I think you may be onto something there! I am impatient, and I want change and I want it now!!! but I know that's not going to happen. I'm already in the habit of exercising regularly :) I've always been pretty active/
Anywhere between 1300-1800...depends how hungry I am!
Laughing Cow do an "Extra Light" which is 20 calories :)
Yes please! Totally got off track this month. 5 weeks will kick my bum back in gear I'm sure!
I work at McD's! Those over-nights are killer. Do you get a break? I make turkey salad wraps and bring them in, fill them with veggies and grab a fruit bag. They fill me up on long shifts. Our manager would kill us we stole a nugget here or there haha! Self control!
It is hard! I suffer from BED and I have had the worst week, a part of me just feels like "what's the point?" It just takes motivation, and time. Weight loss and getting a healthy lifestyle can be slow. I'm re-starting my path to a healthy life, so I'd love to add you :) we can motivate eachother!
One right here! I'm from Sheffield. Nice to meet you :)
I joined this group a few weeks ago, but think I'll introduce myself. Hi! My name is Paige, I've suffered from eating disorders for 3 years now. I started bingeing in August last year after following a very restrictive lifestyle (700 calories a day - no good.) But even as I started eating more and recovering, I still kept…
Hi Rachel, you're brave for sharing your story. And brave for coming back too!! Don't give up, you can achieve your goals if you want them enough! Feel free to add me, I'm always here for support and a chat!
Hi there! It's so easy to give up, so well done for coming back!! Hope you can find something that works this time! I sent you a friend request :)
I was blessed (or cursed) with being born on Valentine's day! (Happy birthday to me~) This year is my first in 2 years being single, so I grabbed all my nearest and dearest; taking them from their significant others, and we drank wine, danced and had a great night. So this Valentine's day, after a 'hangover breakfast' with…
Helloo! I have suffered from binge-eating, and I'm currently on the waiting list to see a therapist. (5 week wait...). I know there's no magic cure, but one of the things I do is leave out healthy snacks. I am a night time binger too; leaving an apple or a bunch of grapes by my bed tends to help. A tip I learnt from a MFP…
Haha visiting home is always a diet-killer :P Thank you all for responding. I felt so guilty considering how well all my friends are doing on here! But I have to say, my friend makes a wonderful Victoria Sponge...I will enjoy the memory.
Mine is open! I'll send you a request, we're round about the same age too - which seems to be rare for me :p
I have 4lbs to go! Started losing in September. Aiming for 1lb a week now, so hopefully next month. I was and still am a healthy BMI, but I ended up gaining a lot first year of uni. Proud to say I've lost that and a lil more.
I'm a binger! Thank you for sharing your story, I'll try this tip next time. I know how it feels to just NEED to binge on something. For me, it's bread. It would be nice to be able to have it in the house again!
I work at a Mcds, eat there twice a week and lose weight. Most of the menu can easily fit round your macros (it's the fries/soda that'll get you). Saying that, 9 hour shifts running round screaming "we need more fries!!!" Makes weight loss a little easier ha.
Thank you! How many phases does it have/how long do you workout for? I was having a look at NROLFW earlier.
Oh wow, that is a lot of info! Thank you so much, I will be having a good read through
Best Kebab, a take-away in my home town. Their pepperoni pizza is to die for!
Great figure (love the dress)
30 Day Shred, 15 minutes of pilates. Then a 6 hour shift at the restaurant I work at. My footsies hurt.
I have. I lost 7lbs between December-January, even with festive drinking and the "student" lifestyle. It's perhaps slower than some people would like, but I only had 10lbs left to lose. I don't know all the sciences behind weight-loss, but just speaking from my weight-loss. Just make sure you don't stop by a take-away on…
Ryan Gosling. parents always did encourage me to aim high.
LOL This exactly!!
As a McEmployee, their food is not remotely tempting. Being around that stuff 8-9 hours a day is enough to put anyone off!
2nd year uni student! Gained 10lbs (eek!) in my first year. Lost all that and a lil extra thanks to MFP. I;ll send you an add :)
I went out for lunch, got roast chicken, veggies, roast potatoes & a Yorkshire pudding. Was awfully shocked when it came to 724 calories!! Managed to stay within my limit that day...but still, that is a LOT for one meal.
I wouldn't say so!! I tried it when I first started losing weight, the shakes are 230 calories and I always ended up snacking because they weren't filling! You might as well have 230 cals of salad or veggies. You'll be fuller and it'll be damn more tasty.
LMAO exactly who I thought of! My appetite is a bit bigger - but I crave tuna sandwiches during my period. I don't have sweets in my house so that's never an issue. Pretty sure a few tuna sarnies over 2 days won't kill me.