

  • HIIT training is when you go max out for a set amount of time followed by a short break. For instance, I do Tabatas on the elliptical 20 secs as fast as i can go then 10 sec rest. 8 rounds (intervals) in 4 min and I'll usually double that. Its not necessarily your speed that makes it HIIT but more of your effort, hence…
  • Its because its ALL prepackaged and also what they cook it in, oils. Hardly any restaurant chain will have fresh local food. I also think they're in cahoots with the beverage and beer companies to make you thirstier and buy more pop and beer.
  • My recommendation for a protein powder is Optimum Nutrition. I've tried a lot of different ones and ON tastes way better! I make a shake in the mornings that keeps me satisfied til first break. Morning Shake: 1.5 scoops ON choc protein powder, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon Jif Natural PB, and some honey. Blend it well then add…
  • First off, GREAT JOB! For me Gap has always been smaller compared to other brands. I haven't been able to shop there since I was 16 and skinny. I know that men's jeans are usually 2 sizes off. I'm sure women's are probably the same. If I were you I'd still count it as a success. Fitting into smaller clothes is always great!
  • Kick, I do make a big batch at times, but my leftovers never last more than a day. I make it that good! hehe....
  • FishnDad, I do add all those ingredients at once. Those have been my staples for many years now. It started as a pregame meal or quick snack on the go. I LOVE peanut butter, even tho it isn't exactly the healthiest food. I try to eat a spoonful of honey a day as well. Helps with sore throat and its a good natural source of…
  • The biggest misconception in weight loss is that you have to eat less to lose weight. Completely wrong and potentially harmful. When you lower your calories, you basically are starving yourself. During starvation the body tells itself to store fat and burn muscle in order to survive. You do NEED healthy fats in your diet.…
  • Let me know how you like it. The texture is way different than regular oatmeal. There's also tons of different options to add with it. I had to get my steel cut oats from a health food store. Hard to find in local small town grocery stores.
  • Thx Galathea. Just started this 3 days ago. I'm still new to the website. I use my cell more than my computer. That should make things a lot easier!
  • Its not that its a concern to me. Kinda wish you could adjust your daily requirements based on the type of workout (bodybuilding, sport training, toning, weight loss, etc) you do and not just frequency of your workouts. I eat a ton of protein everyday and save my main intake of carbs for before and after workouts.