phyljen Member


  • HI SNEAKERS, My son and his wife were here visiting from Seattle for a week and I had so much fun with them here that I forgot about everything else. I love having the Family visit. Now I am planning my Christmas/New years vacation over in Abu Dhabi to be with my daughter and her girls. I think I'll stay about 10 days!…
  • my 7 week old beauty. Couldn't resist sending one more shot. I know I am out of control. But I can't help myself.
  • I do feel better today. THANKS!!! FINALLY but the best part was getting to go and help bath little Talia and here is a pic of her after the bath and all ready to go out with her parents. Lin your soup looks delicious. Phyllis
  • Hi again ladies. I've stayed pretty much home again today today. I did go out to church in the morning for a few hours. I THOUGHT I was on the improve! Except I was still having sporadic cramping that about knocked my socks off. So I took a walk to the pharmacy ( it's only a few blocks from my house) to see if I should be…
  • Feeling yucky today.I must have eaten something bad when I went out to eat with some ladies yesterday. I don't usually ever get sick but oh my, Pharaohs Revenge really got me. I've just rested all day and stayed close to my throne!! Those cramps just keep attacking my tummy. It is not fun. Hope that tomorrow will be a…
  • wanted to send a updated pic of my little TALIA and me that I took last night when visiting her. Sure do enjoy having the grand daughter close by. Phyllis r c
  • I just heard via FB that two of my classmates passed away this past week. One died in her sleep due to complications with her heart and the other one, bless her heart died when her ATV rolled on top of her. I am still in shock. Kathy, the one that had the ATV accident and I were good friends in HS. We spent a lot of time…
  • Lovely Saturday here in Cairo as well. Sorry I am an idiot when it come to Graphics but ANNE, let me just wish you an Belated Birthday. All the graphics that others put were amazing. and your apply trees look delicious!! Oh my goodness I can just imagine the juices spurting out when you take a bite. I love the green crispy…
  • Buzz, What a busy day you had. I got tired just hearing all about your BUZZING around. No wonder you said someone breath for you!! Shirley, How old is Issac. I love the pic of both of you . thanks for sharing. Marie, How do you know you are balancing the protein, carbs and everything? You are doing great. Stay in those 180…
  • Hello Again, I have been at the beach at our chalet with my son, his wife and the 5 week old baby. Can't say that Talia, the baby, really enjoyed her first visit to the beach, but we had fun taking her with us and I loved playing and holding her as much as I could. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians! I had forgotten…
  • Shirley and Marie, I sent you friend requests on FB. I hope you will accept. I have been busy today collecting information about the students I taught for the past many years. I went to the school and looked up old year books so I can have the correct names of the kids I taught each year. Now to start to organize and make…
  • Hi Everyone, Well now I am concerned too about Anne. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying too that she is ok. It is true that we are a close group. I know I am in and out and I know that when things heat up over here you are all probably wondering about me too. I am sorry if I ever made anyone worry. Usually I am just…
  • Hi Everyone. Have been busy with my sons little baby the last few days. His wife is still afraid to bath the baby alone so I get to go over and help her with that fun task. I love bathing babies and this little girl loves the water so it is a pleasant task. she has been fussy the last couple of days and really cries a lot…
  • Off to our beach house early tomorrow morning. Be back on Saturday. Have a good week end everyone. Phyllis
  • I went out to the track and did some jogging this morning. Haven't been out there for a while.I've done my dvd and the 3 days a week swimming routine so it was good to shake it up a little. Came home and made a turkey casserole with some turkey that I had in the freezer and glad to have that used up. Supposed to be going…
  • Sandy, the Nurse pierced her ears in the hospital only a few hours after her birth. She cried for a very short time when they poked the ear ring in her ear but then stopped. It actually seemed she cried more from being awoken than anything else. I was amazed. They say that the longer you wait to get your ears pierced the…
  • and two of my newest little grand daughter Talia. She is almost 2 weeks old.
  • Thought I'd add a couple pics too of my grand daughters. the younger on is about the same age as Issac. Her name is Rayhana. Fayrouz is the 3 year old.
  • Hello everyone from Cairo tonight. It was a nice /quiet day for me. Fridays are like that because I go to church and get to just relax for a few hours. the children did the program at church and it was delightful to hear them share their talks and songs with everyone. I really felt inspired after listening and watching…
  • HI ALL. The weather is getting a teeny bit cooler here but still in the 90's. My morning swim felt good even at 5:30 am. My sister and her husband are on that medifast diet with all the products that you buy and eat round the clock. They have both lost a lot of weight but I worry about what will happen when they quit…
  • Good Morning All, So nice to have a morning to sit and read all the posts and think about all you friends that I have. Sounds like everyone is busy doing a variety of things. I swam this morning at 5:30,then attended a meditation activity for 30 minutes ( I go to it every Tuesday and quite enjoy the quiet meditation time)…
  • Last night I got to visit my son and DIL and see and hold the baby. Her umbilical cord fell off so they were anxious to bath her but afraid to at the same time. I love bathing babies so I taught her how to bath the baby. It was so very fun to give her the first bath. She is only 5 days old. We sure feel grateful to have…
  • HI ALL, I GET TO GO SEE THE BABY TODAY! She is over with her mother since she had the c-section so we don't get to see her daily. But when they move back here I'll get to see her every day, If I want to. Shirley sorry about the allergies. They can be so annoying. My sisters had hay fever and we lived on a farm and when the…
  • WELL Everyone I have good news! I'm a third time grandma. It has been a busy week because on Monday the baby was born. It was very exciting , (although it was 4:00 am when my sone called to tell me he had just taken his wife to the hospital) to know that the baby was on the way. "MOM, he says, I'm at the hospital because…
  • Today, my Dear Husband and I wet out at 9:00 to get our drivers licenses renewed. Finally got the job done and was home by 3:30!! no kidding. What a day. Made me really wish I was back home in the states and could take care of that in less than an hour!!! WE rode all over Cairo from one office to the next getting a stamp…
  • We are back from the beach. It was a nice time there weather wise. I love the breeze that cools off the air a bit. There was a huge concert on the beach. Some Egyptian group. Silly old me had no idea who the group was but it was fun to go anyway. something interesting to watch. I like people watching too. Many youth seemed…
  • Glad that Jackie is back home and recovering. Good news!!! I am heading to the beach in a few hours and we won't be back until Sunday. My husband needs this R and R so I hope he can relax a lot for the next few days. He works too hard. Toodaloo... Phyllis
  • Sandy, My mom used to be on the computer but since her eyes have gotten so bad she cannot go on her lap top anymore. She can hardly see a thing in her left eye and the right eye is completely blind. I do use the google chat with my daughter and love it. But last night she forgot that my magic jack line was not working and…
  • The magic jack and the vonage plan that I had to use to call my mom has been banned by Egyptian Government. so I can't call my mom on them any more. BUMMER. I hooked up to Skype and have a plan now but I can only call her. she can't call me. But it is better than nothing. It's been a less stressful day for sure. Started…
  • It was a crazy busy day. A while back we bought a lot of furniture and appliances from a couple from Scotland that were moving and had to sell everything. Today was the day they wanted us to pick it up. so my husband, son and brother in law went to collect the things, appliances like refrigerator, stove, washing machine,…