Dealing with serious illness

I'm diagnosed with cirrhosis (plus complications). I'm also hypothyroid, and I suffer from anemia.

(Still reading? I don't want to scare anyone off :) )

I've been advised to lose weight. Okay, no problem, right? Eat more good stuff, less bad stuff and move more. Sounds logical to me!

I understand I'm asking a terribly nosy question but I'm wondering how many of us with severe health conditions are here?

(Both my GI team and my PCP are aware of all conditions, and want to concentrate more on the liver damage than the anemia and the thyroid issue)

Low good fats - check
Low-medium good carbs - check
Low-sodium (oh is that a pain!) - check
Adequate protein - check.

It's just hard trying to organize meals with those criteria while eating enough calories.

Anyone else in a similar boat?


  • CantStopWontStop92
    *raises hand* :)

    Not remotely related to what you're dealing with and not nearly as serious, but I've got issues with my lungs collapsing. Personally I've really struggled with challenging myself physically without feeling like I'm suffocating. Like with your issues though it just comes down to how much you want it. I've had to completely rethink my workouts and come to terms with the fact that I can't go out and run like I used to. It also takes some mental adjustment as well. Be sensitive to your limitations and don't get down on yourself for what you can't control. I remember going for runs and almost being in tears because I couldn't go nearly as far as I was used to. I've since switched to weight training and while I miss running, I'm actually seeing even better results.

    Moral of the story: don't get down on yourself for your limitations and be flexible! If you really want a healthy life, you'll find a way around your health issues.
  • Prioritees
    *raises hand* :)

    Not remotely related to what you're dealing with and not nearly as serious, but I've got issues with my lungs collapsing. Personally I've really struggled with challenging myself physically without feeling like I'm suffocating. Like with your issues though it just comes down to how much you want it. I've had to completely rethink my workouts and come to terms with the fact that I can't go out and run like I used to. It also takes some mental adjustment as well. Be sensitive to your limitations and don't get down on yourself for what you can't control. I remember going for runs and almost being in tears because I couldn't go nearly as far as I was used to. I've since switched to weight training and while I miss running, I'm actually seeing even better results.

    Moral of the story: don't get down on yourself for your limitations and be flexible! If you really want a healthy life, you'll find a way around your health issues.

    I'm so glad you're doing so well!

    Granted, I'm still not at the "acceptance" stage yet - these are new diagnoses (cirrhosis, portal hypertension, varices, gastropathy). I'm sure it will come eventually - I just wish it would hurry itself up!

    I'm in a sort of holding pattern. I'm not sick enough to be placed on the transplant list immediately - but I'm obviously sick enough to have to take somewhat drastic steps.

    I'm learning how to tweak recipes too; what I've found is that generally low-fat often comes at a price - higher sodium. Too much protein will let the ammonia build up again and I'm at risk for another bout of encephalitis. That wasn't fun (I had a conversation with my husband and a little girl - except neither of them were present!).

    My biggest challenge at the moment is eating enough. I suck at that!