pursuitofoblivion Member


  • jgnatca- YOU ARE DEAD WRONG HAHA It is a sweet meat! I remember it being labeled as such at the store! And apparently that type is common where I live (it was also labeled local, but I didn't read much into that). Thanks to both of you! I'm going to preheat the oven now!
  • I don't think it's a button squash. It doesn't quite have the 'jig-saw' curvature I have seen on those. I'm not so much concerned about recipes (squash pro lol), rather I'd like to know what it will taste like because I'm not in the mood for pumpkiney flavor and want to know if I should just make an acorn or delicate…
  • Thank you! This is all great advice!
  • I'll look into that shortly after I take my midday dose of bolshet
  • Thanks! I believe this imagery could be helpful for me
  • You're at no risk whatsoever until you make the decision to give in to the compulsion to engage disordered behavior. You do have a choice. If you do have underlying emotional issues i would recommend seeking some sort of support. It's easier to make good choices when you feel alright.
  • Yes, I guess what I need to recognize is that I don't have to eat more. While I don't excuse the binging and overeating entirely, I tend to comfort myself after the process by telling myself that it is the medication, not my fault. That's probably setting me up for failure. I understand that I have the ability to eat…
  • My doctors are aware of the side effects I am experiencing (there are others). We agree that this is the best possible option for treating my neuropathic pain at this point in time, and this medication is likely the only thing that will keep me at all functional. So reevaluating the medication is off the table-- sorry i…
  • no medication can't be changed. it's been the only thing that has improved the condition it is treating in 6 years. currently im on the lowest dosage i can remain somewhat functional on, higher i'd probably feel better but side effects would be more severe
  • Nah i need to weigh it or im just skipping them.
  • Ok, I am going to go by the usda's nutrition data for instant coffee because it believe it will be the easiest to convert for my needs and the most accurate. thanks
  • It was this coffee: http://www.worldmarket.com/product/bourbon-flavored-ground-coffee.do?page=2&from=fn I have a unique sense of taste... so yeah, the entire concept may be unappealing to all others but i found it quite nice. I'm not sure if the cafevalverde reference in the livestrong article is a reliable source, and i…
  • Well brewed coffee is 2 calories per 8 oz, but this was not brewed coffee so im assuming it would be more. because rather than hot water soaking over the grounds i ate all of the grounds..