OOhh my .. I was wondering where my brain lol lol lol I lost it when I let myself get this lol lol oh well time to get it back,...
You Look GREAT for 5 months in.... keep it up.. :):)
well to start with My highest ever was 269. in 2009, in 3 years i made it down to 170, but them went to see my mom in the hospital in lower 48 and went back up to 240. so I QUIT CHOCOLATE. (and I was a chocoholic) I have not eaten chocolate since December 31 2012. then I tried to exercise but to no avail. But when I had to…
all I can say is WOW... I am just starting here and your advice is good for me.. I will kick the FAT BUG and get thin.. :)
thank you both for the welcome.. I will try and do my best..