SGomez27 Member


  • I still feel that way and I said other people do. Maybe I meant to say I feel his more...energetic and louder than Holland, that is all.
  • It uses muscle confusion. It takes parts of p90x, Insanity and Chalean and mixes them up in to 10 dvds. There is a diet to follow as well, but I chose not to follow it all, just parts of it. They wnat you to buy Ezekiel bread and it is very expensive for me at the moment. I use myfitnesspal to tract calories and nutrients.…
  • I do have my facts straight and plenty of of other people have said the same thing, so please let us have our opinion! I have done some of the Horton DVDS, not p90x and this is how I feel. We are all allowed to say who we prefer in regards to workouts. That's just human, not wrong!!
  • Yeah I guess it different for everyone. For me I prefer Holland to Horton. I like how he talks more. But that's just me. I couldn't afford p90x at I went with this. ha
  • I don't think I will try it. I really believe you will gain the weight right back after taking the drops or injections. Once you eat above the 800 calories...the weight will pile back on. I don't want to yo yo like that. Oh well interesting though...
  • I logged accurately today and came in under 85 calories. I will try to by a HRM. I mostly do Walk away the Llbs dvds , walking around my town or walking on a treadmill, so I think calories burned is pretty accurate. I am trying to eat all my exercise calories now. Hopefully this will help.
  • Right now I am 85 calories under. That is the best I have done in a while. Should I try to eat some more? I didn't realize I wasnt eating enought!
  • That's great to hear people have lost with her dvds. I love them because they are so easy but I sweat a lot. It's a good workout. I have been doing 3-4 miles a day now for a week with the walk band. I lost 60 lbs then gained back 15, so I am trying to start losing again. I hurt my back so I didn't work out for a month. I…
  • I leave out a lot, but if I clean 30min-60 mins I log it. I usually am doing heavy lifting, moving a lot and for over 30 mins. I think that is considered exercise. However I walk a lot around my house, carry my one year old, but I do not log this kind of stuff. If I shop over an hour, then I log it. Just wanted to see what…
  • Ok thanks, that is what I was doing. I just wanted to accurately log in what I do so I am not completely off, you know? Sarah
  • What do you guys log these exercises as on here? I am having a hard time logging them in for my exercise portion of the journal. Thanks for any help! Sarah