to lose in the first place! =P So, I am ready & motivated to start back fresh and love that I have this group to keep me encouraged & motivate! I look forward to getting to know you all better too.
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs eventually, but at 150, I have a ways to go.

    My weekly goals are:
    walk/jog at least 3 times a week
    Cardio/circuit training workout video at least 3 times a week
    Strength training 3 times a week (when not included with my circuit training)

    say NO to the sweets!
    Make healthier food choices overall (better nutritionally--not just low cal)
    Record everything that I eat, every day
    Stay under calorie goal every day

    Drink at least 64 oz of water a day (I struggle with this one but may up the amt as I go)
    Cut down on diet soda to only one every other day (eventually cut it out completely...but gotta take baby steps! lol)

    Hey Joy! Nice to meet you :) I have to agree w/ you on duty station moves.....we were on leave for almost a month and my family was spoiling us with our favorite foods...I definitely gained 5 lbs. on that long stay home. LOL. Nice to see another mil spouse on here!
  • Yay Mandy glad you're joining us!
  • Hi all! I'm Dawn. I'm 40, starting weight was 255, current weight is 217.5, and goal weight is 155 (we'll see when we get there if I decide to go lower). I'm 5'7" and have struggled with weight loss all my life. I have a blog, and I love getting feedback (I'm needy like that!). Looking forward to getting to know you all! Oh, and I've decided that we should all support each other on here, and then celebrate our wonderful results by meeting up at Wimberley's house in Hawaii! LOL!

    OK, here are my goals for the week:

    Oh, wait, before I start, you should know that I work full time....I work from home usually 3-4 days a week, and then work in Indianapolis (about an hour and a half away) 1-2 days a week.

    On non-Indy days: treadmill - 30 minutes at 3mph during lunch break; 60 minutes at 2.5 mph either morning or evening.
    On Indy days: treadmill - 30 minutes at 2.5 mph

    Still struggling with this. Will break down soon and ask my DH for help. Will keep you posted.

    1200 minimum and 1360 maximum, eating back exercise calories when needed, but not mandatory.
    Pay attention to macro nutrients....1200 calories of pasta probably isn't what I need!

    Water / other non-caffeinated beverages:
    48 ounces per day minimum

    No napping during lunch hour on non-Indy days. I know that sounds pathetic, but it's real. And now I've admitted my secret shame to you all, so hold me to it!
    Schedule mammogram!

    OK....that's it for now. Probably a little TMI on the goals, but hey, I know we're here for each other, so I appreciate your keeping me honest!

  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi Everyone,

    First of all thank you Mimi for organizing this challenge!!!

    My name is Maria and I live in Portland, OR with my man, 2 kids, and two cats. I work for a marketing company and go to school part time (online this term). I'm really excited for this challenge...I need a little push and this challenge as well as the new year are going to help me get my head back in the game! I decided that the main things I need to work on is my portion control and I need to exercise. If I fix these two habits I should be golden because I eat pretty healthy. I've been really amped up about this...I gathered all of my exercise dvds and I found my 30 day shred dvd which I bought a while back and couldn't find anywhere! Let's do this!!

    Here are my goals for this week:

    -Wake up at 6 am every weekday to exercise
    -Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
    -Sleep 8 hours every night
    -Take vitamins daily

    Do an exercise video every weekday
    Walk on lunch at least 3 times

    Eat a homemade/healthy breakfast every morning
    Eat a healthy snack between every meal
    No more than 600 calories at dinner time
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Wow Mimi I love it!! You put a lot into getting this started and I am excited to see it take off.

    My name is Wimberley :o) I am 23 (will be 24 Feb.20!) and currently live in Hawaii (island of Oahu) due to the fact that my husband is a US Marine! We met in 2007 right after I had completed my first year of college, dated "long-disance" throughout the next two and a half years I was in school and then December 2009 after graduating I packed up my car and moved to the not-so-pretty town of Jacksonville NC where he was last stationed. We did the living together thing and then got married April 2010. He went to training in May for over a month, deployed in June and got back this past February. We moved to Hawaii in September!

    Being married to someone who must stay in shape to keep his job has really motivated me to get in as best shape as possible. When we met I was teetering between 155-160. I have a small, 5'2'' frame so that's a lot of weight to carry. I am currently in the 123-124 range. My ultimate goal is to be at my goal weight (118-120) by my birthday which is about a month and a half away so I feel if I stay on top of things and am kept accountable by you gals I will obtain my goal!!!

    I think we can all really help each other! Feel free to add me and I will send friend requests myself!

    I forgot to add my goal for week goals are as follow:

    jog/walk (mostly jog) minimum 5 x week
    strength train 3 x week
    abs 2 x week

    To stay under consistently for 7 days
    Limit "treats" to 1 SERVING SIZE PORTION each day (I cannot live w/out my treats!!!!....perhaps thats a reason why I can't seem to lose my last few pounds!)

    At least 10 cups per day

    What an interesting story! Congratulations on the loss so far!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    We're ready to get started! We have a small group of great people. I hope that this challenge will provide each of us with the accountability and support that we need to achieve our goals in 2012. As I mentioned in the newsfeed, the initial commitment is for Jan. (1/2/12 - 1/29/12), but we might continue the challenge for Feb. (new people can join at that time).

    The group members for the challenge are:

    Balanced_Life, MarineWifey09, jwerman, Dawn_is_getting_healthy, ratsyroo, mobskee, SparksFly460

    Some of you might not know all of the others in the group, so please introduce yourselves when you post your goals for week 1 (on or before 1/2).

    Here are the challenge requirements:

    1) Complete food/exercise diaries every day.
    2) Comment on the food/exercise diary of each group member every day.
    3) Post your goals for the coming week (Mon. - Sun.) in this thread each Mon.
    4) Add comments to that post the following Mon. to indicate how you did on each of your goals.

    The whole idea behind the above requirements is to provide each of us constant accountability and support, and to give each person the flexibility to set whatever goals is most appropriate for that person for that week (e.g., if you're putting in a lot of long hours at work for a particular week, or if you're sick that week, your goals will probably be a lot different from your goals during a more typical week).

    An example of weekly goals might be:

    Calorie Deficit
    3500 cal/week (~500 cal/day) mainly from exercise

    Stairmaster (45 min. x 7 sessions)
    Weight training (25 min x 4 sessions)
    Body weight exercises (20 min. x 3 sessions)
    Calisthenics (15 min. x 3 sessions; 5 min. x 4 sessions)

    Follow "meal plan template" every day (in the "Notes" section of my Food Diary)

    OK, I'll get things started!

    My name is Mimi. I'm 47 and an engineering manager at a semiconductor company. I'm pretty good about exercising (the "example of weekly goals" above is what my weekly goals would be in normal week) but I have a big problem with stress induced binge eating. Because of that, I've kept gaining/losing the same 10-20 lbs. over and over, and I still haven't been able tor reach my goal weight of 110 lbs. (my current weight is 135 lbs). In 2012 I want to finally reach my goal weight while continuously improving my fitness.

    Week 1 of the challenge is going to be pretty abnormal for me. Right now I'm pretty sick, and I'm not sure when I'll be well enough to resume exercising. Additionally, work is going to be hectic next week, and I expect to be putting in some pretty long hours, so a big challenge will be to avoid any stress induced binging. So for week 1 I'll try to do some exercise if I can, but will only have 2 "official" goals:

    Calorie Deficit
    Eat at or below maintenance every day

    Follow meal plan template every day (in the "Notes" section of my Food Diary)

    First of all, thank you once again for putting this together for us and for all the thought you put into this challenge :flowerforyou: ! I also have binging problems, not necessarily stress related...just random. We gotta figure out how to nip this thing in the bud! I hope you get better soon. Be sure to get your rest and not to physically push yourself or it will take you longer to get better :happy:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    So excited for this, this should get me right back on track! I have been 'misbehaving' with regards to my intake since Christmas!

    My name is Sammie, I'm 23 years old. I currently work a full time desk job (I have been for the past four years) I just wrapped up my BA in psychology & neuroscience this past January and have been TRYING to get into graduate school since them. I am truly sabotaging myself with missing deadlines not finishing applications :-/
    Back to my job....I work 12 hours or double on the weekends (therefore I get virtually NO exercise or movement, however, the weekends are ALWAYS stressful. I also work 2-3 over night shift a week (midnight-8am) hence why my food diary covers a full 24 hours in 4 hour intervals (this is where completing my diary before midnight gets tricky, my 'day' doesn't end until I go to bed, whether it's 11pm or 8am the following morning...I will pre-log my food on my overnights & complete my diary then!).

    I live with the most wonderful man in my life. He has seen me at my worst & at my best. He's my biggest support!

    Although I'm the ultimate human yo-yo when it comes to my weight.

    I'm very close to a weight I feel comfortable at (well maybe a little further away now since I've been having all the holiday goodies). I do struggle with STRESS & MINDLESS overeating.

    I can't wait to get back into my healthy workout routine & start eating reasonably.

    Here are my goals for the upcoming week:

    EXERCISE (easing myself back into a routine):
    Go to spin class at least TWICE
    Do an addition 30minutes of cardio
    Strength training 1x

    ****get back to logging EVERYTHING!!!!!***
    Drink 24 ounce of WATER each day (in addition to flavored waters, teas & etc. I need to get pure WATER back into my routine
    Squeeze in 2 cups of plain Kefir this week (hello probiotic!)
    NO chips! I need to get off the chip train this week SMH

    Hi Sammie! Welcome to the group! Glad that you can join is in this war against fat lol :drinker:

    A possible substitute for chips--> Not sure if you've tried these but they are so much better than chips. I absolutely love them. Try Blue Diamond Nut Thin crackers. They come in a variety of flavors.
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Hi, all! =) My name is Joy (aka ratsyroo) and I am a mother of 4 and wife to an a great guy, who is active duty in the Air Force. It seems that when it's about time to move to a new base or location, I lose weight ....but then pack it back on & then some during the move and the first year. I guess it's the stress, eating out, etc.
    I was doing great over the past 3 months and lost 15 lbs. However, I made some really bad choices during the holidays and gained 5 of those back. And they were so hard to lose in the first place! =P So, I am ready & motivated to start back fresh and love that I have this group to keep me encouraged & motivate! I look forward to getting to know you all better too.
    My goal is to get down to 120 lbs eventually, but at 150, I have a ways to go.

    My weekly goals are:
    walk/jog at least 3 times a week
    Cardio/circuit training workout video at least 3 times a week
    Strength training 3 times a week (when not included with my circuit training)

    say NO to the sweets!
    Make healthier food choices overall (better nutritionally--not just low cal)
    Record everything that I eat, every day
    Stay under calorie goal every day

    Drink at least 64 oz of water a day (I struggle with this one but may up the amt as I go)
    Cut down on diet soda to only one every other day (eventually cut it out completely...but gotta take baby steps! lol)

    Hello again Joy! Glad to see you in this challenge! I think we've all gained some weight during the holiday season but the new year is here and you sound motivated so it will come off on no time!