

  • whenever i start to feel discouraged about insanity i always look up peoples pictures and it gives me more motivation im really happy for you i know you must feel so happy about the weight you have lost there is such a difference!! good for youu!!!
  • ive found it really hard to keep my core tight through most of the workouts if those little reminders didnt pop up on the screen or if i didnt have my bf yelling at me to do it to i really dont even have the thinking capacity while working out to think of anything other than to keep breathing :)
  • After my first fit test I could barely walk! it was a huge effort the next day to motivate myself to do the first workout but after the first week or so I felt so much better and now i look forward to pushing myself harder everyday
  • When I did my second fit test I had to really push myself to meet the first test numbers and not to sound annoying but I forced myself to dig a little deeper and do a couple more.. I didnt get drastic numbers but I have lost weight so far so i know its working but you really cant get discouraged which i know is hard but if…
  • try protein shakes and not the already made ones because every brand i have tried tasted like crap but just buy a container of protein i like the chocolate flavor and mix it with skim milk
  • In the morning I'm never big on eating breakfast but I know I have to eat something and I've found that protein shakes are really good for it, sometimes I add strawberries or bananas or even a little peanut butter to change the flavor but they are filling and its alot easier for me to just make one instead of trying to…
  • I just finished my third week of Insanity today and I'm so happy I found other people who are doing it to!! I haven't been eating like the program says to but I have watched everything I eat and I feel good about it. I took pictures after day four and then two weeks later and its really motivated me to keep going because I…