

  • Great Googly Moogly. Nope, haven't read every post - got bored about midway through. OP - I volunteer with some groups who provide free legal information (not advice - we're not practicing law without a license before anyone goes there). Kids, in your situation, ARE going to be the deal breaker. I see it every day - one…
  • I'm so glad you're doing so well! Granted, I'm still not at the "acceptance" stage yet - these are new diagnoses (cirrhosis, portal hypertension, varices, gastropathy). I'm sure it will come eventually - I just wish it would hurry itself up! I'm in a sort of holding pattern. I'm not sick enough to be placed on the…
  • I'm messing around with lots of recipes for fish and seafood. I'm a huge spice fan, which is probably a good thing since I have to be careful with sodium. We can do this :)