Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
  • So far I have kept to my goals this week. I have done 1/2 days of abs 1/3 days of arms. Today I will finish my 2nd day for ab workout and 2nd for arms and then Saturday do my third day of arms. Mandy I agree putting our goals down makes us more aware and conscientious (sp?)! Hope you ladies are having a great week!
  • Hello ladies! It's wonderful to have all your support and have all of you inspire me to push further and be healthy. So far I am meeting & exceeding my goals!

    I'm 1 out of two 2 classes for the week
    I did 60 minutes of extra cardio, which is above the 30 i set a goal of....I think I will do an extra hour tomorrow...maybe :-)
    I'm yet to do some strength training

    I have been under my calorie goal the whole week...although I was a little low yesterday....I dont like eating UNDER 1200 if I can help it. Once in a while its okay...I feel like i'm not nourishing my body properly when it happens and I always feel hungry the next day. Also I have a bad past with anorexia and I dont want to slide down that road again....recovery is a long and painful process! I want to do this the proper way...I want to be the healthiest & strongest I can which means nourishing my body properly. I like to eat around 1500 calories per day. It keeps me satisfied, energetic, there's wiggle room for treats without sacrificing an entire meal. Sometimes i eat my exercise calories back....especially when I'm up for 20-24+ hours...but usually I go with the flow...If Im hungry I eat some of them back...if Im not then I dont.

    Anyways, I love this group, it definitely helped me get back on track and I love the accountability! I'm close to TOM so Im not sure if Ill be weighing in tomorrow or if Im waiting until it's done :-)
  • Hello ladies! It's wonderful to have all your support and have all of you inspire me to push further and be healthy. So far I am meeting & exceeding my goals!

    I'm 1 out of two 2 classes for the week
    I did 60 minutes of extra cardio, which is above the 30 i set a goal of....I think I will do an extra hour tomorrow...maybe :-)
    I'm yet to do some strength training

    I have been under my calorie goal the whole week...although I was a little low yesterday....I dont like eating UNDER 1200 if I can help it. Once in a while its okay...I feel like i'm not nourishing my body properly when it happens and I always feel hungry the next day. Also I have a bad past with anorexia and I dont want to slide down that road again....recovery is a long and painful process! I want to do this the proper way...I want to be the healthiest & strongest I can which means nourishing my body properly. I like to eat around 1500 calories per day. It keeps me satisfied, energetic, there's wiggle room for treats without sacrificing an entire meal. Sometimes i eat my exercise calories back....especially when I'm up for 20-24+ hours...but usually I go with the flow...If Im hungry I eat some of them back...if Im not then I dont.

    Anyways, I love this group, it definitely helped me get back on track and I love the accountability! I'm close to TOM so Im not sure if Ill be weighing in tomorrow or if Im waiting until it's done :-)

    Way to go girl!! I feel the same way about not eating too little I feel weak and tend to get headaches easier when I haven't eaten enough!! So happy you're meeting your personal goals!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @ Wimberly, Sammie -- great job you guys! Its fantastic that both of you have been doing really well so far!

    By the way, the week for our group goes from Mon. - Sun., so if you want to keep your weigh-in synced up with our weekly goals, you should weigh-in on Mondays.

    @ Sammie - it sounds like weighing in on Mon. would work out better for you anyway! :smile:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    I like to eat around 1500 calories per day. It keeps me satisfied, energetic, there's wiggle room for treats without sacrificing an entire meal. Sometimes i eat my exercise calories back....especially when I'm up for 20-24+ hours...but usually I go with the flow...If Im hungry I eat some of them back...if Im not then I dont.
    I feel the same way about not eating too little I feel weak and tend to get headaches easier when I haven't eaten enough!!
    @ Sammie, Wimberly - I'm with you guys! I feel weak and can't think (let alone exercise!) if I don't eat at least ~1650 cal/day. I feel best and don't get too hungry if I eat ~1750 cal/day (my maintenance without exercise), so my calorie goal is set at 1750 cal, and my calorie deficit is usually solely from exercise. I try to exercise every day, and plan on just maintaining on the occasional days that I don't exercise.
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    1st full challenge day...check.
    60(+)minutes of exercise...check.
    Completed my diary...check.
    Attitude still in check...check!
    LOL! Goodnight ladies!
  • 1st full challenge day...check.
    60(+)minutes of exercise...check.
    Completed my diary...check.
    Attitude still in check...check!
    LOL! Goodnight ladies!

    WAY TO GO!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    We're on Day 5 of Week 1, and I'm glad that everyone has been doing well so far! Let's all continue to do well through the weekend and finish Week 1 really strong! :drinker:

    When you post next Mon. to comment on your Week 1 progress and to post your goals for Week 2, I suggest that you include a summary of your weight loss progress at the top of your post, as an easy way to track your progress and to increase accountability. If you have a weight loss goal for this 4 week challenge, you can post that as well.

    Here's an example:

    Weight loss goal: 4.0 lbs
    Weight loss total: 1.2 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 135.6 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 134.4 (-1.2 lbs)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:
  • Did a double whammy today with my workout...Spin & zumba. TOM is still MIA lol.
    I weighed in this morning and I think I may use that weight on Monday as my "official weigh in".
    Unless I am still waiting by Monday....then I'll be running to the drugstore for a preggo-eggo test and then logging my official weight ;-P
  • We're on Day 5 of Week 1, and I'm glad that everyone has been doing well so far! Let's all continue to do well through the weekend and finish Week 1 really strong! :drinker:

    When you post next Mon. to comment on your Week 1 progress and to post your goals for Week 2, I suggest that you include a summary of your weight loss progress at the top of your post, as an easy way to track your progress and to increase accountability. If you have a weight loss goal for this 4 week challenge, you can post that as well.

    Here's an example:

    Weight loss goal: 4.0 lbs
    Weight loss total: 1.2 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 135.6 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 134.8 (-1.2 lbs)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Great set up!

    Also, I HAVE been finishing my diary....but I do it on my iPhone since breaking out my laptop before bed is a little annoying. I think for some reason the iPhone app does not post on the news feed if its after midnight SMH.
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Did a double whammy today with my workout...Spin & zumba. TOM is still MIA lol.
    I weighed in this morning and I think I may use that weight on Monday as my "official weigh in".
    Unless I am still waiting by Monday....then I'll be running to the drugstore for a preggo-eggo test and then logging my official weight ;-P
    @ Sammie - :laugh: Yup, you can use today's weight -- but you can always adjust it later if you find that your weight on a subsequent day better reflects your "true" weight. And that was one awesome workout!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    We're on Day 5 of Week 1, and I'm glad that everyone has been doing well so far! Let's all continue to do well through the weekend and finish Week 1 really strong! :drinker:

    When you post next Mon. to comment on your Week 1 progress and to post your goals for Week 2, I suggest that you include a summary of your weight loss progress at the top of your post, as an easy way to track your progress and to increase accountability. If you have a weight loss goal for this 4 week challenge, you can post that as well.

    Here's an example:

    Weight loss goal: 4.0 lbs
    Weight loss total: 1.2 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 135.6 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 134.4 (-1.2 lbs)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Great set up!

    Also, I HAVE been finishing my diary....but I do it on my iPhone since breaking out my laptop before bed is a little annoying. I think for some reason the iPhone app does not post on the news feed if its after midnight SMH.
    @ Sammie - that makes sense, and its good info to keep in mind. So far I've never had a problem because I'm usually in bed by ~9PM. :smile:
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    We're on Day 5 of Week 1, and I'm glad that everyone has been doing well so far! Let's all continue to do well through the weekend and finish Week 1 really strong! :drinker:

    When you post next Mon. to comment on your Week 1 progress and to post your goals for Week 2, I suggest that you include a summary of your weight loss progress at the top of your post, as an easy way to track your progress and to increase accountability. If you have a weight loss goal for this 4 week challenge, you can post that as well.

    Here's an example:

    Weight loss goal: 4.0 lbs
    Weight loss total: 1.2 lbs (Week 1)

    Week 0: 135.6 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1: 134.4 (-1.2 lbs)
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:
    Good idea Mimi! I will have to change my weigh day to Monday, but that's okay...I need a little extra motivation not to splurge over the weekend!

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT Friday! :D
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this monday weigh in thing :bigsmile: I have a very hard time on the weekends and tend to gain weight:blushing: Friday weigh-ins allow me a chance to drop some of the weight from the previous weekend lol

    I guess I'm not here to only eat well on weekdays...I need to improve my weekend eating habits too :happy:
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this monday weigh in thing :bigsmile: I have a very hard time on the weekends and tend to gain weight:blushing: Friday weigh-ins allow me a chance to drop some of the weight from the previous weekend lol

    I guess I'm not here to only eat well on weekdays...I need to improve my weekend eating habits too :happy:
    @ Maria -- it sounds like weighing in on Mon. would be perfect for you then! :laugh:
  • Happy Friday Everyone!

    I'm not sure how I feel about this monday weigh in thing :bigsmile: I have a very hard time on the weekends and tend to gain weight:blushing: Friday weigh-ins allow me a chance to drop some of the weight from the previous weekend lol

    I guess I'm not here to only eat well on weekdays...I need to improve my weekend eating habits too :happy:

    We can push that "eating healthy 7 days a week" thing together because I tend to slack on weekends. Or at least if we eat really well during the week allow for some extra calories to be eaten on the weekend.
  • What a GREAT week 1 so far! I am most certainly not weighing in until Monday because Mother Nature left her monthly gift at my door yesterday and I feel GROSS. I hate that feeling :( Makes me feel like I ate everything I put my eyes on lol. So I have been power cleaning the house so it will be clean and I don't have to do anything tomorrow when we get back and am going to go on a run in a bit! Funny how your period has that effect on you because all week I was feeling fabulouse from eating so well and working out a lot. Now today I feel like I accomplished nothing. I know this is temporary so I won't get upset I just needed to vent, lol. Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    I DID IT!! I completed my Saturday diary...with not horrible results I might add! YAY!! I was a bit nervous because we spent time with friends which was great, but their kitchen is not a "no junk zone"... :S However, I made it through! Had some great exercise today and am actually looking forward to Monday's weigh-in. ;) Here's to a great rest of the weekend! Catch ya all later!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    @ Wimberly & Jess -- congrats on doing great so far! Keep up the good work today!

    I've also had a good Week 1 so far! I'm really happy that I made it through the week without bingeing, even though work was very stressful and I wasn't able to exercise at all because I was sick. Usually those two factors are a deadly combination and bingeing is a foregone conclusion, but it didn't happen this time! :happy: Because work is so hectic, I've had to work all day yesterday and will be working all day today, but I think the eating will remain under control today.

    I'm also looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in!