
Beth1978 Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am trying to figure all of this out with the calorie consumption and calories gained from exercise. Am I supposed to consume those extra calories? Can I just leave them out of my consumption? I want to lose weight, not maintain the weight that I am currently at. I am not going to complain if I lose more than my 1 pound per week goal.


  • Your best bet is going to be to eat your exercise calories. This is a definite point of contention so I recommend you read the sticky notes at the top of the page. But you took the time to put the weight on, and I highly recommend taking it off the right way by fueling your body the harder you work it, and don't stick to a straight up 1200 calories. If you read the posts here, you'll meet quite a few people who have had major success by eating some or all of their exercise calories every time they work out. JMO, maybe not everybody elses...
  • I eat my calories because I don't want my body to kick into starvation mode. It's not a challenge for me to eat them all. I have managed to lose weight still eating my calories.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Here is a much loved (and very long) link explaining the calories on the site and eating exercise calories.

    The long and the short of it is you should eat them. You need to think of it like this - Your body needs 1200 calories to not hit survival mode. If you eat 1200 and burn 300 then you've technically only taken in 900 calories. Not enough. So your body will still eventually freak out that it's not getting enough nutrition.
  • Definitely eat some if not all of the calories earned by working out. Your body is a machine and the more your work it, the more it will burn calories for you. Your body needs the protein to build muscle. Drink plenty of water too. We tend to forget to flush the toxins out of our body as well.
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    I wasn't eating my calories back, and thought like you that what is the point of exercising just to eat it back. I was coming under my calorie goal by 500-600 and I stopped losing weight at some point. Then I started trying to come closer, by say200-300 calories near my goal, and I have lost 5 pounds in the last week. I know for me eating more has definitely helped.
  • I get online and play around with my food journal. I get a good idea of what I can consume so I don't end up with 1,000 cals at the end of the day. Eat bigger breakfasts and lunches and don't forget those snacks. Eat to lose :) Sometimes I eat all of my exercise cals and sometimes I'm not hungry, but I keep it close to goal.
  • Beth...I am glad that you asked that. I was pretty good yesterday but I have to tell you...I am really going to struggle to consume all of my calories today if I still go exercise yet tonight. I might have to try to go eat a banana and then work out to try to get as close as possible. Of course, it doesn't help that I gave up eating between meals for I really need to get all of those calories in three sittings. Definitely need a bigger breakfast tomorrow!!!! Love, your favorite sil! Okay...maybe your favorite sil on your side of the family!!!!
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