

  • I have asthma as well, and yes, it can be a real headache when you're trying to make those healthier lifestyle changes (exercise). You're right to consult your doctor, asthma is nothing to mess with, just make sure you keep him/her in the loop as your progress so that he/she can assist you with changes. I would also…
  • I've torn both my ACL and my meniscus .. when you tear your ACL it literally feels like fire in your knee, followed by swelling .. it sounds, by your description, almost like you tore your Meniscus, which depending on the severity, may require corrective surgery (not always, your doc will guide you). I have chronic pain…
  • Hi Hallz ~ I too, have had an ACL-hamstring graft repair. I had my first surgery in 2003 and initially things looked good. A few months into my recuperation I found I was having a lot of pain (felt like someone was sticking knives in my knee) and my surgeon said "Really? You shouldn't be having any pain" .. um, ya think? I…