

  • Works for me because I am analytical enough to put in all the food and then back off eating at the end of the day if need be. Exercise walking turns out to be really really significant in terms of calorie burn, so do a lot of that if you can. Be patient and persistent and you will shed pounds.
  • How are your goals set? I set for 2 pounds per week, and eight weeks later I am 15 pounds lighter. I have rarely gone over my 1550 cal target but often come in under, but its because I exercise a lot. I also shifted my diet from a lot of carbs from granola and rice to protein and good fat. Set routine: breakfast is chopped…
  • Medium heated Skillet, olive oil, garlic salt. Chop red, green, yellow peppers and saute till half cooked. 3 slices of canadian bacon, chopped Add one or two eggs and scramble. Finish by adding 5 chopped kalamata olives. Very tasty, satisfying and lasts a long time. I alternate with spinach instead of the peppers, heaping…
  • For Droid phones I use RideTrac. Location, speed, distance. Clunky but works.
  • Why don't weight lifting calories count? I get a lot of credit for walking the dog but nothing for an intense gym workout. Please explain if you know. Thanks.
  • A lot of those values are estimates so don't worry about those details. Err on the high side on protein and the low side on carbs, and if you stick to the calorie count you WILL lose weight. Usually when you start a program like this you gain some weight due to muscle conversion from fat, but that muscle will eventually…
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