I think I tore something in my right knee

I did this over a year ago and thought it would heal. I even remember when it happened, it sounded like something snapped in my knee. It went away for awhile and when I've been stepping up my exercise, it's back. I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday for it. I can't bend with pressure very easily. Like, I want to do lunches and squats and it hurts. Going up steps hurt. If my knee is bent when I'm sitting for a long period of time, it hurts. I'm afraid that nothing can be done for this and I will always have to put up with the pain... or surgery. :(


  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    How odd that you posted this. I could have almost wrote this. The only thing is mine is not hurting all that bad. My knee burns to the right of it. I am going to the bone Dr. Wed. with a trigger finger and going to ask him to xray my knee. I think I hurt mine a while back and it's flaring up again.
  • ShadowSpiritRider
    I've torn both my ACL and my meniscus .. when you tear your ACL it literally feels like fire in your knee, followed by swelling .. it sounds, by your description, almost like you tore your Meniscus, which depending on the severity, may require corrective surgery (not always, your doc will guide you).

    I have chronic pain (sharp, stabbing pain at the front of the knee) from my 2 surgeries .. it's just something I'm having to live with. Ibuprofen and ice become your best friends when you add exercise, but remember that exercise strengthens your muscles and helps to prevent further injury.

    Best advice .. talk with your doctor, and be very frank about where it hurts, the level of pain you're in, and when it hurts so he/she can make the best diagnosis for you.