

  • I ran 5k (the distance, not the race) for the first time yesterday, 34minutes exactly. But I've only been running for 2 months (and I don't finish c25k til tomorrow) so I figure it's decent. I'd like to get it under 30 minutes at least, at some point. One day....
  • Hmm I had never heard of that. It sounds okay, although the first 3 weeks are only running 30 minutes, which is the same as the last week of c25k, which I think might get a bit boring. But it might be worth a try.
  • Interesting to read about C210K, wish I had heard of it! I'm doing C25K right now, I'm about to start week 9 tomorrow. I can't believe I'm nearly done! It really feels like yesterday and not 2 months ago that I could barely finish running for 1 minute. Now I'm up to 30! I'm not sure what I'm going to do after C25K. I've…
  • I'm in the middle of week 7 and I'm surprised at how well it's working out. A little over 2 months ago I could barely run for a minute at at ime, now I'm running 25 minutes at a time (or about 2 1/4 miles). I make sure to pace myself, to go slower than I think I should, because I think right now completing the time is more…
  • I've been doing C25K 4 days a week, just because for me it's something mental that helps keep me motivated and doing it. I don't do more than 2 days in a row, so lately I've been doing it Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
  • I've been using Nike+ GPS and the c25k app for my iphone, I have runkeeper pro app downloaded and I'll use it when I'm done with the c25k program. I like the nike+ gps app but I don't like that I can't tell it when I'm warming up and cooling down, which lowers my average pace. I bought an armband for my iphone from target…
  • Yeah, I think the trick to running that 20 minute run is just to pace yourself. Oh and try not to look at the time, lol. I guess the running/walking intervals have gotten our legs prepared for the 20 minute run, the hardest part for me was breathing but I just kept trying to have my breathing controlled and then it was all…
  • Just had to update my own post... I did it! Finished the 20 minute interval without walking.. and felt like I could've kept going. What an amazing feeling... I ran 1.78miles.. I've never run more than a mile at a time, and the last time that happened was about a decade ago. I'm so proud of myself. :)
  • Thanks for all the sympathy, advice and ideas everyone! I guess I do eat a lot of processed foods, I need to cut that back.. the last week hasn't been typical of what I usually eat (for those of you who looked at my diary, I was on spring break and unfortunately being bad), but I will start making an effort to eat more…
  • Hi, new to the boards here but I've been lurking for a bit and using this site to help track my food for about a month. I did w3d1 today and was so excited... I had been dreading those 3 minutes and was surprised that I actually survived them. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, a few weeks ago I could barely run a…