A near perfect day - if only it were so easy

February 13 was my 3rd day tracking on here, and I thought "man, I have this DOWN."

Here it was:

Daily calorie goal was 2050, and I consumed 2021 (29 under)
Daily carb goal was 282, and I consumed 272 (10 under)
Daily carb goal was 77, and I consumed 70 (7 under)
Daily fat goal was 77, and I consumed 98 (21 over)

All in all it was a pretty spot-on day as far as intake and balance of foods.

And I haven't had another day quite like that.

I've been close in my calorie counts most days (within 150 each day since except for once), but it seems that one of the other categories (usually carbs or fat) are over a bit. All in all I am very pleased, but I thought it was rather funny to have such a near-perfect day so early and then not really get back to that point on all 4 categories again (yet).


  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    It's not about being perfect, it's about being better.
    even on the days I don't hit my MFP goals I'm still doing better than I was before I was tracking at all.

    Make one small improvement until it's a habit, then make one more small improvement, etc.
  • savvynurse
    Great job!!! I just mainly track cals and protein. When I am under in cals I am usually WAY over in protein.... go figure!!
  • tekbro
    A lot of those values are estimates so don't worry about those details. Err on the high side on protein and the low side on carbs, and if you stick to the calorie count you WILL lose weight. Usually when you start a program like this you gain some weight due to muscle conversion from fat, but that muscle will eventually burn more carbs than the fat so you win. You have to stick to the plan for the first few weeks and it will kick in. Trust me.