Should I Just Go with Insanity?

Hi. So about a month ago I started seriously doing P90X's lean program. I've seen little results since then. While I am not actually checking the scale because my weight is not my concern, I am measuring inches lost the way I am supposed to. Unfortunately I have lost an underwhelming three inches all around. Even thought from what I understand most results don't happen until phase three, my progress or lack thereof makes me nervous and a little skeptical.

With that, I am considering maybe starting Insanity. I see great reviews on the Internet about it, and even the negative ones are pretty positive. I have an event that I want to maybe look good for in a couple of months, and sixty days is actually a great amount of time. I play an intense sport that I practice for two to three hour a day, and through that practice I'll get weight training. I'm inclined to keep the P90X phase own diet going because I think it is a good plan. Will that be okay? Because I'm practicing so much on top of Insanity, should I increase my caloric intake? I'm fairly short (5'2"-ish) and female if that helps.


  • hellynewman
    hellynewman Posts: 26 Member
    I've been doing Insanity for about 2 weeks now (did my second fit test last night) and i'm finding a lot of pros and cons with it to be honest (some of which you can read here

    I'm feeling i'm lacking in motivation with it at the moment because i actually did worse in some of the fit test exercises last night than in the first one. I think it's really difficult to know whether you're getting your form right or not and frustrating that you can't go flat out like the people on the DVD.

    That being said, i did lose 3lbs in my first week (athough i put 2 on last weekend after a big bank holiday binge) if you can really stick to it it's probably a good thing for your event coming up!

    Helen x
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Options many questions! You are right in understanding that P90X generally does not produce overwhelming results and such until the 3rd phase, but if you're already through 30 days, why not finish it out?? There is also an insanity/p90X hybrid that you can do to continue the weights if you like that aspect. And you can probably incorporate it just into the last 60 days.

    I am in my 6th week of insanity now, and I can tell you that it is an AWESOME program, but much like any other, until the last phase, there are not crazy results! Now, much depends on your starting body size also of course, but the "less you have to lose", I think the longer it unfortunately takes to visibly see results. In my first month I lost 3 measly pounds, but 5 inches. I don't have a ton to lose, but would like to go down another size, and overall tone and look just smoking!! In just the first few workouts of month 2, I can tell you that THIS, is where I'm going to see some sweet results. Are we going to get those kick a$s bods like we see in the videos in 60-90 days? Probably not...but are you going to be looking fantastic, no matter which program you stick with and be well on your way to that body? I think absolutely! The nutrition is much the same in insanity as it is P90X and as always, nutrition is 70-80% of your results. If you do choose to do insanity on top of your already instense workout/training, I would highly suggest revisiting your caloric need and your TDEE. Only doing Insanity 6 days a week and normal other activities, I am eating 1900-2100...I can't IMAGINE what I'd need in my body if I played an intense sport like you do on top of it!!! Good luck, and feel free to friend me if you want some encouragement along the way! I like to see how others come helps to inspire me too!
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    INSANITY won't give you right away results either...I am almost done with week 5 and even though my scale hasn't moved much. I have lost inches around my waist and I am getting into my pre-pregnancy jeans. I would finish out your P90X before giving up on it. You have already started it. Plus make sure your calorie intake is adequate, otherwise your body will hold onto any calories it can with these insane workout programs if it feels like it needs them. If you do go with INSANITY you won't regret it...I LOVE INSANITY!
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Just wanted to chime in that I simply like the title of the post. Sounded like OP was choosing between sanity or slipping into madness.

    "I can feel myself growing crazier each day. Should I just give in to the insanity and enjoy having conversations with imaginary friends and passionate arguments with mailboxes? I have a friend who gave into insanity 2 months ago and that lady is FUN!"

    To the point, any program that builds your fat-burning machine is a good one for the long term. The goal isn't to temporarily starve off the weight with something unsustainable, but build a body and form habits that can take it off and keep it off.
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    A lot of posts have mentioned about increasing calorie intake, and though I'm sure it probably won't happen - what do I do if I'm not hungry and don't feel like eating anything?

    I haven't got much left to lose, so should I still make an effort to eat extra calories - and if so how many - to help lose those extra lbs to stop my body holding on to them - if you know what I mean?
  • Snowychan
    Snowychan Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all of the replies and advice guys!

    Anyways, the main attraction towards Insanity aside from the details above is that I will be going full on into my sport soon. With that, practices will be two and a half hours for preseason and three and a half for regular season. Now naturally the shorter workouts of Insanity are a draw for myself. It sounds like we have a lot of Insanity fans here. (:
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member

    I'm feeling i'm lacking in motivation with it at the moment because i actually did worse in some of the fit test exercises last night than in the first one. I think it's really difficult to know whether you're getting your form right or not and frustrating that you can't go flat out like the people on the DVD.

    So glad it's not just me with the fit test. The jury is still out, I'm 3 weeks in. And I'm hungry. All the time
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    I have completed two rounds of insanity and and lost 60 lbs doing it, it will be the hardest but the most rewarding program you will ever do. I love what the program has done for me that I lowered my high blood pressure, high cholesterol, major depression, and high anxiety. I am starting a challenge group September 2nd if anyone would be interested. I hope all of you get the results you are looking for. Any questions let me know Robert
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    Any questions let me know Robert

    Does it ever stop sucking? Does your appetite ever go back down to normal? I'm glad you lost weight, I've gained a few lbs since starting so hopefully it's temporary.
  • Redwings9212
    In the morning I'm never big on eating breakfast but I know I have to eat something and I've found that protein shakes are really good for it, sometimes I add strawberries or bananas or even a little peanut butter to change the flavor but they are filling and its alot easier for me to just make one instead of trying to force myself to eat something
  • Redwings9212
    A lot of posts have mentioned about increasing calorie intake, and though I'm sure it probably won't happen - what do I do if I'm not hungry and don't feel like eating anything?

    I haven't got much left to lose, so should I still make an effort to eat extra calories - and if so how many - to help lose those extra lbs to stop my body holding on to them - if you know what I mean?

    try protein shakes and not the already made ones because every brand i have tried tasted like crap but just buy a container of protein i like the chocolate flavor and mix it with skim milk