

  • Yes we can! Count calories and you will lose weight ;)
  • It really depends on the person and how hard you exercise. I hit the treadmill the other night at 11:30pm because I realized I over ate and needed to burn 300 calories. I slept like a baby. I generally hit the gym at about 7pm because I am not a morning person and the exercise truly exhausts me and helps remove the stress…
  • Definitely eat some if not all of the calories earned by working out. Your body is a machine and the more your work it, the more it will burn calories for you. Your body needs the protein to build muscle. Drink plenty of water too. We tend to forget to flush the toxins out of our body as well.
  • I am going to tell you that you are probably not eating enough. I know it may sound strange, but your body is a machine and it needs fuel. Most people need a minimum 1200 calorie diet per day. I am personally at 2000/day and with my work outs sometimes over 2500! The more fuel you put in your body, the more it works to…